Dissapointed. I need to see more of it but for now I'm dissapointed.
hey! just wanted to say hi long time no talk huh? =)
god i'm moving over there
can summer be, like, still summer without like, the sun being so like, hot you know.
si quieres booty vete pa' plaza del sol! /nodontgo and good misty!
Oh. Hi. So. How are you holding up? Because I'm a potato.
felicidades chev! vete y date par de palos en la avenida.
I'd have vigorous sex with you. wait. okay you win.
violets are blue roses are red what is it going to take to get you into my bed? OH OH SNAP
i'd put my master sword in your sacred pedestal.
don't be scared xD
it's ok man, we can add you in the fun. the more the merrier.
get out you're just jealous because i don't want to get down with you.
i've never seen you around here before are you like, new? You're hot so let's get down to business, ya know? how about it?
oh you'll see in a few
the way you made it sound, it really sounds depressing. here let me hold you.
honestly i really want to have an arby's burger they look so delicious but oh i forgot i don't live in the usa.
um. what.
Aang your picture is hilariously amazing. misty looking small and attractive as always sabby you're my waifu so it's obligatory to say you're amazingly prettylicious saxima that dress..i want it libre, you have epic facial hair. this picture is like weeks old but i just forgot to post it idk Spoiler
and this is why i want to be staff.