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  1. Garxena
    Whew! Just got back from a morning at GEEX as Matt from Death Note. 8D It's about 2:20 now and I'll be back there at 4 cosplaying Navi! :<3: I can't wait to annoy some gamers!
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 14, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Garxena
    What our lovely Machina said to me about my cover of "Breathe:"
    "You look so passionate; like you belong in a Disney movie. Just they way you're singing and the emotion you're showing. You're pretty damn good."
    And what Bushy said:
    "I love your voice, and the look on your face is so passionate as you sing. I'm completely captivated."

    You guys made me cry!! :')
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. Garxena
    You must spread some rep around befo-- [​IMG]
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 12, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Garxena
    AMG! I have a bag over my face and a dude shirt on! XD That's so me! lol
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  5. Garxena
    These are so awesome! Me too please? 8)
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 10, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  6. Garxena
    "Kick some first years around? Jinx a bathroom? Throw rocks at the Whomping Willow?" Jack answered Taralynn nonchalantly. He was bored from his last class, irritated at the ghosts and Mudbloods of the school, and anxious to do what he wanted later on that night. He thought about playing a game of wizard's chess for a moment but then knew that there was probably no quiet place in the school for a good game; even the library would be full of students cramming in for papers and talking with each other about how 'lame' or 'exciting' their classes were today. So he didn't suggest the game.


    Al's eyes met Jay's and at that point it was getting harder to say no to him. Would it really be so bad to kill an hour or two by just goofing off? She couldn't come up with a reason viable enough to deny her friend again. "Okay fine. But can we do this inside? And no blowing up anything, please."


    Don't see a threat? Even if there is no basilisk, whoever opened that Chamber was willing to kill the students at this school who aren't pureblooded wizards or witches. The threat is that person. They must be versed with magic, and from what I know about the last times, the Chamber's gotta be opened with some funky language or secret handshake with a door or something. But who did open it? Narrowing it down to the people at this school who still think pureblooded witches and wizards are 'above' others wouldn't be too hard. The problem is how to go about it. It wouldn't be smart to just go around asking people if they think pureblooded wizards and witches rule and everyone else sucks owl dung. So--Lelouch looked over his shoulder to see who'd interrupted his thoughts and tapped him so gently even though he knew the familiar touch to be one of his sisters. "Hey, Iris," he smiled, sitting up and closing his book. He saw Luke come in to the Great Hall behind their sister and gave him a wave. Luke waved back and joined Iris and Lelouch at the Ravenclaw table. "Now where's Elysia?" He mumbled about their missing sister.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 8, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Garxena
    Words weren’t needed anymore; and with a sore jaw, Caleigh didn’t want to use them. Didn’t actions speak louder than words anyway? If she even tried to figure out why SOLDIER were in her home and throwing punches at her, it would only distract her from protecting herself and Rae. The 3rd Class SOLIDER who’d sucker punched her came at her again. She caught his fist this time and forced it upwards, swinging her knife to deflect the gun he was about to fire at her. The SOLDIER freed his wrist from Caleigh’s grasp and knocked her knife away. She could try to recover it and risk being shot at or she could disarm the SOLDIER and use his weapon against him. Black eyes glinted under bangs in the dark as Caleigh grabbed the barrel of the gun the SOLDIER was holding and twisted it so that he had to release his grip. But before she could even adjust her hold on the gun to fire it, she was stopped by a burning sensation and something warm dripping down her right arm. She didn’t look; she knew what had happened.
    Another 3rd Class SOLDIER couldn’t wait his turn and now his bullet was in Caleigh’s arm. She grit her teeth. She’d never been shot at before in life, much less actually had been shot. And it hurt like a bitch. Tears of anger and pain threatened to spill from her dark eyes but she wouldn’t give them the chance. She let out a vicious yell as her left hand pulled the trigger and shot down the SOLDIER who’d punched her, right arm hanging by her side.
    The sound of a gun firing jarred Rae to open her eyes. She heard Caleigh yell before more shots were fired. Shining blue eyes wide, Rae struggled to find the energy to get the blankets off her and get out of the bed. She rolled off the bed, onto the floor, and stayed there on her side, half curled in a ball. Heart racing, she could only wonder what was going on, and if Caleigh was okay as even more guns shots sounded.
    “Damn, Shinra scum!” Caleigh coughed out blood. She collapsed to her knees, her eyes going to the two bullet holes in her chest and abdomen. S-shit… This can’t be happening. I’ve got to keep Rae safe; she can’t defend herself against these bastards. She raised the gun with a shaking hand and held down the trigger. The SOLDIER that had shot her twice fell to the floor dead. Caleigh coughed again, further staining her black outfit with dark red blood. She glared at Zack, Cloud, and the remaining two 3rd Class SOLDIER, every ounce of her hatred for the Shinra Electric Company reflected in her eyes. Zack stood out as the obvious 1st Class among them, drawing Caleigh’s attention like a magnet. She pointed the gun at him but no bullets flew when she pulled the trigger. But she refused to surrender and just lie down and die. Getting to her feet, she tossed the emptied gun aside. “Why?! Why are you here?”
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Garxena
    Kingdom Hearts530:
    1) Read the rules. You didn't.
    2) You didn't talk to me about having a relationship with a cannon character. I would allow it, but Roy has no brothers or sister so he can't have a niece.
    3) I will not allow any other character to use flame alchemy. Roy is the only one.
    4) State Alchemists MUST be 24 years of age with an appropriate background of training and studying.
    5) What reason does she have for being with the Elrics? How did she meet them?
    6) Did you notice how "details" is in all caps with an exclamation point? Yeah. I want paragraphs for the bios of OCs for this RP. LOTS of DETAIL.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 7, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Garxena
    Ventus108, I've put you down as Fu and Envy; Lan Fan is mine, sorry. (:
    HOWEVER! If you are joining mine just because yours "failed" then I have to ask you to not bother. I don't want any sour attitudes here. The first time I had this up (back in '09) it was fairly popular so I can see why new people want to join this reboot of it. It doesn't have anything to do with your RP being "good" or "bad."

    Bushy! :<3: I'd like to start when our lovely Webhead is back from his studies. I think we've got a fair cast right now and I'll just fill in characters wherever we need them.

    Now the question is: WHERE/WHEN do we start? I've given this some thought and I still haven't come to a decision. I know that we're starting after Ed has become a State Alchemist (I believe that's after Nina but I might be wrong) but exactly where/when I'm not sure.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 6, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Garxena
    New character and RPer joining us! :<3: He's up on the first post of the RP at the bottom of the character list. =^w^=
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 5, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Garxena
    Profile Post

    Alrighty. No rush. <3

    Alrighty. No rush. <3
    Profile Post by Garxena for Heart ❤, Oct 4, 2011
  12. Garxena
    And I'm proud of you and you're laziness. 8D
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Garxena
  14. Garxena
    You are a LAZY CAPTAIN, Bushy. xDx
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Garxena
    OK! Here's how this is going to work for ALL Quidditch teams (I'll put this up on the first page as well so anyone who wants to join the RP can see it):
    --Quidditch trials are over (seeing as we're a couple months into the school year)
    --Characters already in the RP who did not specify in their bio that they are a member of the Quidditch team CANNOT join now. (Unless you beg and plead to me in a PM. XD)
    --NEW characters (even if they're created by someone already in the RP) CAN join the Quidditch team. (For example, KingdomHearts530 could create a new character right now and that character could be on the Quidditch team for his or her House. BUT KingdomHearts530 COULD NOT make one of her current characters a member of a Quidditch team.)
    --If your character is a TEAM CAPTAIN, YOU are responsible for coordinating the empty spots on your team. Unless you REALLY don't want to; then you can shirk that off to someone else on your team (if you're the only one on your team, you HAVE to do it). (For example, since Bushy's character is the team captain of Gryffindor's team, he gets to control the team players who are not taken. If you have his permission, you can join him in writing them.)

    Is that clear? Questions? I don't want to confuse anyone.
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Garxena
    You're awesome, dude! I'll "hold down the fork" for ya till you're back. I'll take Luke in HP and I think we can just leave Legas and Reno in "suspended animation" for now. We're waiting on Arch in FF anyway. FMA won't start for a while; probably not before you come back so don't worry about that. Anything else, I'll just do what I can.
    Be a good student!!
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Departure Hall
  17. Garxena
    Lelouch narrowed his eyes, frustrated that the Great Hall wasn't quiet anymore. He overheard a couple of fellow Ravenclaws mention the Chamber and couldn't help but eavesdrop. He slumped over his book on the table and sighed. To anyone else, it would look like he was just a student giving up on homework, but he was really just getting comfortable so he could listen to the Ravenclaws talk about the Chamber while he waited for his brother and sisters. He had to admit though, he was actually tired. He hadn't gotten much sleep last night and there was no way he'd sleep in his classes so he was looking forward to getting more sleep tonight. His glasses slipped down his nose but he didn't bother to push them up.


    Al stuffed the letter in her pocket. "Hey, Jay," she greeted her friend. He did have a point about her choice of clothing. With only knee-highs, plain black shoes, a skirt, white, short-sleeve blouse, Hufflepuff sweater-vest, and standard Hogwarts robe, there wasn't much to defend her against the wind. "I guess I was thinking about other stuff and not my clothes." She smiled and shivered. "But I do have stuff to do. Can't you go bug those first years or something?"
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Garxena
    We have one new member to the thread and two new characters! 8D Check the character list for their bios!
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Garxena
  20. Garxena
    Profile Post

    Or two million! XD

    Or two million! XD
    Profile Post by Garxena for Heart ❤, Oct 1, 2011