I feel your pain, bro. I can barely get pants size 0 so i have to use my sister's while wearing a belt.
ha ha testicles
um hey HEY NO HANDS OFF And sab, how can you do all that stuf at the same time are you an android
Sup .
One of the many curses for tall people. The second one being "OMG U SO TALL U SHOULD TTLY BE A MODEL (male model for guys)". Hope your eye didn't fall off or anything.
You Americans and your break homework. How can you guys do it? Kitty: Can you kidnap me please jkjdfgjhdlgfj; Forsaken:oh my god yes but NO BE CALM YOU'LL DO FINE ON SATURDAY SDFJSGFG; Llave: That really sounds terrible D: I never had a locker in high school. /sad Kame: oh lord ahaha commando. Haley: WE ARE CURSED OH LORD HFJFGDL; And Chipster, awesome dream right theeeere.
When you have homework related dreams.
oh my gosh you still have that xmas card i made youuuuu. :'Omgejgsbj <3
haha yes! i got hooked on it last year <3 i can't wait for the next movie ahahahaha.