Oh... What about? >>
whatcha doin?
So basically i feel kinda completely stupid now xD
I dunnoooo
Mhmm . ..
No jk so was iiii xD
ohmyohmyyouneedtogetoutmoar D:
Maybe that's ALIEEE! B|
lots of dots.
:\ I bettt.... You're not acting normally.
DIdn't know there were memory cards for that... You okay, dude?
ps 1?
You sure? O.o
What's upp?
Why there are so many sexual inactive children on this forum.
Orlynao? B| Of course :]
But he's straight D:
Like whooo? D:
Unfortunatly there's only a couple of people that are actually popular, and more then half of the time the person who is popular only gets there by being a ****/*****/self centered whore.