OOC: if they ever meet, they will not like each other one bit. But they'll be forced to work together....... Aaron jumped off a ledge, landing in front of a wampa. Zarach killed a creature, and threw it into his little cave.
OOC: can't say, just think that at times he can be the exact opposite of Zarach. THE EXACT OPPOSITE. BIC: Zarach sat down on a chair, nearly a throne. He had made it himself, being bored to the extremes.
Aaron got up and left, his friend having run away from the intimidating Mandalorian.
Aaron laughed at a joke a buddy he was with said. It was truly funny. He kicked the guy, because it wasn't the type of joke he liked even if it was funny.
Zarach sat on a rock watching them leave. But not at the departure in general. He was looking at every component that made up the ship. He would have a use for it later on.
" I can get one. And if I don't, I'll just have this planet as my own personal hideout."
" Not necessarily. I'm not doing any harm to either until I decide to. The Sith know I can do more for them alive then dead. They won't get me." he grinned, starting to walk away.
" No. I'm not going back to the Sith, either. I don't belong in either. I'll help whoever I feel like helping whenever I want. No one's going to stop me."
OOC: and a Uchiha can't have the last name of Naicha... it would be Hosuko Uchiha
" You mean I'm going somewhere? I'd be safer in a herd of rancors than in the republic fleet." He replied.
"Sorry. I just am more used to darkness." He got up, averting his eyes from the light to the darkest corner in the room, where the light hadn't reached somehow.
"Not close."
He ducked, stabbing his sword backwards.
He redirected the blow so it slid off him, he then slashed at her while she was off balance.
He dodged it with ease, then slashing at her.
OOC: sorry, my bro kicked me off the pc. BIC: He got up, taking in the sunlight without welcome. It had been much more peaceful in the dark Aaron sliced it in half, and it was done so quickly that it seemed like he had never gotten up.