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  1. metamorphisis
    Interesting observation, I thought the same thing a long time ago..
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. metamorphisis
    try multiple master codes at the same time, the word alone shouldnt be hard to find on the forum "master code" and only then, you'd just sift through what game they go to. i'll also be looking though, but i can't make any promises.
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 23, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. metamorphisis

    Hi, . . .

    Cookies are good. Especially chocolate shredded coconut cookies ^_______^
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. metamorphisis
    Not to sound masochostic but I liked Chain of memories 2nd best to kingdom hearts 2 final mix +, due to the fact that it shows you what small evolutions happen and what's to come, futhermore, you get to play another's perspective, which gives you a whole new feeling about the character. Kingdom Hearts 2 u.s. version I thought was too mainstream, but don't get me wrong, I think it was the most badas game out there of the series, and i didnt even know about the gba version when i beat kh2. (then i got the rom and emulator because i lost my stupid gba when we moved, still annoyed if i look back on it.) anyhow, the favorite game i'd choose (even though i didn't get to play the portions yet) is kingdom hearts 2 final mix + since it has the most out of everything and will let you visit areas all over that definitely aren't in kh2. i think that chattering of mine might count as an opinion eh hehehehhemm..
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. metamorphisis

    Hi, . . .

    Hi everyone, this is a few weeks overdue and I wanted to do this since everyone else did it, and I just got the mental spark telling me to make this. I've read the rules, and I'll be sure to be on my best behavior, btw, when you give someone rep, how much quantity does it give each time?
    Thread by: metamorphisis, Jan 22, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. metamorphisis
    Does anybody know how the unlock all worlds code for kh2fm+ works?

    All Worlds Open (Armax Code ported)
    202bf668 0803FFCF
    200FFF3C 3C0E0102
    200FFF40 35CE0102
    200FFF44 ACAE0000
    200FFF48 00A0882D
    200FFF4C 080AFD9B

    I've been looking around for days, and don't know if this will work with codebreaker v9.2 on my ps2. my master code for kh2fm+ is 903088E0 0C0C21E0 for the record if anyone can help me fix this problem im having with not being able to start gummi missions, and i want to make sure i use the code properly so i dont completely screw up my game. if anybody has comments, please reply to this here or pm me about it, thanks. i'd really appriciate anything about it.
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 22, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. metamorphisis
    I posted some Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix + codes, their from many many people, I only came across it by mere chance. Take a look at it if you like. I had to put it in a zip because the text file was too big to upload itself. Also, if anybody knows any links to world gate unlocking codes, please reply to me with it. thanks
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 21, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. metamorphisis're kinda boned asking that here rox, sorry. but pm me if you want to chat on aim since its the same name as this one. i have the iso on my ps2 hdd but i only turned on infinite money and nothing else since i like a challenge.
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. metamorphisis
    i have some of those codes that i can use currently, plus a HUGE text file of them that i'm ...."ticked off" about not being able to have fun with them since i cant find an unlock worlds code. i'd be happy to exchange if anyone asked. or just msg me on aim with this same name and i'll send you the text file which has that same mastercode and the other codes work for a fact, since i've tried various ones.
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. metamorphisis
    I'm not sure how to say this but, I'm stuck at starting a gummi mission which freezes to a black screen when i try attempt one. is there any way i can fix this problem code-wise? i dont have a problem entering a line of codes, since i dont think that a single open gate is alot of codes, but doing anything else is financially unavailable to me right now :| i can only use codebreaker 9.2 btw
    Post by: metamorphisis, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Code Vault