Seeing this made me die a little inside.
Porn just isn't as original now a-days. D:
I'd be glad to check it out for you ;D No you, silly.
I pretty much remember everyone, silly :]
I'm back. And black (from the waist down)
How's your penis/vagina doing on this fine day?
I like sex.
This might have won the entire debate, Sir. o:
Pretty damn much, Seeing as though I feel dead. :]
I'm sick as fuuuuuuuuuuck. And I haven't been on here for a while, I guess. How's everyone?
Why, sure she would :D I made that Orange smile :]]]
7.5/10 Seen you a lot but could never remember who you were. ^for renegade
2/10 Maybe seen you at most once.
7.5/10 Don't really remember.
Basically i had to highlight that D: I haven't slept in two days and haven't had a full meal in at least 4-5 Oh and i'm sick :D
I'm just completely bored and have nothing to do. Everything important Can't be measured Untill you lose it all. Everything new Isn't broken in Untill you get sick of it. Everything lost Wont be mourned Untill you're with it again. Everything gained Wont be appreciated Untill you lose yourself. Everything motivating Will be lost no matter what Even if you try a million times to keep it.
It means that people are starting to think Me =/= Sex addict/Manwhore.
No one mentioned me :]
The hell is on your computer screen? O_O