Hey, welcome. ^^ PM the staff if you need anything; hope you have fun here. Driving is awesome you'll love it. :P
Welcome to KH-Vids! PM a staff member if you would like any assistance. Hope you have fun here. ^^
Awesome, I can see that we'll get along just fine. xD Welcome to KHV, hope you have fun here. :P
Hmm yes, threads can be quite heavy when they have this many posts. xD
Kay, you are a great friend. <3 We let this topic go way too low. *tapes it to the front page* >:
About time they got around to this. o: I haven't really been keeping up with what's going to be on it though, apart from FF:CC. >.>
It would take a *very* bad game to get me mad. xD
The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage - Panic! at the Disco It's been a while.
ARF ftw. <_>
Yeah, just realised I posted that about 30 minutes after you'd asked. ._.
in b4 lock
Windowsill - Arcade Fire
"At the tail end of this morning's GDC 2008 keynote address by John Schappert, special guest Tomonobu Itagaki announced that Ninja Gaiden II will be released on June 3. Itagaki flew in from Tokyo especially to attend the Microsoft keynote, telling attendees that he wanted to prove Japanese developers are still alive and kicking. In addition to confirming the game's release date, Itagaki showed off the newest playable build of Ninja Gaiden II, running Ryu through his lightning-fast paces in the Temple of Sacrifice stage." Link: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/853/853484p1.html --- "Microsoft just confirmed this to be true and officially announced the sequel during its keynote. A trailer was shown that didn't reveal any gameplay but showed a very stylish, cinematic battle with a Locust soldier. The presentation ended with designer Cliffy B chainsawing his way onto the stage to announce the release date: November 2008. Of course, he also confirmed it will be Xbox 360-exclusive." Link: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/853/853482p1.html Awesome, can't wait for them. =D
We dissected a heart one time, I didn't find it that bad. :3
I quite like it as it is now. :)
About time the format war ended. Sucks for people with HD-DVDs though.
Winning a match with 0 kills, that's pretty epic. xD
Welcome to KHV! Hope you have fun here, PM a staff with any problems. ^^
Hi and welcome to KHV. Looks like everyone has covered your question, you can always PM staff if you need any more help. ^^
Hi, welcome to KHV. I'm sure you'll have no problem fitting in if you've been on forums before. :D