i also got some ideas from The Host, like from all those people living in the caves, and that would be a way for the main character to escape the...
well, i got the idea for it yesterday when i was watching the Life After People marathon on the History channel. So i thought about some...
your gonna be the main character of my new story. and its not even a short story, its full-fledged, multi-page story. wooo~
"Is the guy some king of boyfriend? or a boss? or a ninja who wants revenge? OR IS IT OPTIMUS PRINME!?"
nothing much really, but i have decided what to give you for your birthday!
"Oh well, can i at least have some liquid refreshment? Im thristy and whatnot."
"And I'm getting adopted apparently." Renge shrugged "Oh yeah, Hi, hows it going?" She waved to CLaire
"Great, now you look adorable. So now what? Do we go into the house?" Renge walked to the door "Should I knock?"
sounds awkward with the folks
"Its amazing, right?" Renge said to Advent. "Though the stuff does vanish after a while."
lets sing a song?
"If you don't want her to know, here." Renge used her Data Drain and materialized a new dress exactly like Angel's and a dressing room. "Put this on."
take this corn, it will protect you from evil spirits. *TKM obtains Sacred Corn Cob*
That works too! X3
keybladeofdarknonkess4 i dont get it...
now i feel loved, woohoo. Lets go get sushi or something.
so does that mean we can get the detectiveing under way?
it belonged there, funniest thing i've heard all day