Caleigh waited, her breathing silent and muscles ready to move. How many could she take out before she could call for backup? Would she even have a chance to call anyone? There was only one light on her home -- Rae was trying to sleep. The SOLDIER were coming in now, closer to the hidden AVALANCHE operative. A 3rd class SOLDIER made the unknowing mistake of getting to close to her. This kind of thing wasn't Caleigh's forte; she was a recruiter and an information-gatherer not a fighter, but she could defend herself well enough. Before the 3rd class SOLDIER could make a move to fight back, Caleigh had his arm twisted behind his back and her knife in his rib-cage. She kicked him away and, just as she was turning around, received a blunt set of knuckles to the right side of her jaw. "Damn," Caleigh snarled, rubbing the sure-to-swell injury. She looked to the offender and saw it was another 3rd class. Flipping her knife to a reverse hold, she smirked at the SOLDIER, making a point of meeting each of their eyes. "Looks like we're doing this the hard way, boys."
Spoiler: quickly doodled large image in GIMP for dah lawlz So *Ask-BlueLink saw his derp moment in the story I'm writing for him, *Ask-GreenLink, *Ask-RedLink, and *Ask-VioLink and he wasn't very happy with me. XD So I scribbled this in GIMP to make him feel better. :lolface: /verytireddoodles+bedtimenow
That actually is really sad. It hits home with me. Sebastian, my cat, means so much to me. I never liked cats until I met him and spent time with him. I said basically the same thing to him once. I told him how special he is to me and how much I'd die inside if he ever got hurt. And he did get hurt just this past month -- really badly. He's okay now, but that was a really hard time. I cried and cried and just held him close to me. I now understand why so many people love cats and their elegant way of speaking without words. I hope you find your cat soon, Bueno!!
Eh, the usual. xD A lot has been going on with me, and I mean A LOT. lol But it's too much to write out now.
Way to make me all emotional! ;~; This is a really neat idea. I think they all should be wallpaper sized, gives you more room to work with and us a better view of the work. <3 I really like the panels you chose to use. They each express Gwen in a lovely way. If I had made it, I would have had her and Peter (or Spidey) hugging in the middle (if I could find a full-length shot of them for it). That would show just how close they were (I think hugs can be more intimate than kisses at some times). Also, to make it "flow" you could use the blur tool -- it's one of my favorite tools -- to swirl or smudge the edges of some of the more square panels (esp the 3 in the upper left corner). That way it won't look like a quilt. Or if you wanted to keep the squareness instead of rounding or softening it, you could put borders around some of the panels (different sizes, colors, widths, etc). Those are my thoughts! Overall, I really, really love this. And I can't wait to see the others!
Doooo eet! XD There's worse in other people's sigs, I'm sure. lol
I've got one!! "I guess I'll start." ~Bushy That makes you sound like a rapist, Bushy. XD
After a while in the making, here it is! 8D Got questions? Ask away! STORY: Planet Fusion, ruled by the evil Fuse, has traveled throughout the galaxy for millennia, devastating and absorbing countless planets and civilizations, and its next target will be the planet Earth. Fuse’s minions, monsters made of green ooze and many materials from our planet, are already on Earth and wreaking havoc wherever they go. The heroes of Earth must unite to put a stop to Fuse’s evil plan. And you, personally, are invited to join them. But be wary, this is not a journey for the light of heart. You will get up close and personal with your enemies. Your courage will be tested. You're not alone though! The most original and charismatic heroes are here to help! Ben Tennyson, Dexter, and Numbuh One have gathered a team of anyone willing to help and seven kids who they saw fit to join the fight. Now that they've gone through basic training with the three (and their friends), it's time to make Fuse go on the defensive. RULES/NOTES: 1) Haven’t played Fusion Fall before? That’s okay! All you need to know is the story; and that’s what you just read before reading these rules! 2) No, you don’t have to know all the shows or all the characters. Google is nice like that. (: 3) A team of 7 OCs (that means 6 besides my own) will be accepted. After that, only the characters on the list below will be available. 4) You can have 3 Nanos with you at a time. However, you can always swap what Nano you have with you at a Nano-station. The abilities each Nano has can be found at the link at the top of the Nano list (one ability at a time; they can be changed at any Nano-station). More than one person can have the same Nano; example: Joe has Buttercup as a Nano, Jane does too (it’s not that they are sharing a Nano, they each have their own Buttercup Nano). 5) You can have 2 weapons with you at a time (these can be traded, sold, bought, made, thrown away, etc.). 6) Your mode of transportation can be any of the following: hover-board (available to anyone), vespa-like hover-scooter (available to characters 16 and older), car (available to characters 16 and older with a license), walking, teleportation (available to magic-appropriate characters), and public transportation wherever it is. 7) Do I need to say that forum rules need to be followed? Forum rules need to be followed. 8) Worried about geography? Use this map for a not-very-detailed reference: and this map for the names of places and a better view of the transit system:!FF_Transit_Map.jpg. Play the game or Google-search to get more in depth! 9) “Guides” will not essentially be directed in this. For those of you who played the game, you know that you had a choice between four characters (Ben, Dexter, Edd, and Mojo Jojo) of who would be your guide (much like the DC Universe online) and give you missions, upgrade your gear, etc. Those characters are here they just aren’t going to be so I’m-going-to-hold-your-hand-through-this-whole-save-the-planet-thing. 10) I shouldn’t have to say it, but power-playing and god-modding are not to be done – unless I give you permission. Of course, I may do it just for the sake of the plot. An OOC warning will come before hand if I do though. 11) Have fun~! <3 CHARACTER LIST (Don’t see someone on the list and you want them? Let me know! Characters in italics are super important): Spoiler: giant character list TOONAMI TOM – DEXTER’S LABORATORY Dexter – Dee Dee – Mandark – Computress – Major Glory – JOHNNY BRAVO Johnny Bravo – THE POWERPUFF GIRLS Blossom – Destiny's Hand Buttercup – Bubbles – Garxena Professor Utonium – Mojo Jojo – Princess – Mayor – Him – Fuzzy Lumkins – Ace – MEGAS XLR Megas – Bushy Brow Coop – Bushy Brow ED, EDD N EDDY Ed – Edd – Eddy – May Kanker – Marie Kanker – Lee Kanker – COURAGE THE COWERDLY DOG Courage – Bob O’Ganoosh – Magic Tree – SAMURAI JACK Samurai Jack – The Scotsman – Demongo – THE GRIM ADVENTURES OF BILLY & MANDY Billy – Mandy – Grim – Hoss Delgado – Dracula – Jeff – Fred Fredburger – CODENAME: KIDS NEXT DOOR Numbuh One – Numbuh Two – Numbuh Three – Numbuh Four – Numbuh Five – Destiny's Hand Father – Toiletnator – Stickybeard – FOSTER’S HOME FOR IMAGINARY FRIENDS Bloo – Matt – Wilt – Eduardo – Coco – Frankie – Mr. Herriman – Cheese – THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JUNIPER LEE Juniper Lee – BEN 10, BEN 10: ALIEN FORCE, and BEN 10: ULTIMATE ALIEN Ben Tennyson – Garxena Gwen Tennyson – Kevin Levin – Grandpa Max Tennyson – Vilgax – Hex – Tetrax – Paradox – Azmuth – Alan – Albedo – Ship – Megawhatt – CHOWDER Chowder – Schnitzel – Kimchi – Wisdom Tooth – Sour Ron – JOHNNY TEST Johnny Test – master of keyblades Dukey – THE MARVELOUS MISADVENTURES OF FLAPJACK Flapjack – Candy Wife – THE SECRET SATURDAYS Zak Saturday – Doc Saturday – Drew Saturday – Fiskerton – Zon – V. V. Argost – Chupacabra – ADVENTURE TIME WITH FINN AND JAKE Finn the Human – Garxena Jake the Dog – Ice King – Princess Bubblegum – Marceline – Destiny's Hand Reaper – Stanley – Gunter – GENERATOR REX Rex – LilBueno/Webhead Agent Six (before memory wipe) – Doctor Holiday – Bobo Haha – SYM-BIONIC TITAN Lance – Ilana – Octus – YOUNG JUSTICE Robin (Dick Grayson) – LilBueno/Webhead Kid Flash (Wally West) – Garxena Miss Martian (Me’gann) – Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm, aka Kaldur) – Artemis (Artemis Crock) – Snow Princess(?) NANOS -- details found at Spoiler: giant Nano list Buttercup Numbuh Two Eddy Eduardo Blosson Wilt Dee Dee Numbuh Five Edd/Double D Megas Billy Professor Utonium Him Bloo Bubbles Demongo Fourarms Numbuh One Mojo Jojo Mandark Grim Dexter Vilgax Swampfire Mandy Coco Mac Numbuh Three Hex Juniper Lee Numbuh Four Ed Courage Samurai Jack Aku Humongosuar Mordecai Rigby Gumball Watterson Rex Finn Alien X Cheese Jake Johnny Test Flapjack Chowder Amphibian (Unstable) Titan Johnny Bravo Ice King Zak Saturday FUSIONS (NPCs unless you really want one and can convince me of plot-relevance): Spoiler: giant Fusion list Ace Amphibian Ben Billy Bloo Blossom Bubbles Buttercup Cheese Chowder Coco Cootie Coop Courage Deedee Demongo Dexter [and Computress] Echo-Echo Ed Edd Eddy Eduardo Father Finn Flapjack Frankie Fuse (Garxena) Fuzzy Lumpkins Grandpa Max Grim Gunter Gwen Hex Him Hootie Hominid Hoss Delgato Judy Johnny Test Juniper Lee Kevin Lee Kanker Mac Mandark Mandy Marie Kanker May Kanker Mayor Mojo Jojo Mr. Herriman Numbuh One Numbuh Two Numbuh Three Numbuh Four Numbuh Five Princess Morbucks Professor Utonium Rex Rudy Samurai Jack Stickyboard Tetrax The Scottsman Toiletnator Tootie Vilgax Wilt Zak Saturday OC FORMAT: Username – Name – Age – Gender – Biography – Weapon – Nanos – Picture/description (just take the asterisks out if you use a picture) – [*spoiler](insert img code for your picture here)[*/spoiler] OCs: Username – Garxena Name – Astrid Darque Age – 15 Gender – Female Biography – Just your average high schooler, Astrid felt the call to fight when Fuse attacked her home town of Bellwood. She was never really one to jump up and get involved in anything, not even school clubs, but when Fuse’s monsters came, it was personal. She finally had an excuse to talk to a boy she’d been crushing on for a while – Ben Tennyson. His secret had become world-known but it didn’t change the way she looked at him. To her, he was still that goofy kid who was awesome at soccer. When she spoke with him, she was surprised to find how whole-heartedly he responded. He told her about a team that he, Dexter, and Numbuh One were putting together and invited her to be a part of it. Of course she agreed. Basic training was a struggle for her but her determination and help from her Nanos drove her forward. With the training behind her, she’s ready to join the other kids who are part of the team and go out to fight Fuse’s monsters. Weapon – Red Null Void gun Nanos – Swampfire (Sneak), Rex (Damage), and Bubbles (Snare) Picture/description – Spoiler
Whew! I made a post at last!
I don't allow first person writing in my RPs just because it gets to be very confusing for some people. Just stick with third person. (: Ben's group is meeting at the library first I believe.
OOC: Attention RPers, a time-skip is about to commence. To avoid confusion, please fasten your seat-belts and hold on tight. Hold all questions until the end of the time-skip. Thank you and enjoy your skipping! "Good afternoon. Yes, hello. It's good to see you too!" Stupid ghost. Jack frowned as he listened to Nearly Headless Nick greet an mingle with students in the hall he was walking down. That ghost was so nice all the time; it made Jack sick. Could he petrify the ghost again? No, not tonight. He'd already taken one filthy Mudblood into the Chamber this morning, and Taralynn was going to banish two ghosts tonight. It was enough activity as it was. He looked at his watch; it was four thirty. All the classes were done for the day so the halls were pretty crowded. But for once, Jack didn't mind walking slowly, despite Gryffindor's House ghost annoying him. He didn't really have any plans besides his school work, and he didn't have to meet up with Taralynn since they had the same class. ------- Ben clutched his textbook to his chest as he was jostled in the crowd of students exiting their classes. He'd just come from Defense Against the Dark Arts and he had an uncomfortable feeling the whole time that a certain Slytherin boy had been staring at him. Ben was asked to perform a spell in front of the class and he'd failed miserably. The Slytherin boy had chuckled at him and that had just made Ben lose more moral in himself. He was usually very good at the spells used in DADA, which is why he was in a class for the older students, but today his mind was laying so heavily on the Chamber and his friends that he couldn't focus. How did Harry and his friends do it?? ------- Al had been out of classes for just over an hour now. She was sitting outside on the steps to the owlery, a ready-to-send letter in her hands. It was to her parents, expressing her concern for Becca and the school. But now that she was here, she was starting to question if she should send it or not. Maybe it was too soon for her to be acting like this. She might walk in to the Hufflepuff common room this evening and find Becca sitting on the couch and smiling. And the Headmaster might give a speech at tonight's dinner telling them all that there was nothing to worry about. But then... the exact opposite might happen too. She bit her lower lip, chapped from the chilled air. I'll wait a couple days. If things aren't sorted by then, I'll send the letter.
No trouble at all! 8) The last post I made in the OOC thread is the most up-to-date. Nothing has really happened since I made that post. I'm...
And everyone will join! No one can resist being part of a trend!! >D
A shadow interrupted the pool of moon light on the floor by Caleigh. She didn't move to see who was standing outside the window -- the shadow of a rifle told her not to. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that they were SOLDIER. Her hold the knife she was cleaning tightened when she heard a male voice confirm her fear. She wasn't concerned about herself; it was Rae that her thoughts were on. Now that she was starting to piece together exactly who Rae was, she wanted to help the girl even more. There were still pieces missing in the girl's story. Barret wouldn't let her hear the end of it if some stupid SOLDIER got the best of her. They can't get to her. They can do their worst to me, but they won't touch Rae. Caleigh stood from the couch, knife still in hand and crept to the shadows of the room. She'd wait for them to come to her -- surprise was on her side.
You weren't all that bad last night. xD I liked how there were random letters in the middle of your words. 8}
whut is this?! D8
Oh okay. I'm glad you guys thought of it too. (:
1,000 character count seems perfect to me. I think that's easily attainable if you put enough thought into the post. But does that exclude the coding for italics, bold, colors, etc?
I've always wanted to set a trend! 8D lol
I approve of this greatly. <3 PICK ME FOR KID FLASH!