Caleigh left Rae to go sit on the couch in the front room. She was a little hungry, having only drank at the Green Dragon, but she didn't fix herself anything. Instead, she got out each knife that was hidden in her outfit, laid them out on the small table in front of the couch, and drew a cloth from a pocket inside her jacket. She hadn't used them today, but cleaning her knives was something she enjoyed doing. Each blade was different and had a story behind it, but Caleigh tried not to think about that as she picked up the shortest one and ran it along the cloth in her hand. Tomorrow, I'll take the kid for a walk. Hell, if I have to I'll carry her on my back. Someone around here has to recognize those bright blue eyes of hers. She paused in her thoughts, placing the shortest knife down and picking up the next. Those eyes... They're so much like the eyes of SOLDIER. What if she's...?
If it were a category, everyone would just stop talking to each other. XD
Squeee!! :glomp: That was so awesome. And props on pronouncing my username and our last name right.
Heck yeah we would! XD Everyone would be so jealous.
Haha! We're horrible at VMing. XD
I care to disagree there. Point in case: Fullmetal Alchemist (and Brotherhood). As to the topic of this thread, we've all known for a while now. >> Check out the thread on the show and you'll see this and more.
I whole-heartedly say yes to this. I've been wanting RP posts to count for a long time. I think P's mod should be the solution if we decide against having a "light" section where posts don't count. With this, I think the pros outweigh the cons. I believe that ĸyoĸo ѕαĸυrα ❀ is very capable of managing whatever this turns out to be. I've got faith in her.
Having just gotten a report about an AVALANCHE operative in Sector 5 from Reno, President Shinra decided to act. He picked up the phone on his desk and dialed the number of one of the best SOLDIER. It rang only twice before it was answered. "First Class SOLIDER Zack Fair," President Shinra greeted. "Your evening off has been canceled. I have an assignment for you." He didn't wait to hear a response from Zack. "We have intel of the whereabouts of an AVALANCHE member. The information will be sent to your phone. I'm sending you and five Third Class SOLDIER to bring them in. If they don't comply, kill them." He hung up his phone.
This is what we get for linking D-Trix videos to Bushy. DX
Wanna guess why I haven't posted on here in a bit? Yup, I've been cosplaying. XD My sister and I are putting together our first Ed and Al CMV. Also! Just in case any of you are interested, I'm making a Q&A video answering people's questions from here, dA, YouTube, Facebook, and voice actors fan clubs. Pretty much anything goes for this Q&A, and I'm going to try to answer as many questions as I can so feel free to ask more than one if you want. It'll probably be out of cosplay though (unless a lot of people ask for it to be in cosplay).
lol I can work with that. But if you don't have good dreams, then you're really in trouble! XD
Maybe...? MAYBE?! That is unacceptable! D< Go to your room, young lady!
Make another OOC thread (is there one already?) and see if you can gauge an interest level. If we get enough people willing to take the major...
Duh! 8D I'm bringing one of mine back! But I got about 10 posts deleted on a three year old thread in the Creativity Corner too. >C
*three years later* Oh. My. Goodness. I was looking through my subscribed threads, clicked the last page of them, and this is what I found. XD Am I the only one who misses this?
Of course!! Did you see that the Soul Eater thread got resurrected? I read through the whole thing the other night. <3
You're back to Maka!!! <3
"I don't want to ruin the surprise," Ben replied slyly, picking up his bag and slinging his over his shoulder. "You'll find out soon anyway. We've only got a few minutes before classes start again." ------- "That sounds great, Jay," Al stood up from her seat and then saw the time on her watch. "But I'm gonna have to take a raincheck on that one. You've got to get to class soon. Wouldn't want you to miss out on Care of Magical Creatures." She smiled. She'd taken the class her previous year and had enjoyed it. This year's schedule was all work and no play -- unless Jay was around to distract her. ------- Jack took the parchment and read over the spells. Each one had a different affect -- banishing ghosts within a radius, banishing ghosts within a whole building, banishing a specific ghost from a specific area -- and he couldn't quite make up his mind. "Peeves and Myrtle. They need to go first." He couldn't stand Peeves to begin with but having him roaming the halls was a dangerous to their operation as it was annoying to the first years. And Myrtle would surely figure out what was going on quickly and squeal to someone -- she was involved both of previous times. "Do whatever you need to tonight."
Thanks to Cyclops' outburst of power, Logan had no trouble tracking down his group. He pulled Scott's motorcycle to a stop right next to the mutant just in time to see Deadpool disappear. His jaw clenched; he would have loved a word or two with Deadpool. "So..." Logan took a look around at the massive damage Cyclops had done to the terrain. "You couldn't have, I don't know, grabbed his arm or something?" ------- Anemos pulled Thyella with him to Feral's side. Thyella, unable to see Scorch's attacks, let go of her brother to put up a wall of air in front of the three of them, keeping them safe from Scorch for the moment. "Need some help?" Anemos asked Feral with a grin. He hurled two blasts of air at Scorch, one from each of his hands. Once they'd made sure Feral was okay, Anemos and Thyella could switch their tactics. She could easily attack Scorch while Anemos guarded against the fire he created.
I haven't read any of it. XD I'm watching the anime as it's being released in Japan.