That is Roxas's. I can just make Donald talk like him.
I'm sorry. After this we will do a game you want. I will even buy it if I have to.
Oh crap. It always seems like I'm hacking all of your codes doesn't it?
Everywhere in the game where the text would have said "Roxas", it will now say "Sora". I can make it say anything. So, it's basically like a name changer for Roxas. XD.
Hey guys I made a code. I know it's really simple but still: Code: Roxas is called Sora 2037b8f0 61726f53 2037b8f4 00000000
Roxas is called Sora 2037b8f0 61726f53 2037b8f4 00000000
Wow, I'm a little speechless after what you guys did last night. A flame war is NOT the answer. Anyway, I'm trying to get an update going for you guys. Hold on a while longer please.
Khkid got his username changed. And we can change characters' voices now?
Oh, okay. Thanks carey.
Probably both. In seperate tutorials. Oh, and, to dump the game, you'll need this code too: Code: Dump Code Fix (MUST BE ON!!!) 20124398 24020000 I've already made the code for the next tutorial update, but I will not release it.
Dump Code Fix (MUST BE ON!!!) 20124398 24020000
Gamefaqs has SAVES. Not DUMPS. I already stated what code we are going to hack, too.
This is the name of the code we will be hacking. Pyrocitor is called Flamethrower Someone help me. The dump code I made works but the game tries to write data over the corrupted data. I need a delete code, but the one example on CMP doesn't work for this game. Wait, I think I got it. Here: Code: Dump Code Fix (MUST BE ON!!!) 20124398 24020000
As soon as it says Save Failed, say ok and turn it off immediately.
ARMAX cannot dump.
Completly wrong.
Just put it into your Codebreaker and try to save. It will ruin your save file. Put the ruined save file into your flash key using your Codebreaker, and take the flask key to your computer. Save the dump to your computer and open the dump using PS2Dis.
*sighs* Upload the ELF and PM me with the link to it. I wish you guys would just do what I say, and hack what I say we're going to hack . . . Every day I get a little closer to quitting because people keep complaining about how they don't have the game we are going to hack. It's only $8 people. You guys are the ones that signed up for this, and you're now going to whine to me about it? That's not fair.
Just go to the save menu and attempt to save the game. You guys need to remember that I'm not a super-hacker like Evilman or khkid, so it may take me a little longer to get a code than them. I'm just throwing that out there.
I made the dump code for Ratchet and Clank. Code: Raw Format Dump Code for Ratchet and Clank 20123ae0 3C030000 20123ae4 3C050200 Are you guys ready to hack?
Raw Format Dump Code for Ratchet and Clank 20123ae0 3C030000 20123ae4 3C050200
Hold on there, buddy. I can't hack from my PSP. I've got to wait until I can get on the computer . . .