Question, would "Most anyone" include me? I've been wanting to do a collab with somebody but the somebody who I've been doing a collab went into a hiatus. :l Also, I swear your music has a Led Zeppelin-like feeling in that is extremely soothing, your new cover that you just posted shows that.
Oh I see, it's like S&P then. Anyways I don't like Musou games that much unless they got some insane depth going on. Nah don't worry, I was joking. I only care about framerates in fighting games, and even then only demand a stable framerate on all the times a combo is being executed. c:
Oh wow man, I was just half-joking. o_o I know 60 FPSs =/= Quality but it does help having a stable frame rate, which I read DG3 doesn't has. And half of those games you mentioned I didn't play and half didn't finish, actually I only finished SoTC, Bayonetta and S&P. Anyways, I got Dragon's Crown, Elf's legs are a weapon of mass destruction.
Alright, thanks Hayabusa. 30 FPSs in action = lolno Yes I've played Bayonetta while I owned a 360 (Before selling it to afford a PS3 for Guilty Gear Xrd). Was pretty good if a little QTE-driven. But to each their own tastes. NGS I got recommended, might look into it. I've played only the first NG game for the NES, but I know the genres are different between old and new NG. So it's now Dragon's Crown vs Tales of Graces F....
I finished MGR like 3 times before I sold my 360. So no thanks, it was amazing, addictive and all but I don't have time to rebuy it and refinish it all the way to Revengeance mode. I am mainly ehh on DG3 because I heard when it was on development it was at 30 FPSs, and that's a no-no for me on action games (Or any game that has any kind of action). It does look beautiful but if you are gonna sacrifice anything in action game it better not be gameplay or frame rate. I have a PS3 and a 3DS. Thinking about buying DG3 or Dragon's Crown next. Thanks again, btw. c:
Hai Tale. c: Also for anybody who plays good action games (Read: DMC3) and played Drakengard 3, would you recommend it to me? if yes, why? If no, why? Sorry, I haven't ot any time yet to check any reviews, I'll check some in a min. Anybody is free to answer, I'll just wish it could be somebody who played DMC3 or at the least the real DMC because to me that si the holy grail of action games. Just a random question but wondering what my next PS3 game should be.
Niiiice man! Can we know some early details or you are gonna keep it under wraps until it's done? Just wondering. Also that reminds me mine isn't finished, with the dawn of my 3D modeling course I need to add a video card that isn't the one built-in.
Somebody... Read the sacred book... *Rises away from grave* What's up guys, won't bore you with what I've been doing lately but tl;dr, got a PS3 and BlazBlue ChronoPhantasma, went to a videogame designer convention, and been overall with a more postiive look in life, and that has made life give me more.
Happy birthday Cherry! c: Hopefully it is a good one for you. I feel kind of awkward because I don't have a present for you, but you said you aren't a person of presents so I guess it's alright?
Leaving this because I saw you online. Upgraded my PC long ago, soyeah. But yeah, how's life?
Heh, if that already worked I wouldn't have nightmares long ago. Iv'e been wondering if anything's worth trying at this point, given that anyways I know I'm going to fail at the long run. These dreams do not help.
Another sleepless night of nothing but nightmares. "Dream Evil The dark that you find in the back of your mind"
About the Guitar vs Keyboard discussion. Whynothaveboth.gif On top of my Guitar classes I'm gonna start on music theory and Keyboard. c:
Happy birthday man! May you enjoy it. c:
Sure, I'll add you if you don't mind. c: Btw, I don't know if you remember me, this is Chaser007. c:
(For those who do not get it this song is called "Obsessive Prelude" in Spanish, alternatively I just been listening to this all day)
I've been listening to this song nonstop for the last 2 hours: Especially at the part around 2:16 Just, the guitar, the drums, everything. WALTER GIARDINO WHY ARE YOU SUCH A GOD?
Ah I see, good luck with it then. c: And nice. As for me, I preferred to stay with Windows 7 because I'm already way used to it but... I don't have anything against Windows 8 and it's users.
I am so proud of you... *Sheds manly tears* Btw, now that you have a Godlike PC all you need is a preamp, one of those virtual amps and a DAW and you are ready to record (You can skip on the preamp though, I've been practicing guitar without one and the only difference is that the unprocessed guitar signal is much weaker) Also, Solid State Drive or not?
No problem. And it's not that I'm being insistent for the sake of it, it's just that it kinda saddens me when a friend of mine rejects a gift from me, more when I hard-earned it. It makes me feel... What's the word? That the gift was unwanted to begin with? IDK, you get the point, a friend pulled this with me, but she was very cold and distant and in the end we turned out to not be friends at all. :l Anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyways, enjoy it. c: