I'm debating on Sheik. If I decide to take her/him, I'll have a preview post up tomorrow or the day after (since I'm busy with school, job hunting, and then going to see The Lion King 3D!). ((I'm so fluffing excited for this! 8D)) EDIT: Spoiler: non-formatted preview post for Sheik The blue and white of the man's outfit did nothing to help hide him in the bright greens and browns of the forest. But he was not concerned with concealing him at this point; he just needed to get through the cursed terrain. His breathing was barely noticeable through the mask that covered the lower half of his face, along with the light breeze that was rustling the leaves. "Hmm," he sighed, rubbing his covered head with a hand that was smaller than the average man's. Below his hiding spot in the trees, there were three purple, club-wielding monsters. The trouble wasn't in taking them out -- that would be easy -- no, it was in what would happen afterwards. If he sneaked past the creatures, everything would most likely be fine, though he'd run into them again on his way back. If he killed them here and now, it could attract attention to his path. Another minute of thought and the man had come to his decision: kill them now and let happen what will. One of the bokoblins was pacing right under the man's branch. A smirk spread beneath his mask as he drew three senbon. Aimed properly and thrown with enough force, the needles could easily kill their target. And they did. Not a second later, the first bokoblin was on the ground, its killer leaping to the forest floor and rushing the last two bokoblins. One swung its club at the assailant's lowered head, but he vanished mid-swing. The bokoblin didn't even have time to look for its target before it was struck down from behind. The final bokoblin stumbled backward until it hit a tree. "Tell your master," the man growled. In his pause, a needle lodged into the tree on both sides of the bokoblin's head. "We're taking back Hylia." In a flash of light and smoke from deku nuts, t he man was gone. The bokoblin knew exactly what name to give his master: Sheik.
"I would say that! Wait right there," Kid Flash grinned. He ran around the corner of the street and into a burger joint's restroom. While he normally would have changed at a much faster pace, he needed a second to think about what Jesse had said. He'd never given thought to her place in all this; it had always been about him. He was always the one speeding to the Flash's side and getting the credit for all the fun stuff. When did Jesse ever get a chance in the spot light? Maybe now was a chance to share the attention he'd hogged. With comfortable jeans, tennis shoes, a dark red t-shirt covered by an unbuttoned, light blue, long sleeved shirt on now, he stuffed his goggles into his pocket and headed out of the fast food place. He was tempted to buy something quickly because his stomach was starting to growl but he decided to hold off until his meal with Jesse. When he got a clean opportunity outside he sped back to Jesse. "Did ya time me?" ------- Terra flinched a step backward, getting shivers from the Red Hood. He and Red Robin were neck-and-neck in skills from her point of view. The few civilians that were stupid enough to stay with her on the sidewalk near the bank were now gone or leaving. But Terra stayed; she wanted to see exactly how this would end. It was a fight for territory from what she heard. Both Red Robin and the Red Hood were sure they were the right choice for Gotham but neither was willing to yield to the other.
Tonight or Wed. I was gonna do it earlier today but I decided to nap instead. ;~; I've been REALLY busy.
I really like the idea. I think it'll bring about some fun twists and turns. (:
My God/Goddess Is: Garxena My Name Is: Grace Kent I came into this world on: 13th December 1991; I’m 19 years old Some people say I’m: Outgoing, really. They tell me I’ve got this way of infecting people with my good attitude. I’ve been told that my way of approaching people might get me into trouble one day, but I don’t really take life seriously enough to believe them. My parents have called me weird; they were joking of course, but I think they just wanted me to choose a different career. This has been my life so far: I was born in New Zeland but my parents took our family elsewhere when I was just two so I don’t remember the land of Kiwis at all. I went through school pretty easily until I reached my sophomore year of high school. Some jerks were picking on a friend of mine so I roughed ‘em up a bit. I’m not usually the type to get in a fight, but it was my friend and I had to stick up for him. After that, I started making some difficult choices in life. I had to decide what I wanted my career to be and it wasn’t easy. I was never really good at academic stuff so I had gone into theatre and choir when I was in the sixth grade. I left formal choir in high school and joined the school’s show choir to get a little more fun into my singing. I performed solo after solo, grabbing every opportunity I could to expand my resume. I’d decided on my career: a goddamn rock star. Then a couple of good buds of mine gave me a call and brought my dream job to me. I gotta love those guys. Oh yeah, this is me: Spoiler: me on my grad trip at Disneyland… HURR… Want it bigger? Go here --> LINK This is my baby: My vocal chords! <3 This is what I enjoy in life: Music. There’s nothing else I’ve found that has made me feel more alive. Food. I really get into the stuff; it’s an art of its own. Boxing. What can I say? It helps me vent and it sure makes me happier than sitting and doing nothing. Writing. I write anything I can – poetry, short stories, songs, journals (have one for each year since I was ten). This is what I hate: Intolerance. I can’t stand it when people pull that crap. Chocolate. Don’t look at me like that! When my pen runs out of ink and I don’t have a spare. That sucks! Thunder and lighting. Tell anyone I’m scared of them and I’ll throw you down a well so deep you won’t be able to tell if it’s day or night. If I could have a theme song, this would be it: Fucking Perfect by Alicia Moore (P!nk)
Kid Flash's usual smile vanished, the glint in his eyes dulled; a frown reflecting his moral injury took their place. "Yeah, well, Rob didn't want me there. Said it's 'his territory.' But whatever, he can handle himself. A bank robber's not much of a match for him." His clenched hands found purchase on his waist, making them seem natural, and he tilted his head to one side. His smile was back, but a trained eye could tell it was fake. "You trying to ditch me?" ------- The Red Hood?! But the others don't consider him 'hero' material. He's too 'rough' for them. All he does is clean up the scum that needs to be dealt with. That's why they don't like me either. The girl frowned, watching what was going on even more intently. Having been out of the loop due to her traveling, she was trying to get everyone straight in her head -- as well as what was considered 'appropriate' in the crime-fighting field. The animosity between the Red Hood and Red Robin was thick in the air. She almost wanted to jump in and help -- but whose side would she jump to? Your name is Terra. And you do what you were trained for. You do things your way and don't take orders anymore. Her fingers curled around the strap of the backpack she was holding on one shoulder. No. Taking orders from Deathstroke is what got you in a big mess.
Sitting in the Great Hall at the end of Ravenclaw's table was Lelouch. He was staring intently at a book he'd checked out from the library for a bit of fun. The last period of the day was free for him and he often liked to come to the empty Great Hall for some quiet before the rest of the students were out. He mumbled, "If a hippogriff traveling at 20 kpm and a thestral traveling at 15 kpm are racing each other to the same destination and the hippogriff is taking a longer path than the thestral, which will arrive first?" His finger made paths along the page of the book as he worked out the solution in his head. He adjusted his glasses and then announced the solution to the book's pages, "Even though its speed is slower, the thestral has a shorter path and should arrive first." Lelouch groaned. Classes were out and the Great Hall was a popular meeting space now that students didn't have to sit at their House table. His quiet puzzle-solving time was over, but he didn't leave the Hall; he was sure his siblings would meet him there. ------- Al walked down the stairs on the outside of the owlery. They weren't dangerously frozen over with ice and snow yet so she didn't need to pay too much attention to where she was going. I walked all the way up here and I'm not even sending the stupid thing. It's like Hogwarts was built to make us exercise. Her hands had no gloves and it was just cold enough for her fingers to start losing feeling. Getting back into the school and sitting in the warm Hufflepuff common room sounded nice right about now.
Haha! Jeffy put us up to it. XD And I have to side with Jayn here; sorry li'l Bushy! No sparks for you!!
Nah. Bushy's totally gay. 8D
Heeeey~~ So I hear you like mudkipz. :Awesome:
Eh, they're hard for me to get into. I could try one if you'd like me to.
Yeah I know what's up with him. I don't mind though. No one can forget the existence of an RP! D<
I think Red X needs to be posted, and Static, and then our li'l Webhead can post. Then we can both post again.
Kid Flash flinched at Jesse's question. Had he followed her here just to ask her that? "Well, uh," he rubbed the back of his head. What else could he say? He could complain about what Red Robin had said to him earlier but he felt he shouldn't. Besides, Tim probably had his reasons for not wanting Wally there with him and if he wanted to talk about it later he would. "Hey," he began again, getting an idea. She was feeling down, and it was no secret that the two of them weren't best friends or even just friends, but he didn't like to see a frown on a pretty girl's face. "How 'bout I get back in my civvies and buy you lunch?" Maybe if they spent more time together she wouldn't always scowl when she saw him.
Gah! I'm still distracted. >< Bushy and I chatting on MSN.
Nah, it's good you're keeping me on track. ^^ I get distracted VERY easily. lol
lol Right as I come on to do it, I saw this. XD I had other stuff that got in the way. Darn you, other stuff! D<
It's my way of saying it's good. XD ...Bother the rest of khv. 8D
Whew, about half-way through these 1000 or so files on the SD card. >< I need to clean this out more often. Your reply was chill. ^^ I certainly...
KF time! YAY!! 8D Well, after I sort through all the junk on my camera's SD card that is. ><