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  1. Garxena
    No more colors for you!!
    Profile Post by Garxena for Snow Princess, Nov 3, 2011
  2. Garxena
    With the infantryman taken out, Caleigh grinned at Legas, falling forward into his arms. Her bravado was gone and she couldn't stand anymore. "I'm perfect. Just as sunny as the sky outside." It was overcast. The clouds still hung over from the day's rain showers. Her voice was ragged and breathing harsh. Legas knelt down, holding Caleigh against his chest. Her blood stained the classic suit he wore.
    "That b-bastard, asking me to sur-surrender like that. J-just who the hell does he think I am?" She chuckled, then coughed, blood leaving her lips. Her dark grey eyes met Legas' sunglasses. "AVALANCHE needs someone like you... I... I can't--" She closed her eyes and took in a strangled breath, expelling it with effort. Her eyes opened again, but they'd lost their shine. "D-down th-the hall... Rae... Legas... Protect Rae...."
    She didn't say anything else. Her eyes closed and she exhaled a last time, a last, broken exhale. In the Legas' arms, the woman was limp. She'd been one of AVALANCHE'S top intel agents, but more than that, she'd been a friend -- and very much a disgruntled mother -- to many. Finally, the rain clouds outside began to clear, letting in rays of moonlight now. They flooded the room, shining off the pool of blood on the floor, and the one tear on Caleigh's cheek.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Garxena
  4. Garxena
    *stops running around the room with flailing arms* ... Oh. ^^ I'll post when I'm home from classes this afternoon!! :<3:
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Garxena
    Profile Post

    Color it RAINBOW!!!

    Color it RAINBOW!!!
    Profile Post by Garxena for Snow Princess, Nov 3, 2011
  6. Garxena
    GAH!! I don't want it to be locked! It's my first RL RP and I'm liking it. T^T Someone please post!!
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Garxena
    Get up? Rae raised her eyes to look at who had spoken to her. It wasn't Caleigh. It wasn't anyone she recognized. And whoever he was frightened her. He was tall from her perspective on the floor, and the large blade he had brought no comfort. She blinked her Mako-blue eyes and bit her lower lip, shakily moving backwards until she bumped against the wall. A small whimper escaped the girl as she stuttered, "N-no... Caleigh... I-I wa-want Caleigh..."
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Garxena
    Alrighty; Shane is accepted. Just so you know, the recovery period for automail is around 2 years; but you didn't mention years so I don't know how you want to incorporate the recovery period or what age he got his automail. Also, most alchemists find a niche of alchemy to fit into (for example Edward being best with metal transmutations and Roy with flames) but it's not necessary for an amateur civilian alchemist.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Garxena
    I-is it... dead?? TT^TT
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Garxena
    Jack shrugged. "That'll work. If someone's there I'm sure a hex to make them vomit slugs will cause them to leave." He smirked. It was one of his favorite hexes -- disgusting and effective at the same time. Not to mention the taste of slugs was in your mouth for a good week after the hex wore off. By now, the halls were starting to clear as students found their places and settled with friends.


    Al bit her lip in thought. In truth, she wanted it to be a room full of candy; she had a horrible sweet-tooth but never really ate sweets. And after all the recent stress some Droobles gum sounded pretty good. She sighed, "No, not really. Go ahead and do what you wanted." She smiled to show Jay that she was still interested in his idea; and actually did want to see the Room of Requirement in action.


    "You're kidding right?" Lelouch smirked at Elysia, commending her misbehavior. "Did you really go here without us? How did you get past Peeves?"
    "Who cares!? Let's see what this is all about!" Luke urged, punching Lelouch's arm.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Garxena
    Alrighty~ You're put down as Johnny Test. ^^
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Garxena
  13. Garxena
    Shoosh yeah, you can! 8D *marks*

    I also added a list of all the Fusions. They're NPCs for now.

    ily for bumping <3
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
    Ew... I change my mind. >>
    Profile Post by Garxena for Snow Princess, Nov 1, 2011
  15. Garxena
    Shhhh! Lemme be me!!!
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 31, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. Garxena
  17. Garxena
    ^What he said. :<3:
    Post by: Garxena, Oct 30, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Garxena
  19. Garxena
  20. Garxena