"I don't believe that." said Nny "How could everything be MORE devastated than when we last left it? And how come we had to be transported to see the thing we had already seen. No, this may look like Janina, but we are somewhere else..." Nny then kicked Allen "Wake up, now's not the time for sleep." He kicked Allen a few more times before letting up.
I'm really surprised that the OST has even had to be considered. I mean, I would buy it if it came out. Besides that, shouldn't Square be doing everything in their power to take money away from us? Isn't that what they want? Sure they have to consider "Do the benefits out wiegh the cost?" but still, I would figure they would take any and all chances to take our cash away... EDIT: I mean, what were with all those perfumes they released?! Did they think that was a good money making scheme?! Square, on the rare chance that you might read this, RELEASE THE REMIX SOUNDTRACK! It's a much better idea! Trust me!
Okay sounds good. So should I post the original characters and the characters I would like to take in the OOC thread or on your profile? Or pm it...
Right. Let me go ahead and ask you, what exactly is the tone here? Serious? Funny? Little of both?
Awesome, thanks! Oh, also, with the original characters, do they HAVE to wield Keyblades or can they have something else? What I'm thinking is...
Vitan got off the ship and immediately ran into the fray. Reckless, but courageous. Vitan knew he had to do something other than sit there and watch the empire's troop's get closer. ---------------- Atrox's anger grew. He turned one of his men "Once the ships get into the bay Light a torch and signal the ships to open fire on the bay. I refuse to let these fools think they can get a moment's reprieve." The soldier saluted Atrox and then said "Yes sir!" "What else should we do my lord?" another soldier asked. Atrox smiled. "Well, I set aside some necessary reinforcements in case the fighting got tough, and I think now is a perfect time to strike." Atrox then began putting on some armor. The soldier failed to see the point of Atrox simply telling him this though and questioned "Should we have them go in their sir?" Atrox then finished putting on his gear before answering "No, I'm going to tell them to follow me." Atrox then picked up his hammer, got on his horse, rode to his troops hiding behind the ridge and then after yelling a few words to them, rode towards the town. They all followed him in... Bheliar thought about it before conceding to the girl. Besides a little rest would do wonders for the group in case any trouble occurred at the capital. "Very well, we shall rest here for the night. Then we shall head in. Agreed?"
I'm a little late to the party, but this sounds like a fun concept and idea! I'm in.
Nny flew out of the pillar and held Allen above him, to avoid him from being hurt, and landed on his back. Nny gently put Allen down before examining his surroundings. He tried to piece things together, but couldn't figure out where he was. Unless the Eclipscions had attacked other cities as well as the Janina capital... Nny just couldn't understand it. He looked to Shero and Dante "Where are we?"
Nny at first just stood there examining the pillar. The pillar pulled other things in, but not Nny. Nny was simply too strong for it to pull in... However, the pull got stronger and stronger. Soon, Nny couldn't resist it any longer, and after sliding across the ground for several seconds, lost his footing and both he and Allen were flung into the pillar.
Vitan heard Alastair and accepted these words... He ran up next to them and began listening in on Alastairs plan. He figured he might be able to help in some way. But wasn't sure which way...
Vitan couldn't believe this was happening. "This is crazy! We'll be killed!" Vitan looked at the destruction they were heading towards. He felt very frieghtened. "Isn't there anything we can do?!" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bheliar, Mya, and Drei had travelled by foot for a week, attempting to get to the Vision kingdom's capital. On their travels, Bheliar provided the two humans with food and water which was abundant in the land. But Bheliar was troubled... he could sense a particular presence ahead, at his destination. He just couldn't figure out what it was. It seemed familiar, yet he couldn't place his finger on it. Finally after a week of travelling, the capital was finally in sight. Showing off it's beautiful buildings and it's famous Angla Church which shone brighter than the rest of the buildings. It would only be a few more days before they would arrive at the outer walls of the city. "There it is!" Said Bheliar in excitement. Soon they would arrive, and Bheliar couldn't wait to satisfy his curiousity of this unknown presence.
Vitan looked at the devastation with anger. It looked just like Saradi. When they began their trip, Vitan hadn't figured the empire would have made their way here so quickly. They were everywhere! It was insanity! Vitan was delved into his own thoughts when he realized the ship was still heading towards the harbour. Vitan ran towards the wheel yelling all the way there. "We can't go any farther! You can't land us in there! We'll be killed!" Atrox went over the details of the raging battle with many other men, assessing the situation. They were all held up in a tent far enough away from the battle as to not be attacked, yet still close enough to review what was happening and to make desicions on what to do next. Atrox was displeased with the results of the battle so far. A soldier ran up to the tent and yelled out "Another ship has been sited bring in supplies to their troops sir! The fight might go on a while longer!" The soldier then ran back to the fray. Atrox slammed his fist into a wooden table and broke it in two. "Damn! This fight was supposed to be over an hour ago! Where are our ships, Captain?" A man walked up to Atrox and calmly said "They should be here any moment." Atrox grabbed the man by his collar "They had better be here! I am tired of those weasels recieving supplies! Block them off as soon as those ships get here! I won't stand it another moment!" "Sir!" Another soldier called out and Atrox walked up to him. The soldier was looking into a telescope and handed it over to Atrox "You will want to see this." Atrox looked into the telescope and saw their two ships approaching the bay. Atrox smiled.
Nny watched as the man dissappeared and took his words seriously. He noticed the airship drawing closer. He looked down at Allen. He could easily just leave him there, but Nny figured that he might be good for a punching bag later. Nny picked up Allen and began to carry him. He looked at Vendeval and said "C'mon, we have to get out of here! That airship is getting closer. It's up to you if you want to come or stay, but personally, I'm not staying." Nny began to walk away from the palace, not stopping to see if Vendeval would follow.
"How about me." asked Nny as he casually walked past the gates up to the man. Nny was fearless, but that could also be seen as stupidity as he just walked up to a man who had almost killed Allen. Nny immediately healed Allen before laughing out loud. "I saw what you did to him... it was actually pretty funny. One of these days I'll stab him myself. Seriously, I don't think I've seen anyone that arrogant before! Besides myself, of course." Nny paused and looked at the man with a smile "Now, I've been waiting for a challenge, care to help me out?" Nny readied himself for a fight.
Dr. Traken awoke underneath much rubble from his house... the attack was so swift, and Dr. Traken was so focused on other things... It was unexpected. Dr. Traken pushed the rubble off of himself with ease. Then, surprisingly, Dr. Traken got himself up with ease as well. As if he were a young man again... The old doctor took note of these things and looked around his house which had been completely levelled. All of his things destroyed. Things just didn't add up... How did the doctor survive? Dr. Traken began to ponder on this when his mind was distracted by the destruction still hanging around him. He gazed in horror and amusement at the devestation that had rocked the city. Dr. Traken picked up his cane, which laid underneath some rubble, and began to walk around to see more of the damage.
"Once we get in, I plan to inform their leaders about the incoming attack from the empire. Odds are that we are the only ones who have escaped. But I don't believe Alastair and the others will be heading that way." Bheliar took a moment before saying "He doesn't trust me, but I do mean good. I wish to be rid of the empire like all of you." Bheliar looked at her before turning away. He looked at Drei and motioned for him to follow. "Let's get going, we have a long way ahead of us."
Nny came out with the woman, who no longer held the baby from before. He led her through the streets, attempting to find a Janinian person to take her. Nny knew he couldn't leave her with the Eclipscion soldiers for fear of what they would do with her. Nny eventually found some who had survived and left her with them. Nny then made his way to the castle to survey the damage.
Rako was surprised when his target had suddenly vanished and didn't even register the light around him. The attack hit and Rako screamed out in pain. His staff dissappeared and he knelt down on the ground. He looked around and saw Robert holding onto Claire. Blood leaked from all parts of Rako's body. Rako growled "There is always a pest to interupt the predator." Rako said speaking loud and clear for Robert to hear "But at least this predator doesn't go back on his promises..." Rako then dissappeared in a cloud of darkness...
Rako spun around his staff, knocking all the approaching fireballs back at Claire. He continued to move closer to her as he did this. However, he realized this could continue on for some time and then teleported above her. He let gravity bring him and his staff down on Claire.
The darkness Rako had poured onto the ground turned into dark vines that broke the ice around him. He had the same idea as Claire, intending to use the vines to grab her when she got close. However, that plan was rendered useless due to her move of trapping him with ice. Rako did a few back flips, attempting to get away from her. He then combined his two dark swords into a single staff. Rako then raised his staff in the air and fire wrapped around the staff, making it even more dangerous for Claire. Rako then charged at the approaching Claire and began attacking her with his staff.