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  1. Ansem59
    "Phisoxa, just stay with us for just a while longer." said Dr. Traken as he still held onto her and followed Robert to the house he had mentioned. Once inside he laid Phisoxa down on the bed and began preparing some medical treatments for her.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ansem59
    There was no response, only silence.
    Dr. Traken looked at Robert and said "Young man, this girl needs healing, would you know how to heal her? And yes, shelter would be nice."

    She? Nny wondered what could be so terrible, let alone how it being a woman could be a bad thing. Nny examined his surroundings as he walked. Everything was so different. So changed...
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Ansem59
    Something more dangerous than the consumers? Nny had to find out what else there could possibly be. He followed behind Father quietly. Hoping whatever was out there would reveal itself for him to see and know. Then Nny heard Father talk about this 'mysterious' organization. Who would they even be?

    Dr. Traken held onto her, worried. "Its too bad I don't know any healing magic. Come, let us get you to someone who will be able to heal you." Dr. Traken put her arm around his shoulder and began walking with her. The doctor had no idea where to go, but he couldn't just sit there and wait for someone to come along.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Ansem59
    "And what of you?" asked Nny of the man, curious as to what he would be doing "Won't you too need shelter or a place to hide from the consumers?" Nny had already put enough pieces of the puzzle together to gather that the consumers were the source of the horrible future. But why if they all had weapons like Claire's?
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Ansem59
    "Yes, it is me. And no, surprisingly, neither of us are dead!" said Dr. Traken pulling her up onto her feet. "How are you dear? Are you hurt?"

    "Forward." Nny said simply, hoping they could skip recapping on what they had JUST learned to get onto more important details.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Ansem59
    "Look, kid, I healed you. Then I began to take you away from being blown up or captured by the Eclipsions when a massive pillar of... uh, something... appeared and sucked you and I in. Happy now?" asked Nny as he sighed loudly. "Keep up from now on! I'm not going to hold your little hand forever!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Ansem59
    "Father, huh? How did you end up earning that funny nick name?" asked Nny acting rather rude, but at the same time was genuinely curious. He couldn't help but feel odd about the whole thing. Clearly it was planned, and the plan had a purpose, but what part did this 'Father' have to do with it? And what was the point in sending them a guide?
    Dr. Traken viewed the devastation of the city around him. He explored all around, but couldn't make sense as to how he survived. Suddenly he came across a woman who was trapped underneath a broken pillar. The doctor lifted brick by brick off of her until she could get free. "Are you okay, miss? Are you hurt?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Ansem59
    No one wants Sora? I guess I will take him. On one condition though, I'm not playing the "Gets dumber every second" Sora... I want the competent yet a little naive Sora. Is everyone okay with that?

    Name: Eric Vandel
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Personality: Eric is quiet but smart mouthed. While he doesn't usually add much the to conversation, he will still leap at the chance to make another feel stupid. He is best described as a jerk. However, deep down, he cares for others and wouldn't want anyone to be hurt.
    Brief Bio: Eric completed high school a couple years back and has since been attending college. His family life has been somewhat troubled. He never knew his mother, with her dying before he turned 2. He has been living with his father, Nathan, and has a tough relationship with him.
    Country: U.S.
    Keyblade: Aguatis (A Keyblade that primarily deals water damage and also powers up damage done by water based attacks.)
    Appearance: Eric is about 5'9" with brown hair and green eye's. He has a slender build, while not very muscular.

    Name: Nathan Vandel
    Gender: Male
    Age: 45
    Personality: Nathan is also quiet but much more intense and serious with all things. Not one for jokes or for tricks. He can be cruel, but its not in his nature to harm people physically. Emotionally he has no problem harming others.
    Brief Bio: Nathan grew up with a large family and married at the age of 24. A year later his wife became pregnant with their son Eric. However when Eric was 2 she passed away. Ever since then Nathan has watched over the boy, but only because of a sense of entitlement, not out of love.
    Country: U.S.
    Keyblade: Charred (A Keyblade that primarily deals fire damage and also powers up damage done by fire based attacks.)
    Appearance: Nathan is about 5'10" with black hair and brown eye's. He also has a slender build but is more muscular than his son.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Ansem59
    Nny didn't even know who Phantoma was... the name had never been known to him, yet the man was obviously dead according to the man in front of him. Nny then became suspicious of this man he was talking to "Just who are you! And how do you know so much about everything? How in the world would you of our coming for over seventy years?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Ansem59
    Atrox arrived at his camp when a soldier yelled to him "Sir! A group of soldiers have broken through our line!" Atrox looked behind him and saw Alastair leading a group of Arian soldiers who were not too far off.

    "Get ready men! We will have to fend them off." Atrox then looked behind him and noticed Alastair's mother was there still being held by the gaurds. "Take the remaining horses and get farther back! We mustn't let the boy be reunited with his mother... yet..."

    The men obeyed and pulled the woman onto the horses, but not letting her sit on the horse, rather making her lay down on the horses back.

    Atrox, knowing that little job had been taken care of, looked back at Alastair's group, who were closer now, and yelled "Alastair! DON'T DISAPPOINT ME!!!" Atrox laughed as he readied himself for an exciting battle.


    Vitan was yelled along with the other men as they ran towards the camp. Vitan could feel a rush of excitement and anger take over him. The two groups came closer together. With Atrox's group in defensive positions and Alastair's group attacking.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Ansem59
    Atrox ran past the archers. "Make sure the dragon is dead! Don't stop firing arrows at it, until it stops moving entirely! I have important business to attend to!" Atrox then made his way back to camp, thinking of how to lure Alastair along the way...


    "I will come with you!" said Vitan as he walked up to Alastair and smiled. He then turned back to the rest of the men. "This may be our only chance. To strike at the heart of the beast, to show the empire that they are capable of losing." said Vitan to the men "Are you all going to just stay here and fight, or are we going to end this, once and for all?!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Ansem59
    Atrox began running away from the dragon, he whistled at the men holding Alastiar's mother and gave the signal to leave. They grabbed her and began to take her away from the battle and back to camp. Atrox looked behind him to see the dragon getting closer. He picked up a shield on the ground and continued to run, only intending to stop once the dragon began attacking him.

    Vitan began slashing through enemies again, happy to not be held back as a captive. He made his way to Alastair when he said "Do you have a plan?"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Ansem59
    Atrox laughed "So then... you know me, and I know you!" Atrox then strutted away from the dragon and Alastair before looking back and saying "You will come with me, alive. If not then your mother dies. I must complete the mission of bringing you back alive to get my "titles" and "land", so going home with no one is the same as dying. I have nothing to lose. You, on the other hand, have everything to lose... you are a sentimental fool, and your mother means everything to you. Now you will either come with me and your mother will live or you will refuse and she will die. Make your decision!"
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Ansem59
    Atrox took a couple steps back in shock "An imperial dragon?"

    Everyone looked frightened at the sight of the beast and many took steps away from the creature. Except Vitan who knew the dragon wouldn't harm him.

    Atrox realized that soon he would be eaten alive "I wouldn't do anything too reckless, Alastair!" shouted Atrox "You could definently kill me and many other men of mine, but how much death are you willing to create at the cost of your mother?" Atrox then pointed to his men who had succeeded in capturing the woman from before. They all surrounded Alastair's mother, with one of the soldiers pointing a gun directly into her face and another two holding swords against her body.

    Atrox laughed "It's your choice, boy."
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Ansem59
    Atrox lifted the hammer above his head, and it looked like he was about to kill Alastair with a single hammer blow, when instead he knocked the sword out of his hand. Atrox then proceeded to pick the boy up by grabbing his neck and lifting him above the ground. "Your fight is finished, boy!"

    Vitan got up and immediately swung his sword at Atrox which created a whirlwind. However, Atrox was un-phased and stood his ground.

    Atrox looked over at Vitan with anger that the boy had interupted his moment of glory.

    Vitan was surprised by how strong the man was. Suddenly some imperial troops held swords to his throat. Most of the soldiers who had fought with Vitan had surrendered with hopes of living to fight another day. Vitan dropped his sword realizing he had failed and his cause was over.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Ansem59
    Atrox rolled off of his horse and quickly got up, he then charged at Alastair. Atrox swung his hammer above Alastair's head, knowing he would block there with the shield. Atrox then kicked Alastair in the stomach where he was undefended. Atrox was unrelenting and then proceeded to swing his hammer with amazing speed again, hoping to hit the boy.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Ansem59
    Atrox rode his horse into battle, making it up to the front lines when suddenly he caught the sight of Alastair in the corner of his eye. He smiled for a moment before readjusting the horse to advance on Vitan and his position.

    Vitan looked at Alastair and laughed a little "Well, thanks! Sorry you keep having to save m-" suddenly Vitan's sentence was cut off when Atrox rode by and smashed his giant hammer into Vitan's back, sending the boy flying. Vitan was still conscience, but hurt... He laid on the ground taking in all the pain...

    Atrox stopped his horse and turned it around to look at Alastair. Atrox didn't say anything, he just smiled as he looked into Alastair's eye's. Then Atrox yelled "YAH!" and the horse began running at Alastair. Atrox readied his hammer and swung it at the boy.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Ansem59
    "How is that possible? Who did this to us? You?" asked Nny genuinely curious. He couldn't think of anything else to say, he was simply baffled beyond belief.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Ansem59
    Vitan easily found the front lines and jumped in. Hacking and slashing at the already battle exhausted imperial troops. Vitan easily dispatched these troops and even managed to use the magic in his sword to blow one or two off their feet, allowing for his allies to kill them. In the area where Vitan joined in, it seemed that they were winning against them empire. Vitan felt a sense of victory and joy, but this was boyish and short lived as a man from behind Vitan exclaimed "CAVALRY! HEADING TOWARDS US! THE EMPIRE HAS REINFORCEMENTS! REGROUP!" However this was impossible and the empires cavalry quickly cut through what little forces were left. Vitan and a few others held out though...


    Just a little ways away Atrox sat upon his horse looking down on a soldier "Has she been captured yet, captain?"

    "No sire, I am sorry, but she is still behind enemy lines, but we should have her in a bit!" responded the captain, scared for his life.

    "Sir!" another soldier exclaimed "We actually had the woman in our sights when our captain decided to send our troops in another direction to aid a weak spot in our main line."

    The captain looked back at the soldier in horror at his betrayal. "No..." He turned back to Atrox "NO, I did it for the good of the empi-"

    "SILENCE! Despite what you may think, winning this battle was not my first priority! I told you to retrieve the woman and you failed!" yelled Atrox when he then proceeded to cut off the head of the captain. He then pointed his bloodied sword at the soldier who had pointed the finger at the captain "You are in command of the mission now, and don't you dare fail me! I will hold them off, now get the woman!"

    "Yes sir!" said the soldier, smiling. He and his squad then ran into the fray.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Ansem59
    "Alright, since you already know our names, it's time you explained exactly what you are talking about." said Nny walking up to the man. "No games, lets get to the point." Nny had become of these events, one after another, increasingly complicating things with each turn. Nny could only think about the consumers... clearly this was the only thing that tied into them. He had seen the devastation from before and what was left of Janina looked just like it.
    Post by: Ansem59, Jun 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home