Nah don't worry about it, just accept it with all my friendly intentions. Besides, it's the best for Keyblade Spirit, with the way import and shipping taxes are here he would spend a fortune. And I don't want nothing from that place, seriously. If you REALLY want to give me something though, we can talk about that later.
Nah I want nothing. You sticking at my side after all my emotional crashes is gift enough, I appreciate your friendship a lot. c:
Just for clarification, I'm winning for @Cat~ this time because I feel bad I am still unable to find a gift for her for Friend's Day. :l But if she wins herself that's fine and dandy too. c:
Eh, why not, I'll try winning for somebody else.
Oh, I see. To be honest, that's how I usually am, and that's one of the reasons why I suffer so much, most people can't bear with my level of clear honesty. :l
Really? You think so? I t wasn't as much of a hard feat for me to do. Now me liking the way my voice sounds like... Yeah that took months for me to get used to, like, I am still not fully convinced of it. :l Hello. c:
Hmm, anyways, I think we should stop with the Spanish to not confuse the other members any longer. <.< But yeah, that song is really beautiful and it was othe first song I sang properly.
¡Gracias! Trabaje muy duro en esa canción. c: En fin, ya me di por vencido por hoy, tal vez intente mañana hare otro cover de esta cancion ya que me sienta tan bien, ademas para probar un par de instrumentos nuevos:
Para mi una cancion tipica es tipo Rock/Metal, pero tambien me voy a lo melodico/clasico cuando necesario, y a veces fusiono ambos. Un ejemplo de lo ultimo: Sinceramente, no soy bueno para expresar mi tristeza en un Teclado MIDI.
Ya veo, ya veo. Lamento el retraso en mis contestaciones, intento componer música trsite pero jamas me sale bien. :l
Si no te importa la pregunta... ¿De donde aprendiste? En mi caso es mi idioma nativo, ya que soy de Sudamerica.
Oh, ¿Sabes Español? Que interesante. c: Yo estoy bien, ahi componientdo mi musica. Translation: Oh, you know Spanish? How interesting. c: I am good, here composing my music.
Hola, buenos dias. ¿Como estas? Traduction: Hello, good day, how are you doing?
Sorry if I seem like I'm sticking in this out of nowhere, but I already talked with Jayn with the possibility of me giving it a shot of being a mixer for KHV Chorus. But if you really want to help, go ahead, won't stop you, wanted to do this to feel less useless around here, but don't worry too much about it haha. c:
SO YOU DISLIKE ROCK AND METAL? You leave a sad face in me knowing that you don't understand the wonders of the Electric Guitar. >: Aww thank you Yukari. c: Also while I'm here, SHAMELESS SELF-PLUGGING OF NEWEST TRACK:
3D Party is some kind of trippy stuff, not going to lie, still pretty cool though. c: Mr Music must have been hard to mix together with so many voices. <_< Still, pretty cool stuff. Nice job as usual. c:
Hmm... Such a hard decision, but I'll go with @Jayn Second place goes to @Yukari because I believe she has a lot of untapped potential, Heck, I would have voted for her if it wasn't for Mozaiks Role out-of-key ending parts (Atleast it sounded off-key to my ears).
Voting for the only person here that knows how to ACTUALLY play an electric guitar. Read: @Arno Dorian Sure, the stuff that he choosed sounds synthy, but it has really good melody and rhythm.
Ah I see, I like RPGs and strategy games as well, mostly been playing Bravely Default as of lately. c: I mostly myself enjoy fighting games like Guilty Gear. Very well, I shall anticipate it with joy, if not I'll just send you a message if you are okay with it.