I once hit 924 skips
Blimps. Like what happens if two blimps crash into each other? Do they explode? Or do they just like bounce off?
I've not made it far due to my schedule, but I started reading Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups and Crossovers. It's the sixth book in the WtC series by Marion G. Harmon. Now I hear it's probably the weakest book in the series so far, BUT I think what it set out to do is goddamn amazing. WtC stars Astra, a new superhero in Harmon's original world and the series follows her growth as a hero. In this book, Team-Ups and Crossovers, Harmon actually has her crossover with other works, even allowing other writers to write chapters. Velveteen Vs. is another original superhero fantasy written by Seanan McGuire. McGuire gave Harmon permission to use her characters and world and write the Velveteen part of the crossover himself. Grrl Power is the only webcomic I follow passionately about a genre-savvy nerd who ends up as a superhero. It's written by Dave Barrack and it's pretty damn good. Barrack writes his own corner of the universe in Team-Ups and Crossovers. K.F. Lim is a lawyer and big fan of WtC and was given her own space to write with, coming up with an original story -from what I can tell- for the character. The main complaint I'm seeing is the difference in writing styles takes away from the book. Like I said, I'm not too far into yet but how cool is it that he published an actual crossover book with these other writers and a fan of his series?
@jackdaniel0 are you still planning on using Enerjak?
Hi, turned on right now. I'm Boy Wonder. Nice to meet you.
[X] Ask him if he's a guy.
Our president doesn't know how to president.
For @Midnight Star and @jackdaniel0 : Within five years of the start of Heroic Sanction, three of the actual Sanction members died and several of the Allies joined. The Allies themselves expanded to increase their numbers and are more involved with the Sanction as well as having more freedom with their team instead of being simply a government-controlled team. The heroes stopped a nuclear attack, fought a dark god summoned by supervillains, an alien invasion, traveled to a handful of different futures, and took part in a war between a race of mages and a race of half-dragon warriors. That's about all of the detail I can give you since the vital things are classified lol. jackdaniel0, are you making a form for Enerjak?
Here's what I was working on before my car accident last week: Spoiler [ These aren't necessarily meant to be character banners, but I had an idea for "character cards" that I was going to use for a roster. I don't really like how they turned out but eh. It's my second attempt at them lol. Here's what the initial ones looked like (I thought of putting them together like a character select screen). I still might try something different, idk. Note: I'm not going to do one for everyone before we start (as we'll be starting soon). Anyway, sorry for the delay. My car was hit last week and I've been dealing with that on top of still dealing with the last time my car was hit so I'm running behind lol. We'll go with that~ It all seems good. I'd say you can hold off on the Arcane Forme for now and Poke will obtain later (like a power-up) but that's up to you~ As for the realm, I meant is there a specific RP where Arceus created him or was that just a backstory for each version of him? If it's a specific RP, I'd like a link to the thread. If it wasn't your RP, that realm would be "dead," but it wasn't an RP (or if it was yours), we might visit it. Thanks for keeping that end vague! Accepted~ That's cool as long as you fill a form for him. Try to keep the realm of that RP vague like midnight star did. Since that would be one of my own realms, since it was my RP, I'm going to just say that for now, we'll likely not visit that.
Okay, this more than makes up for Chase's own casting. Not to mention Marster's stint as Brainiac on Smallville, but mad scientist will be a great role for him.
[x] your way. Say hi. (I'm terrified)
I'm not happy with either Alex's or Chase's actors, but the rest seem like they are good fits. I liked Gregg Sulkin in Wizards of Waverly Place and in Faking It, but he is not who I'd expect for Chase.
No lie, I said I don't use the same character but I realized I've used Leo Zealot like 5 times lol
It's not Sonic X, it's Sonic χ
Xehanort is best girl considering he's every****ingbody
In~ But I have a quick question: the Pokémon universe Poke is originally from, is it a specific universe or another RP or just something from his backstory you came up with for the sake of Tower of Power? In, but quick question for you: is his whole realm (the entire universe of Warcraft) destroyed or just his planet? I was going for mainly RPs and older games/properties that have been destroyed realms, but we can have others, too. Just wanted to make sure before I edit in that realm.
I don't think this has been working for a while or it might just be on my end. Regardless of which browser I'm using, I don't see any Previous Posts. The section is there and labeled "Previous Posts" but no posts are showing. Is this just me?
https://kh-vids.net/threads/enhancermorphs-ooc-thread.139145/#post-4058882 https://kh-vids.net/threads/bloodlust-ooc.145875/page-2#post-4178813...
I wanted to show you this because I thought it was funny. I'm not really the kind of person that has a specific OC that I use for different RPs,...