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  1. Tootsie
    I have her number and also added on any social media that exists online but sHE IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Imma divorce her ass.

    also I came in to say hi on khv. hi.
    Post by: Tootsie, Jan 21, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Tootsie
    FOR I need to talk to her and real quick omg ;-;
    Thread by: Tootsie, Jan 21, 2014, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Tootsie

    Two games I don't own still. I am jeaaaaaalous.

    Sooo, basically you had a college student-like day.
    Post by: Tootsie, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Tootsie
  5. Tootsie
    Yeah, basically the title.


    How was your day?
    Thread by: Tootsie, Oct 30, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Tootsie
    It's been awhile~

    Uploaded with
    [DOUBLEPOST=1383185941][/DOUBLEPOST]And I met Miley Cyrus.


    Uploaded with
    Post by: Tootsie, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  7. Tootsie
    baby come over imma show you a good time.
    Post by: Tootsie, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Tootsie

    Hey Chev

    How come we live in the same place but we've never seen each other?

    I'm gonna assume I'm just too intimidating.
    Thread by: Tootsie, Oct 15, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Tootsie
    You're like this big teddy bear that like, has spikes and **** but we still hug you because damn you're a teddy bear.[DOUBLEPOST=1381847184][/DOUBLEPOST]
    i saw you with that other man cheating on me like this can't go on i am in love with an inanimate object.[DOUBLEPOST=1381847510][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I try my best. :3

    don't threaten me with a good time.
    Post by: Tootsie, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Tootsie
    Hope everything gets better for you and the rest in here who have problems <3
    Post by: Tootsie, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Tootsie
    Except you. I don't love you.
    Thread by: Tootsie, Oct 14, 2013, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Tootsie
  13. Tootsie
    AW, You changed your name or somethin'? D: I don't know you by this username.

    WHAT. Crazzzzzyyyy. It is nationwide but over here where I live is like, the crappiest restaurant compared to others. And I didn't know they had wings in the buffet! The have only salads over here which is why it sucks.But to work there sucks seriously. Working at a food place sucks big time. You gain weight and end up smelling by the end of the shift.

    AW, man. RadioShack should be fun with all their electronics and crap. We need to get better jobs then. D:
    Post by: Tootsie, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Tootsie
    Haha, aw don't say that! Taking a trip down memory lane ain't so bad!
    And I'm studying Photography but I might get a minor on education this semester! What about you?

    And lol I wish I worked at RadioShack. I work at a rest. called Ponderosa. I pretty much spend my weekends there. And now weekdays. fak.

    I'll keep you company bby and glad to know you're alive! And aw, get some rest dude watcha studying?

    And haha gordon maybe i will. <:
    Post by: Tootsie, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Tootsie
    Hola, amigo mio.

    Hey! I haven't seen you around here in a looong while!
    And I've been good. I pretty much surrounded my life with college and sh!tty job. So, yay I am an adult.

    How are you, though? :)
    Post by: Tootsie, Jul 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Tootsie


    I wanted to say hi and stuff.
    How's everybody?
    Thread by: Tootsie, Jul 17, 2013, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Tootsie
    still no kh 3 huh . .
    Post by: Tootsie, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Tootsie
    His music sticks with you for quite a long time. I like him a lot but I prefer other djs (Avicii hollaaaa).

    But I did see Guetta live last year and I can honestly say it was one of the best djs shows/party I've ever gone. He really can make the crowd jump and put up a show!
    Post by: Tootsie, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: Music
  19. Tootsie
    it's still itchy u guise.

    kitty lollipops have legs, i'm just shy to show them to you.
    Post by: Tootsie, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Tootsie
    I strongly recommend you to take it to repairs. Same thing happened to me but I brushed it off because it wasn't even that big but one time all I did was open it and it took almost 85% of the laptop screen.
    Post by: Tootsie, Feb 21, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone