"Do you know of any places slum dogs go to meet?" asked Nny. He figured this boy was very smart, but Nny thought the boy might be from around here. Since Nny saw him crawling about some passages, he assumed that the boy knew more about this place, such as knowing groups of people who might possess valuable information.
Nny scoured the city until he found himself in the slums of the city. There he observed the poverty that was all around him. Every city had poverty, Nny had realized it was just a part of life. However, Nny saw that those who were poor were simply too weak to fight for themselves. He eventually stumbled upon a man entering the city from a tunnel way. It was Allen. However Nny knew little to nothing about him. Didn't even know he was a student. "Where are you coming from?" Nny asked the boy, sincerly curious. "The palace?" Dr. Traken said "My, what could possibly be there that you would need?"
"Huh... Fine. I really don't care. I will get my answers from a more useful source then." said Nny as he walked away into the city. Nny didn't know of anyone who might have any clues to what happened with the school. But he knew that whoever that guy was he wasn't reliable at all.
Nny had just been following the man because he seemed to know what he was doing, however Nny didn't like being questioned in such a quick and unexpected manner. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were doing secretive things!" Nny said sarcastically "Obviously you have something to hide, and you knew more about those monsters than I did! Now, I want some answers! Who are you? And what were those things?"
Bheliar looked at the food with curiosity. He had never seen anything like it, and compared to the food found in his native land of Rai, the food honestly looked disgusting. Bheliar began eating the food and decided that the look was fitting for the taste was the same. He, however, slowly ate the food with each bite, an expression of displease and discomfort ran onto his face. Bheliar did not wish to insult Mya so he finished the food and then felt horrible about it. Bheliar looked as though he was going to pass out, but didn't. "Thank you" he said while trying to sound honest "And yes... I'm feeling much better today..."
Bheliar came up from the basement and looked at Mya. Without any emotion he said "Good morning." "Probably food." said Vitan as he went over to a couple stands and began bartering for certain types of food. He then pointed at Suri and told her to go "Check out those stands over there." which were also food stands.
Dr. Traken looked at Phisoxa and Suri with sorrowful eye's. "I'm sorry, but for orphans such as yourselves, I have no idea where you can go. I am homeless too though, I will probably get a temporary home until I can buy my own house. You may come with me if you wish."
"Yep, let's go." said Vitan as he and Suri walked to the market place and picked up many materials. Such as food, potions, some clothing items even. Vitan had to be more prepared and more ready, because next time, Vitan wanted to fight not run away.
Vitan blushed a little "Uh, yeah. I'll wait for you down stairs." Vitan then left the room, but closed the door behind him. He then went downstairs and got some of his gear together. Putting on his rags of clothing, then putting around him a belt. He then holstered his sword in his belt and then sat on the front poarch of the house. While he waited, Vitan gathered a list of things he would personally need, then thought of things the entire group would need.
"Huh..." Vitan wanted to know more, but it seemed to be a very touchy subject for Suri so he let it go. "Well, I am about to go down to the market place to get some supplies, want to come with?"
Rako opened a portal and went through it. The portal then closed behind him. Leaving no trace of his presence ever being there. Nny followed Robert, not having anything better to do. Dr. Traken escorted the children into Janina. Trying to find a place where they could be brought back to their respective families.
It was enough darkness in order to serve its purpose. Phisoxa finished healing him. "I'm healing you my way. I'm not knowledgable of many forms of healing, only a few special ones." She explained. She then went on to explain the war bussiness with Allen "You are a fool!" She then proceeded to slap him. "You attacked that Eclipscion ship! Right infront of Janina territory! Its only common sense that a war will start now! And it's all your fault! We should be focusing on those things that attacked the school, but instead we are going to end up fighting each other... It's just that... after we saw that student get killed..." She started to cry "I just don't want to see any more bloodshed... And now you have caused exactly that to happen! I don't ever want to see you near me or any of the others again! To me, you are no better than Mixt!" She then ran off into the forest, leaving him behind. When she was out of eyesight by Allen, Phisoxa changed her appearence almost immediately to that of Rako's. It had been Rako the whole time, disguised as Phisoxa. And Rako hoped the guise had worked well...
"Peasent family?" Vitan inquired. Vitan was curious to know more about this girl, since he had been with her for what felt like an eternity now.
Vitan held her for a sec, trying to calm her down. He then said to her "Hey! Don't worry. Everything is okay, nothing is going on." Vitan then sat down on the bed next to her "You okay? Sounds like you had a horrible dream."
Vitan nodded to show he understood Alastair. He then finished his plate and put it in a sink, washed it, and then left it. Vitan went upstairs and went into Suri's room. She was fast asleep when Vitan started nudging her "Hey." Vitan whispered "Suri, wake up."
Vitan went quiet, clearly he had brought up the wrong topic. Vitan could hear the anger coming from Alastair's voice and decided to leave the topic alone. "So, hey, when are we leaving again? In a few hours? I might try to go into some shops and stock up on some supplies before we leave."
Vitan listened intently and recognized it as a solid plan. However he noticed the hiccup Alastair had when mentioning the sea, but decided not to bring it up. Vitan continued to eat his food, which was almost done. He wondered what kind of horrible thing Alastair had seen "So, how come you are so opposed to the empire? I mean, you said you had some Serephim blood in you, shouldn't you be on their side?" This question was like a double edged sword. Vitan was curious, but at the same time he was suspicious. Sure the man had saved him, but the empire and it's agents weren't to be taken lightly... this much Vitan knew.
Vitan watched the man and realized this guy could probably go on with stories for a while, but Vitan also noticed that Alastair didn't seem to fond of his own past. "My home was... I loved my home. I mean, I used to live with my father. He was a blacksmith and enchanter. I admired him, but he passed away a long time ago. Since then the streets were my home. Whatever job I could find, I took. But mostly I wandered the streets picking up loose change." Vitan took a second and wondered about the city's present day condition "I can't believe my home is sitting in ashes and ruins now..."
Vitan thanked her and then began eating his meal, which was very delicious. "Yeah, I'm not really a morning person either... Y'know, it's strange waking up in a different house. I've lived in my own home, or rats nest as some called it, for such a long time." Vitan looked at Alastair "How many times have you done something like this? I mean, wake up in other people's home and not your own?"
Phisoxa looked at him with eyes of worry. "You've started a war..." Phisoxa let this sink in as she continued to heal him. She then went behind him to heal his back... Music ...as she did this, she began to pour darkness into his open wounds. The darkness didn't hurt Allen, but it did go inside of him and spread throughout his body, unknowingly to him. She then would heal up the open wounds as soon as she poured a little darkness into each of them.