Tired...good, otherwise, though :3 You?
Mornin' peeps. I"m tired this morning...I played with mah Wii until 1:45 in the morning... 11-1:45
xD Nice. It looks like a cropped version of the other one. .-. oh and, Long time, no see xD
xDD Nice 8D
I'm hungry...and I JUST ate a box of KD. ;-;
Hm? What's up?
Actually, it was taking up too much space. Every 1k pages, we have to make new thread
*Secret message, found* xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Nice, Kay. And Goimez... 7.5/10
xD Nice. I love the cheese you get from the zoo in OHIOOOOOO WASHINGTON! 8D
xDD I know. I expected...like...-infinite... xD 9.6/10 For how much you win 8D
9.5/10 Haiiii? << (Hai means yes) xD Tell me over MSN...I'm impatient
Okay. *only know of a few characters <<*
8.5/10 8d You Are Teh Creatorz!
Mkay, I saw an episode of Death Note...nothing special...
...*loves that kid* xDD Only because he's..."special"
xD And you think I do? xD I just wanted a Chris Crocker moment <D
LEAVE LINDSAY LOHAN ALOONE! Anyone who wants to make fun of her has to go through ME! ... [/crockerness] >w<
@Aerith Oh, why thank you, O Great one. =/ << Sorry xD *flings poop*
for my next AMV? In case you don't know, I am RiftorSanji of YouTube, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for an AMV?
@Jazz Great Song! Rawkfist! 8D