OOC: recap please? so much stuff happened while I was gone.
The one I posted in this thread is for battles, the 5113 one is for trading pokemanz.
*A wild ALEX appears* ALEX uses Watermelon! *throws purple watermelon* The attack missed!
I challange all of yous to a battle! if you win you get a shiny pokemon. If you lose a ninja baby will kidnap your family. Name: Homogi Friend Code: 3094 5167 2093
*dramatic battle music* I challenge you to a pokemon battle and whatnot! the winner gets this chocolate milk *tips over milk* Spilled milk!?...
OOC: I can never spell his name right >< Renge jumped up at the voice coming from upstairs and hung on to Angel's arm. "He sure does talk loud...You know, I,ve got a muzzle in my bag if you want to do something about him." She shrugged.
"Well then, it's settled. I'm sure Koyoya-sempai will be happy to see me again." Renge then hopped up and jumped into the car while shouting "weee!"
"I think I have something that can help, we could go to the mythalogical library back at the college... I'm sure there's something that could help us there."
im still online, but since im on my DSi, i can only send you parts at a time. sorry
i finished the prologue for the story. i'll send it to you when you come online
well, se ya tommorow, and say hi to Angelina for me if you talk to her.
why, you don't like yugioh? oh well, you have your own opinions of stuff, and your my friend and i respect that and stuff. and the game was...
well, oddly enough, i got into playing yugioh cards again, and i traded enough to get a sacred beast card, which is worth alot of money. and today...
i used to do that during the weekends when school was still in session, but now i just sleep whenever, mostly because i have waaaay too much stuff...
I need sleep like crazy, last night i fell asleep at five in the morning, and i woke up at twelve and went straigth to community center
"well, if he isn't nice then maybe we should reducate him. I have just the thing somewhere" Renge started to look through her bag.
well, im online again and i started on the story. I decided for it to be divided into 7 chapters called days. so the storys gonna take place...
well, probably not cuz im in the library and i gotta leave by six, and i only get an hour, so bye maybe :glomp:
Its always a pain for me because i can never find a good titile for anything.
the thing is, i cant think of a title.