didnt really look at the whole site but here's a yugioh site where you might possibly find girls http://www.yugioh-world.com/?id=characterbios i...
sorry. I mean if Aqua were a couple years older and not taken or pregnant i'm sure she might give you a chance. Well you were raised to be a good...
wow. i thought you two were close. how much did you two talk? did you try MSN or myspace? I can't think of a way you can find a girl when you're...
yeah i did. me and my tiny brain lol. how old is she anyway? if she's 16 or under i'll never look at your avvy the same ever again
Hey ARNOLD look at me football head!!!
wtf they changed it. my video game says it's a trap card
because it would return either royal decree or secret village to the hand. Spiritualism is a trap card remember
alright will be edited
yeah i'd like to see that duel. I'm interested in which deck he'll use
i know that Mission hill video made me laugh
i didnt say it did negate. ugh. anyway how are you and Alexis?
i wanna mess with photoshop a lil. any pics someone wants me to edit?
i'm back on. so how is everything?
yeah i am. Spiritualism cannot be negated or destroyed period
well you'd need an entirely new theme. and my version is secret village, royal decree and dark magician so that combo of yours would not work....
Miss Bit** :D
i can beat. lay down spiritualism
seems that you chained that to my heavy storm so i activate my facedown that was to be destroyed barrel behind the door to negate volcanic counters effect and redirect it at you with dealing 3500 additional damage and leaving you with 1000 lp. now I activate hanewata's effect to negate kazaky's effect now I attack you again leaving you with zero life points
yeah that'd be a bad idea then. i was only going to use wiki images though
nice username