Adorable :3 ~
D'awww so cute :3 I shall help my favorite Kellybean win for the time being~ Everyone back the **** up. Only Kelly can win <3
Hai Kellybean <3 I am here to talk to the lovely people.
I'll paddle him where the scales are the thinnest <3 @Tequilla - My computer is actually still crashed ;u;. I am using a Windows 2000. It's hell.
DanuDanuDanuDanuDanuDanuDanu I miss my moosemum ;; You must find le charger, or make the computer stop being a buttface, or whatever is happening...
Ohai everyone. I'm checking up on you all again, since this one is about to end. Sheesh you people work fast. Can't you make any of these last? I want you to know I miss you all, without you my heart is mashed. I most likely would have posted more... Spoiler IF MY F***ING COMPUTER HADN'T CRASHED. I hope you enjoyed my quite pathetic rhyme. @Danu my moosemum- I MISS YOU ;-; </3
Hai <3 :3 Hai <3 :3
Well hello everyone. I haven't been here in a month or so. How have you all been?
>Desperate to get it. Wasn't everyone? Just sayin'.
Now THAT'S serious. Teach me your ways.
Naaah you were being pretty serious about it. But okay c; I honestly don't give a care :lolface: The fact that I won means nothing to me
Yeah. Big whoop :3
Sore, annoyed? Who said I was annoyed? :3 I was just stating the rules of the game. :lolface: Way to be srs dood. Takes just as much skill to get any # post. The odds are the exact same.
Oh we are :3 It is nice to see you here ::L:
ENZY!!! *hug* Hai.
And look where it got me :3
Ohai Llave. How are you this fine, windy-as-hell day? You go ahead and think that bro c; I guess I should go change all the previous winners :lolface: This must mean Kelly never won :3 sweeeeeet.
It's not 5000th post wins. Risk got 5000th last time. Where's his creds? That's what I thought c;
Lawl guize. you're taking it too seriously. Don't be butthurt. I won.
Ohai everyone. I can see this is moving along nicely. *looks at the previous page* Nope. Still not done. Kbai again. see you in another 50 or so pages. /or not.