Hello Mamamoose <3 It's been quite some time since we last spoke. I miss my moose mother :c
Has an avvy that somehow looks familiar to me, though I doubt it.
I hope she reads it too, so I hope it is alright if I ask you to make sure she reads it. She told me she doesn't think I'd do it. I want to make sure she sees it this time, as she said I wouldn't do it again.
Oh hello everyone. Kelly has told me that I wouldn't do this, but I so will. Yeah, you're gonna read my crap again, but I'm happy to say it all.~ *AHEM* So as some of you may know, Kelly is extremely special to me. Just the mere fact that I can talk to her every day makes me happy. Everything she does just makes me happy. She makes me happy. she never agrees with me, but I believe she is the most beautiful girl in the world. She so adorable about nearly everything, and I just love everything about her. I love her. She's the one person in this world that means the absolute most to me. (Not to mean that others don't mean much to me. Many of you mean very much to me. But you should understand, as my heart belongs to Kelly.) I would give anything to make or see her happy. I would buy anything, do anything, kill, or even die for her. But most of all I want to live for her. She's my everything in this world, and I want you all to know that. Even if we're just friends now, I like what I imagine in the future. I meant and still mean every word. I love you, Kelly. <3 Guys, make sure she knows I said this. This time she will believe me that I did this. ^^
yay. Well I must leave you all once again. See you all in a month or so. Or not.
Shall I be a good moosebaby and get you more chocolate? Hello everybody. Nice to be back for about the next 5-10 minutes. I assume everything is going well?
Danuuuu ;; I'm sorry D: Your MSN wasn't failing. I was playing Mass Effect 3 and forgot to check if you said anything. I'm so sorry ;___; Things...
Happy happy birthday Mama Moose <3 I hope you've had/are having a wonderful day c: Your moose baby still misses you ;;
If loving you is lame, then I don't want to be cool. And I am not wrong. I will make you believe it one day, I don't care if it takes me until I'm on my death bed. I'm going to do it, because I'm right <3 But until then, you just keep being a cutie~
Ohai guys. First off, Kelly, keep the pictures to yourself. They have seen enough >> But anyways, Since Kelly thinks I'm too laaaaame to do this, I'mma do it now. I want you guys to know that Kelly is the most adorable, most beautiful, and most amazing girl in the world to me. I wouldn't trade a moment with her for anything. She is supremely special to me, and I intend to show her that over and over until she agrees~ She's my favorite little Kellybean McSillycutie <3
Ohai everyone. It's my birthday today.
back to MSN now~ Goodbye everyone again. Kelly, you'll win. Or else everyone will be eating my foot. Except Danu. She's nice.
it's called "motivation"~ You told me to help you wn :3 Though I think I may sop and go back to MSN. I enjoy talking to you directly much more c:
Kelly, Kelly, she's our girl. She will dominate the world. She'll post last, below the rest. She'll win this thread and be he best. You will fall with a great big thud, Because Kelly won't stop... Spoiler UNTIL YOU'RE A PILE OF BLOOD Spoiler but seriously guys, she's gonna win. Because I said so.
please don't. My Windows 2000 is slow enough. Don't need .gif lag.
~ Haaai. How has Mummoose been these days? :3
Hai Mamamoose :3 Hai Kellybean McSillyCutie~ /inb4nuclearrage
I will shove my foot so far up your a**, you'll be spitting my toenails for a week. :3 jk~ But don't make fun of Emilie :c
yay :3
Keep digging that cute little hole~ It just makes you more and more beautiful <3 ^u^