Erren laughed. " You think I know where he goes? Nope. And nothing much has happened except the Demon King is about to die, by his hands. After that he'll lay low for a while. Ashita's been buggin' him about marriage and stuff, but I don't think his mind's all onto that at the moment. So, to answer the question you're most likely thinking, I can know you're both there because I'm much like James. And you guys have two energy flares, resulting in me sensing two people. But I'm also kinda immortal, so don't try killing me. You don't know how." He laughed, starting to walk away. " I talk too much." Fillo danced around him. " Ya, that's obvious, mister grumpy-pants." For that, he received a kick into the bushes.
" Wait. If we're going on a long journey, possibly dangerous, shouldn't we be armed? I do have some armaments, but I left them in my apartment. It'll take me a minute to get to the place, too. You o.k. to wait a sec?"
"If you're the leader, shouldn't you know? This group just seems a little small."
" No one else is coming?"
OOC: He went somewhere. I have yet to think of where, but for you to know, only him and fillo know where it is. Not even Erren knows.
" I'm Zarach. She just appeared and asked me to go on an adventure. I had been there when she was rescued."
" What is it you want to know? That's the question."
"Who's he?" He asked, dumbfounded.
He laughed to himself. She's reaching her limit..... " C'mon, fight me, not let your little skeletons do all the work." He provoked. He slashed them all down easily.
Fillo jumped over Erren and continued to do the same thing. Erren caught him in mid-air, slamming him down. " No one interrupts me." Fillo scampered away.
He parried the attacks, gathering strength for a series of blows against her.
" Sure. I'd be glad to get out of this dump. Lead the way!"
OOC: we'll get better at it.... I'm not THAT bad at the game.
" 'Course He Knows you're here. He can recognize you two from a mile away." Erren sat behind them, chowing down on a hunk of meat.
" Private. And of course I won't. I don't want to be."
" Yea, we are. My past with Jak is finally erased. I wasn't ever just James. And now he knows that. He won't have any trouble forgetting me if he has that book."
OOC: I'm more than 62% of the way to getting a 360. what games you play, hidden? (I mean any on live.)
OOC: you're the thread owner.
"Right here. You need something?" He smiled, coming out from the crowd. He scratched his head, not usually seeing someone twice at such a crowded time.
OOC: why don't we? That's a good question. We need your written consent, Prince.