Hey there, I remember that name. Good to see you back!
I remember being destined for ballads. Favorite rep title.
Ugh, I hate Mondays.
Timeline: OoT (Adult) Anomaly: N/A Inside the walls of Hyrule Castle, a hooded masked figure ran through the shadows, his body blending in with the darkness. He was virtually invisible and silent --thanks to the tricks of his people-- but he still hugged the wall. Somber was quick on his feet, ducking behind corners when he noticed guards and running like wind around them when the guards weren't looking. On his face rested a ceramic mask, white with red lips and the eye of the Sheikah on the upper half. After making his way to the courtyard and into the sunlight, the time-misplaced adventurer quickly found an unguarded bush and hid behind it, dropping to his knees. "Goddesses, help us," whispered the young Sheikah. A shaking hand reached up and pulled the Mask of Truth from his face as sweat dripped onto it. It had been only three days since Somber found himself in this different Hyrule, but what he knew now shook him to the core. He spent his time learning about the current events, as well as the history of the this Hyrule. His first trip had been to Castle Town, where he learned about the rise and fall of Ganon and how a new castle was being built over the Temple of Time. His second trip was to the current castle, where he used the Mask of Truth to gain more information. The fact that a Sheikah was responsible for such terrible things, such a betrayal of the Royal Family, an affront to the goddesses themselves..."No, this will not stand," he decided, standing to his feet. Somber knew how dangerous it was to make himself known, especially as a Sheikah from a different time. No, he had to stop Zoku himself. Hearing footsteps, Somber quickly placed the mask back on his face and dashed around the bush. A guard had just marched by, his back to Somber. Without so much as a single breath leaving his body, Somber rushed toward the guard as the Hylian started to turn. Time seemed to slow for the Sheikah as he pivoted around the guard, staying behind his turning back and out of the guard's sight by inches, and jumped. With the stealth of a shadow, he placed a foot on the wall and jumped over the wall. The wind carried him to the grass outside of the castle. In one swift motion, Somber landed, rolled, and ran towards the trees, Castle Town in his sights.
Words can't explain how excited I am to have you back, Bushy. Now we just need our schedules aligned.
Third parties can't be viable without a solid base. My problem with Jill Stein for instance is how irrelevant she becomes when there isn't a presidential election. You can't campaign for your party every four years on a federal level and ignore the local elections leading up to it; it's not fair to the supporters who actually spend money towards a fruitless campaign. EVEN if they were to win, there's no base in Congress, no local politicians to fall back on for support on party policies, and very little experience to use when it comes to actually getting stuff done on a federal level. I wish we were at a point where third parties were viable, but they have to built from the local level up, not from the federal level down and that's what I see very little off. I have different problems with libertarianism and those are the main issues why I would never vote for Johnson, but the same thing still applies. If you look at other countries, they tend to have more than two parties and there's less obstruction because of how the parties line up with their respective governments, usually a party gets elected, not just a leader from it.
I understand perfectly. Final Fantasy games have always been "high fantasy" set in clearly mythic worlds but you don't like how FFXV is "low fantasy" where it takes place in a realistic world with fantasy elements. I half agree, half disagree but only because I haven't experienced any part of the game or it's related media yet.
I've claimed a pair of my wife's underwear for my own. They're really comfy
Pretty sure she wasn't admin anymore but I legit can't remember if she was when we started.
Even though I've been romantically close to a member or two, the only member I've officially dated on here would be CtR, but yeah, we never met in person. Flights across seas are expensive, yo.
Popplio is ruined for me. Definitely going with Litten for Sun then and probably Rowlet for Moon
U r d man Thanks!