Nny backed away, sure he could have easily knocked aside the sword, but obviously this person was not in her right mind. "I don't have those, I'm a student. Or... was..." said Nny to her, hoping she would calm down afterwords. "I need to know more about these consumers, please... Can you tell me more?"
Nny could tell this woman had either been through some serious times or was completely off her rocker. Nny then began asking questions of her, intending to get whatever he could before someone else began questioning her or she got pulled away. "Consumers? What are those? What are they capable of?" Nny got close to her so that she wouldn't have her attention diverted.
Nny slapped the item out of Allen's hand. "You are clearly too single minded to realize there are more ways to get answers than simply asking nicely or making deals." said Nny as he walked towards the girl "And you finally got a good idea. I will ask her." Nny then stood infront of Claire "Excuse me, miss. Do you know what that thing that you just killed was? Oh and by the way, excellent job with that. It was impressive."
Nny listened to yet another moral lesson on how he behaved. It seemed that no matter how Nny put it, Allen just didn't get it. Nny wasn't going to change because he had no desire to change. He liked things to be done his way or no way at all. Nny deemed Allen foolish and naive and completely uesless to his cause. The only reason Nny hadn't started slaughtering everyone for information was because of this self rightous jerk. Nny immediately slapped Allen before saying "You are completely worthless." Nny then began to walk away.
Bheliar counted himself lucky. "Since my plans did not go as I intended them, I must now make new plans." Bheliar explained "I intend to go to St. Oni, which is the capital of the Vision kingdom. Once there I intend to investigate further on the situation regarding the empires advances. Once I figure that out, then I can proceed with my next plan." Vitan continued gathering supplies. He changed his clothing from the rags he once wore to something a little more clean looking. No stitches or rips or patches in his clothing anymore. It was all nice and clean. He then returned to Suri with many foods and items in hand.
Nny looked at Allen the whole time he talked with a look of disintrest. "Look, that's all very nice, but your... uh, Caring nature is beginning to get on my nerves. I don't care about these people, I don't care about codes, or trust. All I care about is getting answers. And you are wasting my time with your stupid morals and lessons. Those things that attacked the academy are going to be back... and even though I'm most certainly looking out for myself, I know what will happen to all the people here if those things attack this city. People may get away, but in the end, everyone else will die! Now, either help me get answers or STOP WASTING MY TIME!!!" Nny yelled at the top of his lungs. People looked and stared at the two, but most continued on there own ways after a moment or two. Nny stared at Allen with anger in his eye's. Allen had seriously pissed Nny off.
Nny pulled out gems and diamonds from the wallets and threw them on the ground. Most of the people immediately ran towards the jewels. Nny never broke eye contact with Allen. "Well, I suppose those are worthless to us then." Nny then reached into his pocket and pulled out a cup and a tiny spoon with it. "This is all I've got, goodie goodie... Unless you want me to be a good boy and be honest, I could probably create a fabulous story with this."
Nny laughed a little hearing the boy talk about arrogance. Clearly Allen knew nothing of Nny, and it showed. Nny lifted up a couple wallets that he had stolen from a few people. "Will these work?" He dangled them in front of Allens face smiling.
"I really just don't care..." Said Nny honestly. "I'm here for answers... If I don't get any I'll start cutting down people just like I almost cut down you." Nny then shrugged away from Allen's grip. "Do you have any idea what those things were? And no, they were not just monsters, or horrors, or anything like that... They were the one enemy that actually could kill me. I've met many fighters in my life but I have never met a creature that was capable of doing what those things could have done to me. They must be eliminated, and you are going to help me figure out how to eliminate them, understood?"
Nny looked at the market and all the people that were moving throughout it. Nny was honestly surprised. With all the people down there, a person would never know it was a secret place to begin with. Nny looked around at some of the shops. There were simply more people than Nny had thought there would be. Nny then started to grab people walking by and questioning them "What do you know about the attack on the academy?" Most people became scared and told Nny they knew nothing. And most of them were telling the truth. However, his questioning led to suspiciouns very quickly...
Nny followed Allen quietly waiting for him to find the way. He kept an eye out, but Nny acted above it all, and decided nothing was significant enough to grab. "Well, good luck to you. I have my own errands I must run." Said Dr. Traken, saying good bye to both Phisoxa and Shero. He then left to go back to his old house that he hadn't been to in years. It hopefully held the old ingrediants that Dr. Traken had once deemed worthless. However, thanks to new research by the doctor himself, he realized their true importance.
Well, you better get to it!
Mostly in Janina. That's basically the Light Kingdom. Your character Eins should be with Dr. Traken. As he is currently escorting most of the...
"Why don't you take me. I don't like to waste my time, so we'll get striaght to it." Nny intended to follow the boy to make sure he was telling the truth. Simply because Nny didn't do anything about it before, he could still kill Allen if he really wanted to. It was a rather tense relationship between the two of them. The one willing to take out the other if need be. However, they seemed to be working along quite well, so the need would most likely never arise.
"I'm not interested in your slums... I'm interested in those creatures." said Nny. However he realized after saying that, that this guy wouldn't give up with that knowledge alone "You have my word that nothing bad will happen to the people here. As far as I'm concerned, being in a place like this is probably the worst thing that could happen to a person."
Nny took the sword and holstered it. "I have already told you, I want answers for what happened at the school." Explained Nny "And I may not look it, but I'm smart enough to know that if people create something, or get ready to launch an attack like that, then someone along the line had to know something. And I know that nothing gets past those who live in the garbage the rest of the world throws out." Nny then grabbed a broken wine bottle on the ground "This is merely an example of the kind of trash that gets thrown here, look at this wine..." Nny put it up to Allen for examination "This is trash thrown out by the upper class... No one here would ever be able to afford, much less find or steal, a bottle of that vintage." Nny then crossed his arms and stared at Allen "Now you tell me that there aren't things going on that people here WOULDN'T know about. I dare you."
Nny had dropped his sword when the arrow hit, however Nny didn't scream in pain or make any noise. Nny then slowly pulled the arrow out of his arm knowing they would not attack. Nny then ripped off a bit of his pants before wrapping it around his arm. He then kicked his sword to the side to signify that he meant no harm. He looked around him at all the people he could see. He noticed the rags they wore and also noticed how all of them were patiently waiting on him. "There are many expressions of power, obviously this is the only way of expressing your own, through others. Such a shame you have no power to speak of for yourself." Nny taunted, attempting to at least make a slight jab at Allen "I will be civil. Seeing as how you do not wish to answer my question, I will answer yours. What was it again?"
Nny's pride would not allow him to give in "You may know me, but obviously you weren't well known enough to ever get my attention at the school. Now, if you saw all those monsters, then why would you wish to hinder me in my progress of learning more about them?" Nny then held a blade up against Allen's throat. "If you had anything to do with those things I will cut you down right now. This is your last chance, tell me where I can find answers. NOW!"
Nny knew right away what the boy was doing, and he didn't like it. "That's a bull***t answer and you know it." Said Nny somewhat quietly. Nny then grabbed Allen by the collar of his ripped shirt and pulled him behind an alley. There, Nny slamed the boy up against a wall. However, Nny took note of the boy's strength, and that the wall did nothing to harm the boy. "I need answers. Did you hear about what happened to the school? I was there. I saw horrible things beyond my own comprehension. I need to know what those things were, and I'm not going to let a punk like you stop me! Tell me what I want to know, and I would be glad to let you go unharmed. Now, where are the organizations that run this place? Someone there must know."