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  1. Ansem59
    Phisoxa looked at Allen with sorrowful eyes. "Allen, do you have any idea what you've done? That ship that you just..." Phisoxa tried to find the more fair term "... damaged! You have started something awful!" Phisoxa then sighed and began healing him. "Hold still." she said "I can't fix the shirt, but I can heal you. I just can't believe how you are acting! What do you have to say about yourself?!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ansem59
    Phisoxa ran into the forest and found Allen, hiding in there. "Allen! Hey, you, is everything okay?!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ansem59
    Nny looked at the survivors. "Yeah... it was pretty bad..." said Nny. But Nny didn't feel sadness, he said it was a terrible thing, and Nny could admit that to himself, but he felt no real remorse for those who had passed. He just didn't care.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ansem59
    "This is truth. The next time we meet, however, I will kill you." said Rako as he dissappeared in a portal.

    Nny walked casually up to Robert "Who was that a**hole?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ansem59
    Rako laughed at Robert at first, thinking him to be stupid but then Rako thought about the things he had yet to do. He decided to accept the truce for now. "I'm just curious, why a truce?" asked Rako to Robert.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ansem59
    Suddenly a burst of light and darkness exploded infront of Phisoxa and the other students. Both Robert and Rako appeared on battling each other as they did before.

    Rako raised his hand in the air and summoned pools of darkness to come out from the ground and harm Robert. Rako knew Robert would avoid or shield from these, but this was a two part plan, Rako was setting him up...

    However, Rako was surprised by the sudden change of scenery. He examined his surroundings for only a second before returning his focus onto Robert.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ansem59
    Vitan told the girl what he felt like eating and she took the order with kindness and swiftness. Vitan then looked at Alastair. "What time is it?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ansem59
    "Dude, I'm just glad you are okay. Maybe you should try... LOL, I don't know, just break stuff." Legion said plainly. Legion didn't have any clue how to break out of that ship and he wasn't going to take the time to get out the schematics for it and look.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ansem59
    Vitan awoke hearing Alastair rumaging about. He got up and looked around him. The Suri had slept in her own room, while the guys had to be crowded around in their own room. Vitan looked at Eins sleeping before he too went downstairs to eat. Once down he started up a conversation with Alastair "Hey, good morning..." Vitan drowsely said.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ansem59
    Legion had already sent Ansem back to his own world when he decided to check up on Allen. Legion had grown quite fond of the boy and had hoped he reached his destination safely. Legion, however, was surprised to see that Allen had been hiding under a cardboard box, but had then been discovered by the Eclipscion soldier. Then many other soldiers were alerted and then proceeded to surround Allen.

    Legion watched it all unfold. In some misplaced thought of hope, he attempted to call out "ALLEN?! ALLEN?!?! AAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ansem59
    Vitan did the same, laying down... However, he could not sleep. So much had happened in only one days time. The thoughts pestered him and continued to keep him from sleeping...

    Bheliar also sleep, however his sleep was peaceful. He trusted Mya and therefor worried about nothing. However, it was a known occurance that while people did dream, demons did not. Bheliar simply slept and his mind created nothing of any worth.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ansem59
    Nny looked around at the other students. Most of them seemed relieved to be finally leaving the airship. Even though the soldiers had been kind and courteous, everyone felt uncomfortable about the Eclision's helping them. Nny personally didn't care about alliances, but he was smart enough to know what was on everyone else's mind.

    Dr. Traken kept the students together, making sure he would not leave until all of the students had been gathered. He almost acted like their chaperone of sorts. He was constantly watching them to make sure they were paying attention. However, his job was relatively easy... the students were so shocked still by the events that they didn't speak or get out of order. They followed and obeyed the rules intently.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ansem59
    Bheliar bowed to her. "Thank you. I am forever in your debt." Bheliar then walked down into the basement and lay down on the floor. He passed out from exhaustion...


    Vitan looked at Suri. Vitan knew that he wanted to do anything in his power to stop the empire, but he wasn't sure if she did. "Hey, Suri, would you be willing to come with us to fend off the empire? I can understand if you want to do something else."
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ansem59
    Legion scoured the library for motrin, but unfortuantly, could not find anything other than books. Legion realized something "Oh my god! I bet the motrin is in the bathroom!" then Legion realized that he didn't have a bathroom... ONLY A LIBRARY! Legion's headache was killing him and he needed pain relievers fast. Legion opened a book that allowed him to view the multiple universes. He looked for one that would allow him to conviently get access to the pain relievers he needed. Then, he found what he was looking for. "Ah ha!" Legion exlaimed as he snapped his fingers. The portal changed to another color and Legion went through it.

    Legion then flew right out of Ansem59's computer and into his kitchen "Dude, what's up?"

    Ansem59 was shocked by the sudden appearence of Legion "How... what... how did you do that?!"

    "Dude, I leap through dimensions every day, why would yours be different." said Legion, explaining himself to Ansem59 "Besides, my head is killing me... You got some Motrin?"

    Ansem was too shocked for words... He could only reply to Legion's question. "No..." said Ansem, as he still tried to wrap his head around what had happened. "Legion, you are not supposed to break the fourth wall, and here in a single bound, you've completely obliterated it!"

    "LOL, I know, right?" said Legion laughing at his own actions. "But c'mon, where can I get some Motrin from?"

    Ansem just decided to screw all logic and just answer Legion's inquiries. "Well, there is a walgreens just up the road."

    "Great!" Legion exclaimed. "Can you take me there?"

    "You can't teleport?" asked Ansem, confused at why he needed help.

    "Nope, c'mon, let's go." Legion gave Ansem a short answer, which made Ansem suspicious of what he really wanted.

    "Just... *sigh* just here..." Ansem handed Legion his keys "Just take my car and go get your motrin."

    Legion stared at the keys for a moment before laughing out loud. "I can't drive!"

    "What?" Ansem exlaimed in shock. "Why not?! You are an all powerful, all knowing being, how could you not possibly know how to drive?!"

    "Never interested me." said Legion in the short response manner.

    Ansem pinched his nose with his two fingers... What was he thinking including this character into the Wartime thread. Legion was completely useless at times! "FINE!" Ansem said holding the keys and rushing out the door. "Lets go get your stupid motrin!"

    "That's the spirit!" said Legion, following him out.

    Ansem opened the garage door and went out to his car. He unlocked the doors for him and Legion to get in. Legion looked around the car "Jeez, could you make a bigger mess?!" Legion asked in a sarcastic manner.

    "Shut up." said Ansem as he started the car and began driving towards Walgreens.

    During the drive the two of them were mostly silent. With Legion attempting to start conversations only to have them ended by Ansem's angry short responses.

    "Soooo...." Legion started "Uh, how about that Allen?"

    "Yeah, he's a good guy." Ansem responded.

    "Yeah, he's pretty tough..." said Legion.

    "Yeah." Ansem simply stated. Not going into detail.

    Legion then started another topic "So, uh... what's Riku1186 like?"

    "Oh, he's cool. Extremely creative... Can be a real jerk sometimes though." Ansem replied.

    Legion nodded his head at the new information. "How about Love?"

    "She's nice..." Ansem said. Again not giving too much information to keep the conversation dull. He really didn't feel like talking to a fictional character.

    "Ah..." Legion then moved onto another topic. "Mixt?"

    "Oh, uh... yeah, he's a squirrel." said Ansem.

    The car was silent for a bit.

    "Oh..." Legion simply said, attempting to realize how that was possible. The information just seemed to be too... unrealistic. "Uh, Ansem, isn't your world suposed to be the one that doesn't have wierd stuff happening?"

    Ansem looked at him for a brief moment before he turned his eye's back onto the road "Dude, I've seen so much weird stuff that anything is possible at this point."

    The two pulled up to Walgreens. They both got out of Ansem's car and went in.

    Legion followed Ansem, as he seemed to know where he was going.

    Ansem immediatly went to the pain relievers section and grabbed out the Motrin. "Okay, got it, lets go."

    Legion nodded and followed him.

    The two went to the front where the register was located. There were two people infront of them. One paying for their stuff and the other waiting in line.

    "So, hey, Ansem. You got this right?" asked Legion

    Ansem looked at him with shock. "What?! I'm paying for this now?! You are the one who disturbed me for this stupid thing, and now I'm paying for it?!"

    "Dude, I'm a fictional character, what do you want? I don't have that kind of dough." explained Legion

    "You maybe a fictional character, Legion, but you are practically a demi-god! You can do almost anything! Hell, you coming into my world is about as crazy as you can get with powers like yours!" reasoned Ansem.

    "Yeah, well, that doesn't mean I can create money!" Legion fought back. "I can't do anything I want whenever I want it."

    The line moved up with only one person in front of them, and he was paying.

    "Yes, Legion! Yes it does! Create money so you can pay for it, cause unlike you, I can't create money!" Ansem pleaded, attempting to get Legion to budge on the topic.

    Legion began to think about it. "Well..." suddenly, Legion's thoughts were interupted because the man who had been infront them paying was now yelling at the girl at the cash register.

    "I am going to get you fired! This is horrible service! I'm going to look for your manager right now!" yelled the man as he began to leave the counter.

    The woman behind the counter yelled "Wait sir!" The man came back a bit, and she then pleaded with him "Please sir, we can sort this all out, just don't get my manager. I'll get fired if I screw up one more time. Please sir I have kids I have to feed." The woman's eye's were almost bursting with tears.

    The man then replied with agression "Well, you should have thought about that before you started acting like I didn't know what I was talking about! I hope you become poor because you deserve it you litte bi-" suddenly the man's sentence was cut off as Legion extended his hand at the man. Legion then manipulated the area around the man and forced it to shatter and break, creating a hole. The man flew into that hole and it transported him into another dimension entirely. The hole then closed up. A moment of silence occured as Ansem and the girl thought about the horrible thing they had just witnessed. The silence was broken however, when Legion exlaimed "Wow, that guy was a complete a**hole."

    Ansem and the girl still remained shocked and silent.

    Legion pulled the Motrin from Ansem's hand and handed it to the girl for her to ring up. "You're right, Ansem. I can just make my own money. I won't bother you for it."

    The girl quietly rang up the Motrin without really thinking about it. "5.99, sir." she said in an almost monotone voice. She was so horrified that she had just shut down most of her processing and just stuck to routines.

    Legion pulled out some gold coins that looked brand new, but had to be thousends of years old.

    The girl looked at the coins "Uh... U.S. currency only sir."

    Legion looked at the coins and facepalmed himself "Oh yeah, right!" Legion laughed at himself. He put the coins back in his pocket and pulled out six dollars.

    She took the six dollars, put it in the cash register and then pulled out a penny, to which Legion said "Keep the change." Legion then began to leave when he looked back and saw Ansem in the same shocked position he was before. "You coming man?"

    Ansem started to shake out of it as he began to walk towards the exit. He looked at the girl and they traded looks of horror.

    Ansem and Legion got into Ansem's car.

    Ansem started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

    The car ride back was more silent than the car ride to Walgreens.

    "So... how about them mets?" Legion asked.

    "You killed a man..." said Ansem with fear clearly in his voice.

    "Woah, what? I killed a man? When?" asked Legion, genuinly confused.

    "Back there... at Walgreens... Just because he was being mean to that girl?" Ansem just desperately tried to grasp the situation.

    "What? No I didn't." stated Legion which gave Ansem some hope left. "I just sent him to another dimension from which he will never return."

    Ansem then felt sick. "So you have doomed a man to an existance of pain and misery...?"

    "Yeah, LOL." Legion simply said. Legion then noticed the horror written on Ansem's face. "What? He was an a**hole! He deserved it!"

    "Hey! I didn't write you to act that way! You are supposed to be a good guy keeping balance!" said Ansem

    Legion laughed "That reminds me, after I'm done with wartime, I have to come back to this universe and go on a killing spree, you've got so many bad people over here!"

    Ansem just didn't talk. He was simply scared sh** less...

    They both arrived at Ansem's house and both went inside to the kitchen area.

    "Okay, you got your Motrin, now get back in there!" Ansem yelled as he pointed at his computer.

    "Why do I have to listen to you?" asked Legion.

    Ansem was shocked by Legion's insubordination "Why? Because I created you, that's why!"

    "No you didn't..." Legion simply said, and he was right. Ansem did not create Legion and Ansem knew it.

    "Okay, so I didn't create you... but I am the only reason you are back! And I demand some respect!" complained Ansem as he slammed his fist into the kitchen counter.

    "That's right, you brought me back so I could join another war! What is your problem? Maybe I was enjoying my time off! Did you ever think of that?" asked Legion, fruriously "Huh?! Did you?!"

    "Oh... um well... no..." said the shocked Ansem, but then he tried to change the topic to get Legion back in the RP. "Yeah, well your job is easy! You don't even fight anyone! You just look up information!"

    "Yeah, and all through reading! And the print isn't even large enough! I can barely read most of that stuff! You couldn't give me a kick a** crystal ball or anything like that, I just get a massive Library with nothing! Not even a bathroom! Do you know when the last time I took a shower was? HUH?!"

    "Uh..." Ansem was about to say something but then Legion cut him off.

    "NO! This time you are going back and I'm going to make you take my place for a day and we'll see how you like it!" Legion flicked his fingers and Ansem appeared in Legion's library.

    Ansem looked around and noticed the glass ceiling with the view of the universe. He then screamed out "FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"

    Legion cracked his knuckles as he got ready to type on Ansem's keyboard. "Now we'll see how you like being told what to do..."
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Ansem59
    Legion looked at Allen for a couple seconds before saying "This is a library! Not a clothing store!" Legion then began to walk away before he snapped his fingers and the clothing was fixed immediatly. "Now go catch up with them, I have to worry about that gapping hole in the universe and all those ships now. You keep your eye on Earth and I'll keep my eye on space for now, okay?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Ansem59
    "Huh..." Legion really hadn't thought about that. After everything that had happened... "Well, I don't know about you, but this whole ordeal gave me a massive headache, I'm going to go take some Motrin and go sit down. I guess you can go meet up with Phisoxa and the others, if you wish." Legion flicked his fingers and the gate changed colors.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ansem59

    Legion stood up for a second and walked over to a book case. There he grabbed a book and brought it back over to Allen. Legion opened it to a certain page, and once he got to it, Allen could see a solid picture of Raxtion's movements after the battle. "Raxtion is forced to encase himself in a pod that will keep him alive, but unconscience until someone gets him out of it." explained Legion. Then the image turned to Crato. From the images he had managed to find his way back to the Black Comet. "Thanks to your efforts, the Black Comet has been rendered completely useless. However, Crato is still alive. We will prepare to fight him again. And when he does come to your planet, which he will do, you will be ready to fight him." Legion then closed the book and put it back on it's shelf. "They are both doomed to drift in outer space, and no, before you ask, there is nothing we can do for or to either of them. However, I know already that their trajectory is your world. They will be here soon. Raxtion first, then Crato. You will be prepared the next time we see him."
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ansem59
    Legion knelt down and gave him one. "You gonna be okay?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ansem59
    Crato simply stuck his sword out infront of him and Allen ran right into it. "You silly boy... once you've lived as long as I have you learn to see in both the darkness and the light." Crato smiled as he now had Allen in his grasps "Now you die and remain silent like all the others..."

    However, suddenly a light appeared from behind Crato.

    Crato turned around to see what it was, and was completely shocked to see an aparition of Alicia standing over Raxtion.


    Alicia looked at Crato with a stern but plain face, she then looked over at Allen and smiled. She then knelt down next to Raxtion and put her hand over his wound and it instantly healed.

    She then stood back up and walked through the ship and into space. There she could be seen moving her arms in strange positions. Then suddenly many spirits could be seen floating around outside. The spirits slowly started gathering into one ball of energy. It was unclear what Alicia was doing, but it involved all the spirits of those who had lost their lives. The ball of energy formed into a single sword that glowed with a strange energy. Alicia then walked through the walls of the Black Comet again and laid the sword next to Raxtion. She then gave him a kiss on the lips before saying "This sword is the remnants of your people. It will never break as long as your spirit remains unbroken. Carry it well my Love, though we may not speak until you cross over, I will always be in your heart." With that said her spirit turned into a ball of energy and flew directly into Raxtion.

    Raxtion awoke knowing what he had to do. Raxtion held the sword for a brief moment before holding it up in the air like he was about to strike something infront of him. The sword began glowing and making strange noises. For the first time, Raxtion utilized his true potential. His true power. Raxtion swung his sword in Crato's direction and immediatly the Black Comet began breaking apart. The entire ship began exploding, piece by piece. Crato had been knocked back so hard that he was pushed through the titanium alloy that covered around his ship and sent out into space.

    The vacuum of space began to suck up Allen, but not Raxtion.

    Raxtion stood perfectly still with the increasing winds attempting to take him having no effect.

    Legion quickly teleported in and grabbed Allen and then teleported him back to the Library...
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ansem59
    Crato continued to ignroe him, simply going for Raxtion.

    "The flower you hold in your hand has already had its necter used up!" Legion yelled in a panic "Had I more time to prepare, I would have sent you with tons of those things! Oh if only I had known!" Legion could be heard beating himself up telepathically.

    Meanwhile, Raxtion had just finished off the last disciple when Crato stabbed Raxtion in the back. Raxtion had been so preoccupied with killing the disciples that he ignored Allen's comments to Crato.

    Crato pulled Raxtion out of his sword and let him collapse on the ground.

    Raxtion looked up at Crato seeing that his head was back on and wondering "How was this possible?" Raxtion passed out.

    The Black Comet was taking minor damage from the new ships, but if it didn't move soon, it might become subject to more aggressive attacks.

    "Now it's your turn, you loud mouthed little brat." said Crato walking towards Allen with his bloodied blade in hand.
    Post by: Ansem59, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home