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  1. keybladeofdarkness4
  2. keybladeofdarkness4
  3. keybladeofdarkness4
    its spinach. not the best idea. tastes like a cat.
    Post by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  4. keybladeofdarkness4
  5. keybladeofdarkness4
  6. keybladeofdarkness4
  7. keybladeofdarkness4
  8. keybladeofdarkness4
  9. keybladeofdarkness4
  10. keybladeofdarkness4
    Renge gigled and patted Advent on the head with the manga "Wow, you sure are pervy Advent. Good thing this car was made with my Data Drain, so if we touch anything, it'll dissapear and a giant pillow will take it's place."
    Post by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jun 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. keybladeofdarkness4
    Profile Post

    a likely story...

    a likely story...
    Profile Post by keybladeofdarkness4 for ArchVice, Jun 24, 2009
  12. keybladeofdarkness4
  13. keybladeofdarkness4
  14. keybladeofdarkness4
  15. keybladeofdarkness4
    OOC: omg color change!? *oblivious*

    BIC: "If you think that now, watch this..." Renge whispered to Angel low enough so Advent couldn't hear then she flipped to another page and showed both of them. "See, Angel if we go swimming you can wear this swimsuit..." Renge pointed to a red bikini that was really just a bunch of string." What do you think Advent? Could you picture Angel in this?" Renge placed the manga near Advent so he would have to look at it.
    Post by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. keybladeofdarkness4
    "Maybe you should focus on driving instead of looking up Angel's skirt...You know, so we dont crash and die?" Renge began flipping through the manga "Hey, Hows about this one?" She showed the manga to Advent and Angel and pointed at the picture of a black and purple lolita style dress with a matching top hat and umbrella.
    Post by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. keybladeofdarkness4
    now you decide to tell me!?
    Post by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Forum Families
  18. keybladeofdarkness4
    Renge jumped into the backseat and rummaged through her bag and found another manga. "Hey Angel, maybe you want a new dress or something? that ones pretty ripped up. My bad."
    Post by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jun 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. keybladeofdarkness4

    Post by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. keybladeofdarkness4
    Post by: keybladeofdarkness4, Jun 22, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone