What did you think i would look like?
Yes, and this is me http://i1089.photobucket.com/albums/i352/archipelagoes/jonathan.jpg
I don't hate you
Why do you hate other Asians?
Why do you hate Mexicans?
Original impressions? Current impressions?
I got it. I put in the wrong title of it.
But, it's not simple and clean or dive into the heart
dkasfjl;sdfkajlsadfjkl;sdfjklsdfjkl; I hate my life
Is it the song name?
Trying to get on Floor Four. I just started like 15 minutes ago.
I hate Castle Oblivion in the game and on the forum.
I'm bored.
This article explains it a little bit better. http://www.warpzoned.com/?p=16645
Halo meow?
You better be on tomorrow, or else i'm going to go super saiyan 4.
No you don't. You are just imagining that you have a fever.
Get on Halo
After all this time talking to me, You still spell my name incorrectly.
Is this ScaleneSky?