Crato didn't even flinch. Suddenly a voice could be heard coming out of the computers "To fire the main cannon, simply press the red button." Raxtion freaked out and simply jumped over the three students and went straight for Crato. Crato held his finger over the button... ready to press it... Raxtion swung his sword at Crato's head. Crato pressed the button and then immediately after had his head chopped off by Raxtion. Raxtion watched the monitor. Silence... The main cannon let out a screeching noise as it fired a small focused beam of light at the planet, which broke through the layers of gas, through the planet's crust, and hit the planet at it's core. The precise shot that set off a chain reaction and immediately destroyed the planet. Thousands of people screamed out in pain and then were almost immediatly silenced. Raxtion, Allen, and the disciples held on as the explosion of the planet shook Black Comet voilently. Once the vibrations ended, Raxtion looked at the screen to see a vast empty space where his home planet used to be. Raxtion in a blind rage cut down all of the disciples. However, while he was doing that Crato reattached his head to his body and grabbed his own sword, ready to do combat himself...
Allen was successful in blinding and taking care of the three disciples, and his light had stun the dark creatures long enough for Raxtion to destroy them all with clean hits. The Black Comet was fully charged and ready to fire. Crato snapped his fingers and all the disciples got up. With three beaten by Allen and one blinded by Allen and including the one Raxtion killed, there were seven disciples left. Four of them went and attacked Allen, while three of them attacked Raxtion. Raxtion defended himself to the best of his ability. Crato then sat himself at one of the computers and began initiating the final weapon sequence.
Music: Crato noticed Allen was attacking his disciples and flicked his fingers. Three of them jumped from their posts and began attacking Allen. They were all as strong as Raxtion. Raxtion saw what Allen was up to. He killed the shadows and ran for one of the desciples, stabbing one that was simply sitting down in the back. Crato flicked his fingers again but this time more shadows appeared and they all went after Raxtion. Raxtion pulled his sword out of the disciple's stomach and began defending himself. The cannon on the Black Comet began charging...
Legion examined the structure of the Black Comet from the inside and out. "No way..." Legion said in disbelief "This Crato is a pro. He has lined the interior and exterior with titanium alloy. Trust me, I can tell just by looking at it." Legion then devised a plan. "Attempt to attack his disciples first, Crato can't operate the ship by himself, and this will allow you to engage him in battle." Raxtion listened to Allen's comments and wondered how he could be so calm about everything. Raxtion continued fighting off the beasts, but they were much tougher, probably due to the proximity with Crato. The ship came to a halt as it reached the outer orbits of the planet. The cannon aimed itself at the planet. Crato watched the two battle his minions and smiled. He didn't even bother to respond to Allen's remarks.
Raxtion nodded but he wasn't sure he could take this. He opened the hatch and entered through it. Now the bottom hatch only led to the main chamber where Crato and the other disciples were. When Raxtion entered in, Crato immediately took notice. He had been sitting in a chair of his own design, it was made out to look like a throne. And from this throne, Crato could moniter all of his disciples actions as well as view their path from a screen. Crato got up and turned to Raxtion who was behind his throne. "Hello, Raxtion, how nice of you to join us." he said as he flicked his fingers and ten shadow creatures appeared and attacked. Raxtion held them off long enough for Allen to get in.
Legion began reading off Crato's file to Allen. "Crato is an immortal who once made a living of finding gods and killing them. He is merciless and cruel. Responsible for destroying planets for his own fun and enjoyment. He was once known to all gods and was banished from this universe and sent to another dimension. That's where the file ends. He must have figured out some way to escape his imprisonment. Odds are that the shadows were his creation too. Be very careful." Raxtion didn't listen, he simply keep dashing at lightning speeds towards the Black Comet. He could see it begin to take off. Raxtion looked at Allen. He jumped onto Allen's board of light and said "Quickly, we must get on that ship! There is a secret hatch underneath it. Get us there and I'll open it!"
"That flower has black petals? Oh no..." Legion pieced it together "Of course! I have a seperate filing case for immortals! And that's what Crato is! He's an immortal! That flower is a special flower which has nectar that can turn a mortal person into an immortal being and an immortal being into a mortal person! Crato must have put it in her eye's or mouth while she was sleeping and then killed her with his sword! You have to get to him and stop him from lifting the Black Comet off! Who knows what he'll do!" Raxtion didn't respond to Allen, simply too distraught for words. He suddenly stopped sobbing... He kissed Alicia's cold lips deeply once more before gently putting her down on the ground. Raxtion stood up and sparks of electricity started forming around him. "Crato..." he simply said. Then he shrieked out "CCCCCRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Raxtion dashed out the window, not even thinking about Allen, rushing after Crato, with his sword in his hand. "Follow him!" Legion said quickly to Allen "Don't let him get too far, he'll need your help!"
Raxtion simply sobbed... He honestly tried to talk, but he couldn't speak... he could barely think... Alicia... Raxtion sobbed as he thought of her. Raxtion shrieked again. Then went back to sobbing... He then muttered something "Cra..." Raxtion sobbed some more "Crato..." he barely managed to say. Suddenly Legion's voice came to Allen "Hey! Allen, there is a flower on the ground near Alicia. Take a closer look at it for me, are the petals black?" Next to Alicia's legs, there lay a bloomed flower with petals of black waiting for Allen to examine it.
Raxtion smiled at Allen and said "Thanks." The waitress brought his to go box and they both left, walking all the way to Raxtion's house. On the way there they each talked about their respective girls and all the great things about them. It was a fun and nice conversation. They then arrived at the house and Raxtion noticed all the lights were off. Raxtion thought to himself "Oh, she must have gone to sleep early so that way she could be wide awake for the lift off." Raxtion brought out his key and opened the door. He then showed Allen inside and pointed at the couch "Unfortunatly we don't have another bed, you will have to sleep there tonight. So get yourself comfortable. I'm going to check up on her." Raxtion said to him. Raxtion then slowly walked up the stairs, wanting to creep up on her and surprise her with his presence. Jumping on her when she was asleep was a thought, but Raxtion wanted to be playful and not rude. He noticed the door was slightly shut, but just left a bit ajar. He peeked into the crack to see if he could see her laying on the bed... but she wasn't there... He opened the door to a horrifying sight. A man stood over her with his sword in her heart. She lied on the ground motionless with blood all around her. The man pulled out the sword at the sight of Raxtion and ran out the window. Silence Raxtion began shaking with disbelief and shock. He didn't run after the man, he didn't even know what to do. He knelt down on the ground next to her and then picked her up. He looked up and down her body looking for some sign of life, but there was none. Raxtion then began to tear up. He shook her to try to wake her up but she remained unresponsive. He shook her again... and again... each time with no response. Raxtion then shook her violently one more time while he let out a shriek of pain that could be heard down the entire street. Raxtion then broke into sobs, holding her close to him. He then cried out in pain again, then back to sobs. He went back and forth from cries to sobs holding her, clutching her as close to him as possible. She was so cold. Raxtion then kissed her mouth. But it wasn't the same... the lifeless and cold lips only made him cry out once more and then sob. He kissed her all over as tears streamed down his face. Then Raxtion wouldn't move at all... he didn't shriek, he just sat on the ground, holding her. Sobbing intensely.
Raxtion listened to Allen talk and realized he could talk about Alicia in that same way, go on and on about how great she was. But thinking about her only made Raxtion want to go home and see her before they would take off. "Hey, Allen, listen, the launch is going to be soon. Do you mind if you eat that on the way. I want to go home and say good bye to her before I launch off."
"Oh..." Raxtion was surprised that he said this. "Well, thank you. I love her, I really do. She brings so much extra to my life..." Raxtion started to glow when he said this and went into his own thoughts for a moment before coming back to reality and asking "So, Allen, what's your girl like?"
Allen's comment knocked Raxtion out of his thoughts and back into the bar. "Huh? How's that?" asked Raxtion, not clearly hearing Allen the first time around.
Raxtion smiled a bit and then said "Yeah, sure. There's a bar across the street. They serve some good steak." Raxtion then took Allen over to the bar and ordered him the steak while he ordered himself some alcohol. Music: While he watched Allen eat he couldn't help but think of everything that had happened to him. Everyone around him seemed to be against Crato... First Torxber... then Allen... and he knew Alicia didn't like him. What had they all picked up that Raxtion had missed? Some clue to his personality? Did he say something to each of them that they couldn't repeat? No, Allen wouldn't have had the time... What is wrong with me? Raxtion thought. He knew he had to confront Crato on these issues, and he would later that night. But first he just wanted to go home and see his wife one last time before he flew off to save the planet with Crato and the other 11 desciples.
"Dude, even if I knew all the technology, I still wouldn't be able to help you. I don't have the skematics for it." Legion said, also starting to get worried. Allen could hear the uncertainty in Legion's voice. Raxtion just stood there watching Allen stand perfectly still while making all sorts of facial expressions. "What an odd guy..."
"No... No file on Crato..." said Legion "There is only details in Raxtion's and Alicia's files that talk about their relationships with Crato. Maybe you can use it to your advantage. Raxtion studied under him and is somewhat loyal. However, Alicia is very suspicious of Crato, and Raxtion's loyalty to Crato is only second to his loyalty to Alicia. He truly loves her. The Black Comet is detailed only by what Raxtion and Alicia know. Which isn't much... I suggest looking up different leads because it seems to be a dead end here."
"Ah, yes..." Raxtion said, remembering the information. Raxtion himself didn't know why someone would send this boy to help with their planet, they had everything under control. "LOL, sorry about that." said Legion "And I got nothing for you, man. I know all my books by heart and there isn't a one of mine that holds a description such as his book. Also I know nothing about any of the people you've met today. But give me a sec and maybe I can find some files on them." After a few seconds, Legion came back. "Well, I've got one on Alicia and one on Raxtion and also one on Torxber... Let's not worry about Torxber because he's not important." Legion then continued. "Alicia is the Goddess of Peace and Love and Raxtion is a simple boy who was raised in that very city under the watch of his father... Oh my... these two have quiet a history together. Listen to this. Alicia and Raxtion first met when he was about 8. She had made deals with his father to help him as long as he promised her faithfulness and support. She wanted Raxtion's father to avoid all conflicts and work to resolve all problems in his life peacefully. And he did just that, being known as one of the kindest citizens in that city... also known as one of the luckiest." Pages could be heard being turned through the telepathic communication. "When Raxtion was older, she fell in love with him, not for his looks, but for his pure heart and kindness to all creatures. The two started dating and he just recently proposed to her... She has since promised him that he will be a god, so that they may live together forever... My god, is this real life? Could these two have a more storybook love?"
"Guy who talked to you? Someone sent you here?" asked Raxtion, sincerly confused. "Actually I could talk to you telepathically this entire time." said Legion in Allen's mind. He couldn't be seen or heard by anyone else but Allen. "So, Allen, my man, what's up?"
Raxtion listened to the request but stumbled for a bit "Um... well, there is the bathroom." Raxtion pointed towards a door. "And the cannon is on the outside of the ship, you just control it from the inside." Raxtion then went back to the alone request that Allen made. "If you want me to leave you alone in the ship, I could." The ships interior was simply one big room. Save for the bathroom, everything was connected.
"Well, the book was stashed away by Crato, no one knows where it is." Raxtion said as they made their way to the Black Comet. "And he didn't teach us to manifest the darkness in our hearts. He taught us the second portion of the book which deals in battling the darkness." They finally made their way to the Black Comet and the crowds that stood around it in amazement and wonder had all vanished. Raxtion and Allen stepped beyond the boundries placed for ordinary citizens safety and opened up the massive space ship. Raxtion and Allen went inside. "Now, go ahead and look around. Touch what you will, but do not open up any compartments. We don't want any wires getting messed up." Raxtion said.