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  1. Garxena
  2. Garxena
    Logan crashed into the crystal shell only to find it empty. He growled and stood straight, perfectly upset that they hadn't managed to keep even one of them from escaping. He joined Cyclops with the others, adamantium claws safely back underneath his skin. "Now who wants to tell me what the hell happened?"

    Thyella flinched at Logan's rough voice. She and her brother hadn't gotten a chance to ever really talk to the older mutant so she was still uncomfortable around him.

    "They caught us by surprise," Anemos spoke up, back at his sister's side.

    "Aren't you some kinda airy kid? Shouldn't you be able to feel others?"

    "No, sir," Anemos didn't react to Logan's harshness or sarcasm. "My sister's the one who can do that, but she won't feel anything unless she's trying to."

    Logan sighed. He couldn't really blame these kids for what happened, but Hellion and Cyclops he could.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Garxena
    Terra lowered her hands to her sides. Who the hell did the Red Hood think he was? He didn't even say anything to her! Does he need to say anything? She thought. Even I know who he is and I'm out of the loop nowadays. So what? He wants me to follow him? She frowned. It's not that she didn't want to go, because she was curious, but she wondered why he bothered to get her attention in the first place. Perhaps he had seen her watching him and Red Robin, maybe he knew of her reputation and he was interested in her, or it could be a trap. Without making up her mind, Terra shouldered her pack and followed the Red Hood.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 18, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Garxena
    "What I do best," Jack answered. "I'm not just going to sit around. Tonight, a first year Gryffindor gets to join that Hufflepuff in the Chamber. That kid's getting on my nerves." He hated the way the first year stuttered, was unsure of himself, yet had so many friends and laughed and smiled without a care in the world. Jack would change that. He'd make that kid grow a spine and then rip it out and feed it to his basilisk.


    Ben fumbled to catch the gum, dropped one packet and picked it back up.

    "Alright, let's go," Al turned and led the way. The room wasn't enormous, but it was large enough to have all kinds of things students over the years must have thought would give them a break from life. There was a wizard's chess set, art supplies, candy, tea sets, comfy chairs, even CDs and other Muggle things.

    "Neat," Ben breathed, happy to see things from home again. He was starting to miss things like TV and books on tape. He especially missed talking to his Muggle friends on the phone or internet. The worst part was that he couldn't just tell them he was a wizard going to an amazing school.


    "I got this," Lelouch cracked his knuckles and waved his siblings to stand back. He took a couple of steps back himself and then drew his wand and pointed it at the glass. "Confringo!" The glass completely shattered, creating shining shards on the floor. Very pleased with himself, Lelouch reached forward and took out the Marauder's Map. Flicking his wand again, he silently cast Reparo and the glass flew off the floor and perfectly back into place.
    "There." He waved the Map proudly.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 17, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Garxena
    Jack honestly didn't like chocolate; it was too sweet and overrated for his taste. He'd never had a run-in with a Dementor so he couldn't say whether that would be the exception to his no-chocolate rule or not. He looked at his watch; it wasn't close to dinner yet. "Hm. I can't wait to make this school the way it should have been in the first place."


    "Oh. Uh, I-I was just walking and, uh, this door... But first my friends and library, and so I left, but the moving stairs, and the crowded halls, and then... This door just was there," Ben stammered, trying to explain without saying too much, his hands making all kinds of gestures to illustrate his ramblings. He sighed and hung his head. "I'll just go now."

    "Hey," Al smiled. She felt so badly for the poor, stuttering first year; six years ago that was her. "C'mere. You don't have anything to do right? You were just wandering the halls. So," She put her hands on her hips and smiled. "Explore this place with us."

    Ben tensed, thinking he was in trouble and then, a little confused, smiled back. He thought the Head Boys and Girls were just students who got everyone else in trouble. And his impression of Al from earlier that day reinforced that idea. But now she seemed really nice. He wasn't used to people inviting him to hang out with them; he was too introverted to ask either. "Okay!"


    "Blank parchment, folded nicely, inside a protective case in the Headmaster's Office, and it looks really old..." Lelouch thought aloud, leaning to get a closer look. He was systematically narrowing down all the myths and legends of Hogwarts in his head as he started at the layered parchment. Then it came to him and his jaw nearly dropped. "The Marauder's Map." He knew that had to be it, and he grinned devilishly. "We gotta have that!"
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Garxena
    I shall double post!! 8D
    No. No I shan't.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 16, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Garxena
    Terra folded her arms and pursed her lips. Was there something more to this than just having Gotham to himself? And who was the guy Red Robin had called "Light?" She huffed out a breath and decided to just think about it all later. Right now she was hungry; she hadn't eaten since she'd gotten in the city. But something stopped her. Terra heard the knife but stayed still, letting it land between her feet; until she saw who's hand it came from, she wouldn't use her powers. Attacking first and asking questions later was supposedly something that wasn't okay (according to those little heroes who tried to teach her what she should be doing). A soft yellow glow lit up her hands as she prepared herself for whoever was waiting for her. She could pull earth from under the concrete now and have them ready to throw or she could wait and rip the earth apart underneath whoever it was. "Attacking while hidden? What a pansy move! If you want to fight me then just come out! You might end up twenty feet underground though." She challenged.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Garxena
    ^THAT. So I can post. <3
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Garxena
    ... I quit. T^T

    NAH NAH! XD I can't wait for this to start~
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Garxena
  11. Garxena
    I noticed!! 8D We all love you for it. ^^
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 15, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Garxena
    "And that's what the basilisk is for. It plays with them until I'm bored watching," Jack was impressed by Taralynn's answer; it just reminded him why he trusted her to be his right-hand woman. "Well then, another secret: I don't like chocolate."


    So I ended up alone...? This is pathetic... How am I supposed to do anything if I can't even get my friends together? Ben wandered the halls, not really sure where he was going. He just wanted somewhere to be at ease and not think about any of this Chamber stuff. It was a lot for one, twelve year old kid to handle. He stopped his path and turned around to pace. There was no one in the hallway so he didn't care. I'd go to the common room but I bet people are there. He slid his hand along the wall as he paced, and suddenly, the texture of the wall changed. It wasn't stone anymore, it was wooden and metallic. He looked up and gasped. There was a door in the middle of the wall that wasn't there before.
    Should I...? Ben reached for the handle and opened the door.

    "Yeah! Let's go," Al grinned. She was fascinated by the Room and wanted to see more of it. But before they could begin their exploration, the door to the Room opened and a timid looking Gryffindor stepped in.

    Ben stopped in the doorway, cheeks furiously pink. He'd walked in on someone. And to him, they looked like a couple. Then he recognized Jay from earlier at the library, and Al too. Oh man... I'm in trouble now. He took a step backwards. "I-I'm sorry!"


    "Hm?" Lelouch looked up from the book. His thoughtful frown turned into a mischievous grin. "C'mon! Tell me what you need. I bet I can do it!"
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 11, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Garxena
    OOC: Ah, the good old ninja-ing of posts. ^^

    "No," Jack answered, changing his mind and turning to face Taralynn. He could see the question in her eyes; she wanted to know all about his last secret. There was no one around to overhear him, and he did still have time to kill. "But I can tell you want to ask me what I meant just now." He took his seat again and folded his arms across his chest.
    "It was two years ago. I met my parents in Hogsmeade during the winter. We went to the Shrieking Shack. They had charmed the entire Shack so no one would hear; no one would suspect anything. A boy was there, a Mudblood. My parents taught me the most powerful spell there is: the killing curse." He chuckled at the memory. "That's my favorite spell." His eyes darkened as he recalled that day. "They told me to kill that boy. He would be the first of many, they said. He would start my takeover of Hogwarts. That dirty excuse for a wizard had his eyes locked on mine, and he begged me to let him live. But I pointed my wand and I screamed," Jack drew his wand and extended his arm so it was aimed at Taralynn. He paused, lowered his wand, then, "I screamed that curse. He was the first, but he won't be the last."


    "No way," Lelouch repeated, dropping his school bag and walking to the middle of the office. His jaw went slack as he stared at all the amazing things inside the Headmaster's office. "Look at it all!" He walked around the room, almost running, staring at each and every trinket, book, and relic. He stopped in front of a bookshelf and his eyes widened. "None of these are in the library." He drew the book that was right in front of him and flipped it open, going silent as he began to read but still grinning from ear to ear.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Garxena
    No changes? Okay. I'll put it up in the character list.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Garxena
    OOC: Apologies, everyone. ): With all that's going on with me, this particular RP kinda slipped my mind. Life just plain sucks sometimes. I haven't talked about and don't want to, so no questions, kay? Thanks. (: But just like Webhead, I'm back and I'm staying~!

    Logan spotted a shell of crystals and his eyes narrowed. Whoever was inside there had to be pulling some pretty important string to be protected like that. Time to find out who! He jumped off the speeding bike and launched himself at the crystals, adamantium claws out, ready to pierce and break the crystal shell. He'd drag out whoever was in there and make them talk.


    Anemos rushed to Sora's side. "I got your back. Let's take this Scorch freak out before he gets away!"

    "You okay?" Uncomfortable being away from her brother at a time like this, Thyella knelt by Feral, gently laying a hand on his shoulder. The best way she could tell was if he either told her or she ran her hands along his body, and the latter didn't seem like something she should do at the moment. Better to ask a question that would seem stupid to someone with sight than go touching him and seem like a weirdo.
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Garxena
    You mean this? 8D

    Yeah I did. ^^
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 10, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Garxena
    "What the hell? Did she just speak Russian or somethin'?" Once she'd regained herself from the scare and the light had turned green, Grace tapped the gas pedal and made a left turn. She hit the radio on and grinned to the song that was playing. The lyrics and melody calmed her racing heart; she looked again at the directions she'd scribbled and followed them carefully. If she wasted any more time she'd be late for this meeting. Would this manager be upset about that? Weren't most professional people upset by that? Truth be told, Grace didn't know much about this manager -- just that his name was Sigmund and he was really old and stuff. So it was probably best that she get there early or right on time. She switched the radio's station and her thoughts ceased when she heard the song that was playing.

    "On my knees, I'll ask
    Last chance for one last dance
    'Cause with you, I'd withstand
    All of hell to hold your hand
    I'd give it all
    I'd give for us
    Give anything but I won't give up
    'Cause you know,
    you know, you know
    That I love you
    I've loved you all along
    And I miss you
    Been far away for far too long
    I keep dreaming you'll be with me
    and you'll never go
    Stop breathing if I don't see you anymore~"

    Her voice resonated in the car like it was the one meant for the song. Though it was just a jam to the radio, her voice reflected passion beyond that of the professional singer's. Grace exhaled and stopped her singing, letting the radio play the rest of the song while she parked. Turning the radio off before she got distracted by another song, she got of her Soul and shut the door, locking the car. "Okay. Here goes. Time to show 'em what you got!"
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Garxena
    Jack sighed, bored by the game. He didn't give much thought to what he would say next. "I've killed someone." It just sort of came out. Maybe he was too comfortable around Taralynn, maybe he just wasn't thinking -- that didn't matter; he'd said too much. He stood up from his seat on the couch and walked a few steps away, honestly disturbed at what he'd said, and maybe a little ashamed. "Are we finished with this game now?"


    Al's eyes widened. The room was incredible. She smiled, her shoulders sagging as she finally relaxed a bit. Then she spotted the bowl of Drooble's Blowing Gum on a small table. "Heh," she scoffed, "Not bad."


    Lelouch reached into his bag, drew out a book, and smacked his brother with it. Calmly, he placed it back in his bag and adjusted his glasses. "Ahem," He cleared his throat and smiled at Elysia. "So what's this old guy's painting have to do with--" He stopped, taking a better look at the painting. His brain started racing, trying to remember the name that went with that gentle face. "No way. Is that really... Albus Dumbledore?"
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 9, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Garxena
    Jack's expression didn't changed. "I've only seen a few and they weren't very impressive." How was this game supposed to be entertaining again? And what was so interesting about not seeing a Muggle-made movie? At least this was better than sitting around and doing nothing. "And now I'm supposed to say something. Okay. A secret..." His mouth turned down in a thoughtful frown. What was he supposed to say? "Well... I love snakes."
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Garxena
    Jack scowled. He recognized the girl. She was in a class of his but he didn't care enough to remember. All he knew was that he hated the way he'd catch her giving him goo-goo eyes. Taralynn was right, she was disgusting. He took his wand out and casually walked across the common room. "Cady--"

    The girl looked up at him, thrilled that he was talking to her. Obviously the boy next to her was just for entertainment. "It's pronounced--"

    "Don't care. Listen," He smiled and spun his wand. "I hear you're getting friendly with first years. Not every guy in the school wants to get up in your skirt. Especially me. Quit whoring yourself out." Of course, probably none of that was true. The girl mostly likely was just trying to get to Jack by being seen with different boys -- it was a stupid strategy. He wasn't interested in that kind of stuff. She teared up, jumped to her feet, and ran away crying. Jack laughed out loud.

    "Hey!" The boy got to his feet and pulled out his wand. "Whut duh hell, man?"

    Jack raised an eyebrow at the boy's readied wand. "You want to duel?" The boy began to say a spell and move his wand, but Jack was quicker. With a flash of his own wand, Jack had the boy on his knees clutching his stomach.

    "What did you--?" A slimy, dark grey slug spewed out of the terrified boy's mouth.

    "It'll stop eventually," Jack shrugged. "Maybe."

    "I swear I'll--"

    "You have a little sister who goes here, right? A first year Hufflepuff?" Jack stopped the boy's threat, a sneer as cold as metal on his face. "Shame if something were to happen to such a hard-working little... witch."

    "Damn you," The boy grumbled and hurried out of the common room, vomiting another, orange slug on his way.

    "Idiots," Jack sighed, returning his wand to his pocket. He flopped onto a couch, his usual bored expression back on his face. "So? You wanted to ask something first?"
    Post by: Garxena, Nov 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home