(lol at verse skip) She sits on her ass He works his hands to the bone To give her money every payday
Hey Fayt Umm didn't know if you noticed but i threw a request your way in your graphic shop I'm not posting it here as to avoid any trouble Anways...
In the worst, Kind of way
And that is what o_O
Awwwz i iz sorry Did she give it back today?
*Hugs* Whats wrong? Why does your life suck?
*Head desk* I did not know if his effect would stop raigeki I asked and he said it does and he discarded a card I looked up on the internet if it would and found nothing so i assumed that it did and he negated its effect IN which then i activated dark hole THINKING that there was still 2 monsters on his field and 0 cards in his hand and i contenoued my turn and afterwards you replied
Hey wait why do i get a strike i asked if it stopped it and he said yes
Alright now that your hand is empty I'll activate DArk Hole then i activate pot of greed 4 cards in hand Now I summon my Rescue Cat And i send it to the graveyard to summon my 2 airbellums! then I'll special SUmmon My Foultron! and now I'll tune! My Foultron And my Airbellum! To Synchro SUmmon! XX-SABER GOTTOMS! -BAttle Phase- Gottoms Attack! TWIN BLADE SPIRAL SLASH!!! Then my airbellum! [/IMG] SABER CYCLONE! -Main Phase 2- I set 2 cards facedown And end my turn -Airbellum is destroyed- Field LP Me - 8000 You - 3400
Yeah sorry i had to eat dinner
Alright -Mainphase 1- I'll activate my spiritualism Then i activate my Raigeki Now can jokers ability stop this?
This looks like it is going to be a fun duel Alright Yugi Prepair yourself! My move! -Draw Phase- 6 cards in hand -Standby Phase- Anything?
Hey Umm whats up? I havent talked to you in awhile and it seems you havent been on in awhile I miss you VM me ~Aster
Sure amd then lets make this quick And sorry family emergensy is why i didn't reply sooner
I'll duel ya yugi
Is there any possibility of this code working on normal KH2?
Bravo Bravo well done
I'll duel ya jay
Avatar Size: same as yours Image: http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n238/Gamebino/Yu-Gi-Oh GX/Aster Phoenix/EP3.png Text: none Font: none Details: I want the the main image not to be touched, i would like the background of aster to be blurred with red/black tint. I would also in the background would like a thorn effect if possible like ivy going around the background with thorns in it Other:That would be it
Alright...Whos gonna duel me