Nny tried to think "Well, I never fought more than twenty at a time... And he was next to me... It was probably about a hundred or two hundred. I can't say for sure. But he made it out fine. I saw him afterwords, and followed him to this city until we went our seperate ways and then you showed up..."
"Indeed I do." admitted Nny quickly. Showing he had nothing to hide. "We meet briefly and then he saved my life. It was from an attack of Consumers that showed up out of no where and... well, consumed our school, I guess."
Right here.
Nny looked at the girl strangly. Nny had decided that she was interesting enough to want to know her more. "My name is Nny, what is yours?" He said as he extended his hand out to her for her to shake it. Music: Dr. Traken had finally made it home when he began tooling away at his Elixir of Life again. In his kitchen, he carefully and slowly put the ingrediants together in a bowl, crushed them up and smothed them together. He then poured them all into a flask with water in it. Stirred up the ingrediants and smiled. It was now time to test his expiriment. Dr. Traken picked up the flask, put it up to his mouth and started to tilt it over when he realized he had forgotten one key ingrediant! Dr. Traken felt some of the mixture touch his lips, but thankfully he hadn't ingested it yet. Dr. Traken put down the flask and then walked into his private lab full of ingrediants. There he pulled a flower with black petals out of the refrigerated section and brought it back to the kitchen. He then used a syringe to suck some of the nectar from the black petaled flower and then injected it into the mixture. Dr. Traken then lifted up the flask and drank from it. Dr. Traken scarfed the mixture into his mouth, down his throat, and into his stomach. For a few moments, Dr. Traken tried to see what would happen. He sat down in a chair and waited. After a good ten minutes of nothing happening, Dr. Traken deemed the expiriment a failure. Dr. Traken got up from his chair and knocked everything down from his table, breaking and damaging many objects that he had adored for years. Dr. Traken then went into his private lab, to destroy and break as many things as he could while he rage ensued over the failed expiriment...
Vitan walked up to Suri with a bag in hand and many supplies in the bag. He smiled and was happy with himself at all he had accomplished. "You get everything you need, Suri? It's going to be a long trip and who knows if well end up running into the empire along the way." Bheliar looked at her for a moment or two being silent before he said "As much as I appreciate what you did for me, you put yourself in this position. I can only gareentee that you will have my protection should any unforseen event should arise." Bheliar then walked back over to her and waited for her response. This girl would prove helpful to Bheliar's cause, but Bheliar couldn't help but wonder what she really thought of him. They were not of the same kind, yet she was willing to go off with him on this journey? They were complete strangers and were also completely different kinds of creatures... It just didn't make sense in Bheliar's mind why she would come at all. But he wanted her to come, regardless.
Nny was a little disturbed by this thought... no traces of them and no way to analyze them unless he could get a hold of one. But Nny had no idea where the consumers even came from! Much less how to acquire one for study purposes. Nny then heard her talk again "Well, this is a city... people live here. Wait, thirty years?! Where do you come from anyway?" asked Nny, becoming more curious of the girl.
Nny continued walking until he was out of the hospital. Once out he looked to Claire again. "Do the consumers leave any trace of themselves once they've been destroyed?" Legion didn't reply... There was only silence.
Nny put his blade to his side, satisfied with the answer and completely disregarding the cut completely. "Finally! A f***ing answer!" He then decided that he wanted to investigate the field where the academy used to be for more clues. He began to leave before he stopped at the door and looked back at Claire. He held the door open for her. "Are you escaping or what?"
Nny continued to keep his sword at her throat "Lady, I have been looking for an answer to my question all d*mn day... and I am sick and tired of not finding it... Either you tell me or we are both going to have our guts on the floor. Cause as far as I can tell, your a person just like me. Now what are the consumers?"
Nny held his sword up to her throat. "I don't think so..." he said. He had figured she was breaking out of her cuffs simply because he could tell she was smarter than most people. "You answer my questions first... What were those things? Tell me and I'll let you go."
"My apologies..." Said Bheliar to Mya "I had assumed that you would be helping me since you have before. I know that sounds rude, but I..." Bheliar's mind trailed off "Nevermind. I suppose without your assistance, it will be just as easy. I would have prefered if you came with though. It would have eased my mind." Bheliar then began to walk out of the building, then he turned back to Mya "I don't suppose you might have second thoughts?"
Hey man, I didn't know you went to KHV! I just wanted to say thanks for posting up those game rips on Youtube! I'm still listening to them.
Nny didn't even respond to the doctor, he simply walked past him into the room where Claire was and went over to her bedside. "Feeling better?" he questioned.
"I am strong enough." said Bheliar, confident in himself. Mya could hear the confidence in his voice as well. "They will not know I am a demon, I have learned that you humans are more likely to believe what you see rather than what you hear or smell. Besides, I don't have to worry, because you are coming with me."
"What are you thinking about? It's okay, you can tell me." asked Dr. Traken. He was trying to gauge the boy's thoughts, for if this boy had specific thoughts, then the others would probably be thinking the same things.
Dr. Traken looked to Drei. He could see the boy's inner distress. And after what had happened, who could blame him? "Are you alright son? You seem to still be in shock. What are you thinking?" asked Dr. Traken of Drei
Oh, sorry, I must have missed that. I'll make a post about it.
Nny waited paitently during the hour that had passed by. He thought about the word 'consumers' that the girl had uttered before hand. Obviously it was the name of the creatures that had attacked the school and then name of the lone creature she had destroyed... but what did it mean? During that hour, Nny wondered what the meaning could be behind the name. What could their abilities be to earn them that name? The doctor then came out and Nny immediatly got up from the chair he sat in and walked towards him "That would be me." said Nny purposely disregarding Allen's presence or involvement in bringing her here. "Now, how is she?"
Nny grabbed her by her legs and began moving her through the portal. Once they were on the other side, Allen and Nny both brought her inside. People in the hospital immediately tended to her. Nny and Allen were not allowed to go with her when she was escorted back. Nny then sat down and waited.
Nny quickly knelt to the ground next to her. "Yes, we must. But there are no hospitals in the slums, are there?" Nny then walked away and began focusing his energy. As he gathered the energy he visualized the best hospital in all of Janina in his mind. He focused on its presence, and then focused on his own place in the city. Nny then let out a yell as he created a portal right there infront of Allen and this new girl. "There, that will take us to a hospital. Now hurry up."