Chris Stopped when he saw Jacob fire the flare. He sent a questioning glance at him and let the lizards run.
OOC: Actually, if you got up enough momentum you would slide forward at a rapid pace. BIC: Chris punched a lizard's sword, sending him backward. He then jumped onto the lizards chest as he was flying, created a surface of ice underneath, and slid towards the next batch, casually picking up his sword on the way. OOC: I gots to go, death. Cya!
As Chris landed, he pulled out his sword and rammed a lizard into the ground, leaving his sword there and savoring the smell of blood, any blood
He grunted, his mask hiding his facial expression. He jumped up, his ice disappearing.
OOC: ok.... I wasn't gonna, but sure. BIC:Chris started propelling himself with his ice, seeing Triwn in the short distance.
OOC: Triwn...
OOC: so, you're in Triwn. right, Death?
How Much Wood Could a Wood Chuck Chuck if a Wood Chuck Could Chuck Norris? All of it.
Chris Ran towards Jacob's position, intent on finding out what the crap was going on. OOC: I cans barely see my color :D
OOC: K, that's my color. Pale Turquoise
OOC: I'll choose..... Is this one taken?
Username- BlackKeyblade706 Name (full)- Christopher Woods Race- Half Cylian Half Vampire Powers (if any)- ice Age- 520 Gender- Male Side- (Good/Evil/Neutral) Freelancer Weapon (if any)- Katana Background (Go into detail please! The more, the better!)- His father a vampire and his mother a cylian, he was mainly an outcast for the majority of the 520 years he'd been alive. Because of this, he became a rogue in society mainly. Until he met Jacob, he had actually barely even spoken a sentence since he had become an "adult." He prefers to work in the shadows and occasionally corresponds with the Broken Sword guild, for they both benefit each other. Not much is known about his past except for that, and he has never told anyone. Appearance- He has medium black hair that goes into bangs with a silver streak in it, and wears a black hooded coat, gloves, and lots of times a mask to conceal his character. He usually does not say much, but can be more open when he's known someone for sufficient time.
OOC: death, PROPER GRAMMER, and SkyFox, touche.... BIC: Jon sighed. Another guy, found with brains spilled on the floor. If only they didn't commit suicide.... It was just wrong, people pushed to such extremes. But he casually nudged the body aside, hearing more, and fired. He heard the scream, and regretted such rash decisions. Zombies don't scream. And now I'm a murderer on top of everything else...
He hated Zombies. He hated zombies, he hated the military, he hared that the world was being killed, he hated that one of his squad members just flatlined. Corporal Pasquin or something like that. He screen was covered in blood. If only he had been at that post, if only was the only thing he had. But if there was more, would he recognize it? He wished he would. But the squad leader had said that they were winning the war. But who ever listened to Seargeant Anderson? Half of the time he was saying what Lance Corporal Magee had told him. But then Jon got reports of gunshots in the town, and was to check it out. Just great..... OOC: btw, why would there be a desk in a convenience store???
Jon sat at his post, rifle aimed at where a person's head would be. Unless it was dragging it's body.... Then he stopped the thoughts. He quickly checked the squad HUD, making sure the other members were o.k. As far as technology was concerned, they were. But technology wasn't always right.... And then he heard moaning. A lot of it. And it was getting closer. He looked back away from his HUD in time to dodge a zombie while he pulled out his knife and jammed it through the what-was-man's skull, shooting other zombies at the same time.
Ser, iv I had a buck for evry tim sumun ased me dat, I wud hav un buk. You cam go ahead and start.
sure.... I'm too tired to say anything else....
good. Anyone who likes cookies can join.
ur en. Go get suited up.
yur in. But where did I put those cookies I had for you?