Nice ^^ Anyways...what's up with you? *trying to make peace*
Ah well. How are you? I got a tablet for Christmas You?
YO! What's up all? ^^
-1242108520 << Fix the font A LOT! and it's just two pictures inverted. :/ Add some effects to it to make people go "WOAHWTFLOLZ TAHT B GUD!" So, try using a program like Photoshop, or if you're poor and don't want to use keygen ;o then, get GIMP. 2.2.14 <<
Smexy =D << <_> xDD I love the facial expressions...and that shirt!
That first one made me gigglesnort.
My serious tablet works... - not coloured More to come :3
O_O I got a tablet, a movie, and gift certificates
I got a wacom bamboo :3
My bro got that :3 I thnik
Nice OwO I got the simpsons movie <<
So I got a tablet for Christmas :3 It's damn sexy :3 And I am touching it as I type this ;o
Same To You =d I Gots A Tablet!
It's supposed to be simple << Merry Christmas, by the by :3
Boredom on Christmas Eve
Curses! ...was that you, by any chance? <_>
Sooooo, your dad was kissing me under the miseltoe?
Trig says it's my best <<