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  1. Boy Wonder
    ~Locked due to inactivity for over a month.
    Contact a moderator if you would like it to have it reopened.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 31, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Boy Wonder
    There was a time when I didn't consider myself old.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 31, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Boy Wonder
    Just curious to what the Pokémon fans here are planning on starting Sun/Moon with.
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Oct 28, 2016, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Boy Wonder
    Willing to bet Litten's final evo will be the first Alola mon to join in
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 27, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  5. Boy Wonder
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 27, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Boy Wonder
    Primarina won me over, but I still can't do that middle evolution.
    This is going to be tough. Originally I was Rowlet > Litten > Popplio. With the middle evolutions, I was Litten > Rowlet > Popplio, and now all three are tied.
    Not cool, Pokémon.

    Blue and Red are going to be cool, wasn't expecting that. Still not a fan of Alolan Persian.

    The idea that Alola is making a League is interesting and gives me some hope. I still hope that the main quest of the game (the trials) end up with important battles; I'm going to miss Gym trainers and Leaders for this gen but it looks like it'll make up for it with other kinds of boss battles.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 27, 2016 in forum: Gaming
  7. Boy Wonder
    Hey, just checking in, guys. Don't worry, I haven't been abduc-
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Boy Wonder
    Okay, so here's what I was thinking based on your feedback:

    The villains who came together managed to destroy some worlds (those belonging to RPs). The OCs from those stayed on the new, original world ("Hub World" for now) and started a society for those who lose their worlds (just realized it's pretty much Traverse Town lol). The Headquarters for the team of crossover warriors is on this world.

    There will be a rule about a character limit. Normally, I don't care how many characters people have in this kind of RP, but I'd probably make a limit for the amount of OCs (before it becomes an OC only RP) and something like no matter how many characters any individual member has, each post can only have a certain number of characters.

    The RP would take place years after that initial war and the formation of the team. There can be many members so we can do individual squads if there are enough participants or just a main team if there isn't enough. Even a main team with rotating members. That should make it easy enough for new characters to jump in. I was even thinking of the RP starting with a new war about to start.

    Of course, not everyone has to even be a part of that organization. As long there is interaction with other members and they can get brought into the story somehow (temporarily or permanently), then it's all good.

    I don't think we should worry too much about power levels as long as it doesn't get out of hand, but I've had a rule before that power levels change depending on the world they're in. Having everyone in a Dragon Ball Z world, for instance, gives them a strength level relative to the average power level of that world (in this case, a Saiyan), but...maybe the powers balance out when interacting with someone/something from a different World.

    Oh, I also thought of giving people the option of giving their characters new abilities from different worlds. Like a Pokemon Trainer might be able to catch a Heartless on a KH World or a monster from FF and use it like a Pokemon. These would either be easily available but temporary and can only be used on that world OR harder to get and permanent.

    Years and years ago, a being named Smithy tried to take over the Mushroom Kingdom using the power of wish-granting stars. Though he was defeated, Smithy made one final wish that was inexplicably granted and gained the immense power of the dimension-crossing Culex, a multiversal Dark Knight. Using his new power, Smithy built a team of like-minded villains from many different realms and set out to conquer everything with his new army.

    The star warrior ♥♪!? (known as Geno) --who was initially tasked with foiling Smithy's evil plan-- decided to follow suit and crossed his own dimensional barriers to gain allies. What followed was a brutal war across many universes known as the "War of All Things" pitting heroes and villains from all reality. Though many realms were unfortunately destroyed and many lives lost in the war, the villains were defeated and reality was safe once again.

    In the aftermath of the war, Geno founded "Star Warriors"
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 23, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Boy Wonder
    Username: Man of Steel
    Name: Celio Nuvola di Angelo
    Age: 23
    Appearance: Clickety Clickety Cloo
    Personality: Irresponsible. Known for his maturity and serious attitude while younger, a personal failure caused him to avoid all responsibility and become extremely carefree, laid-back, and in overall, just not serious.
    Homeworld: Paradise Kingdom
    Keyblade: Heavenly Ascension
    What's most important to you? Honor and respect
    What do you want outta life? To redeem myself
    What are you afraid of? Being a failure
    Path Chosen: Hunter
    Path Sacrificed: Guardian

    KHSOS: Awakening
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 23, 2016 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. Boy Wonder
    Timeline: OoT (Adult)
    Anomaly: N/A​

    The air Somber ran through was a buzz in his ears, but he hardly felt it against his body. The grass around him was a green blur. In the distance, he could see the gate to Castle Town. Thankfully, there were no guards nearb-"What?!" The Shiekah skidded to a stop a few yards from a young boy clad in green and an impish creature, both appearing out of nowhere armed for combat at the sight of him. One hand instinctively reached for the hilt of his sword and the other to the mask on his face.

    There was a pause as Somber studied the two. The green clothes in which the young boy was clad were familiar; many young children wore similar clothes through Hyrule's history --Somber's Hyrule, that is. Evidently, in this Hyrule, they were the attire of a specific community. The other creature was familiar, reminding Somber of a living Poe. In his time, there were fairy tales of mischievous imps that resided in the depths of forests and had magical power. "The Lost Children," they were called, but Somber knew they had another name, a name with historical basis. He couldn't remember that name, but it was obvious the Lost Children were more than a fairy tale in this Hyrule.

    "You're... surprised to see me?" He broke the silence, letting go of his sword. The expression the children bore wasn't hostility and their postures barely showed preparation...they weren't expecting Somber. The Sheikah had suspected the Lost Child's magic was how they appeared in front of him, but now... he had another thought. Somber pushed back the Mask of Truth, revealing his face. His clan's Mask of Truth was a magical item, at its most powerful it revealed the secrets of the world to whoever wore it. The Mask worked by changing its wearer's perception, showing him what he needed to see. Somber would have avoided the two children if he had seen them, so could the Mask have made him not notice them until he was close enough that he was forced to interact with them. The Mask knew what Somber really needed --even if he didn't-- and was offering him a way to get it. "My's Somber. I am not here to fight," he said, offering his hand to either of the children. "In fact, I am not from around here at all."
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 22, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Boy Wonder
    I had an idea for an open Crossover RP that would allow not just characters from media, but from other RPs, including OCs.

    The basic idea is that a few years ago, some bad guys from different universes crossed over and tried to take over the multiverse. Heroes from different universes came together and fought against them and won, but the walls between universes was now weakened and allowed for easier travel between.

    To ensure the safety of the multiverse, some of those heroes formed a team. The team would be headquartered on an original world (I'm thinking a central base, a city, and some outer area, but nothing else around it).

    The RP would start in the present time with the team having had some time together. They travel to each other's worlds and can hang out or help each other out against foes (who can also team up), or explore the original world.

    OCs from other RPs would be allowed (as long as they were yours) and maybe even RP-specific versions of pre-existing characters.

    Would anybody be interested in doing this or helping me develop the idea?
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Oct 22, 2016, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Boy Wonder
    I was answering this earlier when I was sick and I think I might have just forgot to finish it lol.

    That's one way to do it, though if the same story is overarching then it'd have to be in one thread.
    Using one of my old RPs as an example like above, I wanted a character who was the latest in lineage of mythic heroes and would get visions of the last person in the lineage from 2000 years agoish. Eventually, I was going to plan for a different RP taking place in the past with the last hero but the current hero was going to be present mentally. Both RPs would be related and have the same character (and bad guys), be taking place in the same world but in different times, and have related but very different stories and characters. I planned for both RPs to be ongoing at the same time and my original plan was for the people in the first to take control over past counterparts, but it'd be open to anybody else, too.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 21, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  13. Boy Wonder
    So how about a two year bump?

    As I get back into RPing, I've had several ideas. I'm not sure which ones I'll end up finishing and posting, but I'm fleshing them all out at least some.

    • A fantasy story influenced by old jrpgs like Breath of Fire, Lufia, Secret of Mana, with a system like the l'Cie from Final Fantasy XIII. The gods of the world choose certain people to be their chosen warriors, called Ascended. The Ascended get access to magic and a unique ability. The Ascended have to fulfill specific missions by these gods or they become "Kyrsed" (cursed). A country ignites a war with its own Ascended searching for a way to revive an ancient power and the gods make a new group of Ascended to track down the sacred item the other country is after. The RP will take place in segments where the objective changes dramatically each time one is completed. First part is to find the item, second part is to find a group of items, third part to kill a series of beings, fourth part to track someone down, etc.
    • A superhero crossover similar to my last one where different heroes from different forms of media co-exist and become a new team. My last one used the second Avengers movie for the initial story, but for this one I'd use a different, possibly more original story. Maybe I'd use the Arrow, Flash, and Legends of Tomorrow universe as the jumping off point?
    • A completely open crossover where the main setting is an original world called "Hub World." Hub World has access to every universe and characters from any universe can go to Hub World, but no character can go to any world that they're not a native to. However, there will be something that causes the barriers between worlds to weaken and characters are able to travel between worlds in Gummi Ships. The idea is that there will be OCs as well as existing characters. OCs will be from Hub World and can change "jobs" to different worlds like changing to a Dragon Ball Z job and getting Saiyan powers or a Harry Potter job and becoming a wizard. Existing characters would be assigned a Class depending on where they're from (Book, Movie, Anime, Comic, TV Series, etc.) and each Class will have different benefits that I haven't figured out yet; OCs will be able to use these benefits depending on their job. There would be some sort of Guild system with each Guild led by a different OC (think KH Unchained and the Unions). Characters could be anyone from anywhere, but only 2 OCs (3 if one is a Guild Leader) per person and only 5 characters can be used per post.
    • Something stat-based. I Haven't figured out what exactly, but I have a few different stat systems I want to flesh out and see if I can make them work. Either a Final Fantasy-like class system where new abilities are unlocked using points, something that involves an actual map like a tabletop thing, or a tower-defense thing.
    • Some kind of monster hunting RP. Originally, I was thinking of a medieval version of Supernatural without the grand end-of-the-world plots. Might combine this with the above system.
    • A Final Fantasy RP taking place in one of the worlds from one of the games (current draft is FF7, but the last one was FF6, and the original one FF13). Haven't decided on a story yet, but trying to pinpoint a setting and time. My FF7 version has to do with a new version of SOLDIER years after the game. I've put more thought into this one, but I've had another version that uses the Ivalice world and one with the world from one of the FF MMOs. In other words, the setting of one of the games, but all OCs.

    I'll be working on these for a bit, but if anyone wants to help with any of these, feel free to contact me!
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  14. Boy Wonder
    I'm currently working on a fantasy one inspired by old school JRPGs like Lufia, Breath of Fire, and the Mana series, though I hit a roadblock. I'd like to see more fantasy and sci-fi threads like that. We had so many back when I started RPing. They had simple premises, but were still fun and easy to get into.

    I also wouldn't mind more crossover threads between specific properties. At some point, crossovers became extremely expansive and open to virtually everything (though I'm extremely guilty of this), but I remember when it was more common to crossover two or three specific properties.

    More Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy RPs for sure.
    Maybe a Pokémon RP, too.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  15. Boy Wonder
    I had similar ideas like these, but I never followed through!

    I had a Final Fantasy-inspired OC-based RP that had a massive war several millenia ago that was stopped by a chosen one. Eventually, the current chosen and the party would get linked to the past, during the original chosen one's war against evil. My plan was for that storyline to be explored in a different thread with the characters of that time.

    I also had an idea for a MASSIVE Final Fantasy crossover where the main characters and villains were reworked to all be in the same world (Final Fantasy 7's). There were three storylines: Shinra's, Ivalice's, Palamecia's. Each storyline had two competing sides for a total of six groups, all composed of various FF characters, that took place on each continent with subtle connecting plot points. It was so huge and had so many characters involved that I had thought about breaking it into three threads so each thread would have one ongoing storyline and characters could switch between threads if they were visiting that area.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 15, 2016 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  16. Boy Wonder
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 14, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Boy Wonder
    So if you've read the new rules, there's a part about "Franchise RPs." We've got them explained as different RPs (as in, each with its own thread) that take place in the same universe, whether original or not.
    Have you ever thought about doing it?
    How would you have done it? Different characters involved in each or a different time period? Maybe even a different version of events (like Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire)?
    Is this something you might be interested in?
    Thread by: Boy Wonder, Oct 14, 2016, 7 replies, in forum: Role Play Discussion
  18. Boy Wonder
    Are you asking how to change the format of the additional clocks themselves? You can't change them individually as far as I know, but you can change the format for all three clocks in the same setting option where you add the hover times. Right click the time > Adjust date/time > Change date and time formats.

    For anyone wondering how to add the other two clocks, it's the same location as above, but you click "Add clock for different time zones." You can even name them. I have one for a friend overseas and one for a friend across the country so I always know what time it is for them.
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 13, 2016 in forum: Technology
  19. Boy Wonder
    Still need to work on finishing the first one lol
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 13, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Boy Wonder
    Ienzo, I miss you around! Better see you more often!
    Post by: Boy Wonder, Oct 11, 2016 in forum: Introductions & Departures