So Jay your joining, make profile or whatever
Also quick suggeston We should proclaim when we edit our decks showing what we add/take out Like (example) Crystal Beast Deck Edited Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger +1 Gravi Crush Dragon -1
It sucks ballsack
So how is this gonna start off?
Dramatic effect It can lead to flashbacks...hmmm...yes...flashbacks...what was i saying? 0_0
Mr. Tweetums!!!!!! Username: Aster Phoenix Name: Edo Moto Age: 14 Appearence: Wielder of a millenium Item: Yes Which One: Millenium Puzzle Bio: Son of Yugi Moto, dueling is in his blood. Being tought everything from his father before he passed away. He uses the power of the dark magician in a way his father never could Cards in Deck: Monsters; x1 Dark Armed Dragon x1 Gorz the emissery of darkness x3 Dark Magician x3 Skilled Dark MAgician x3 Apprentice Magician x3 Old Vindictive Magician x3 Breaker the magical warrior x2 Dark Magician Girl Spells x3 Magical Curtain x2 Magical Dimention x2 Dark Magic Attack x3 Book of Moon x2 Shrink x2 Ancient Rules x1 Brain Control x1 Pot Of Avarice x1 Heavy Storm x1 Allure of darkness x1 Mystical Space Typhoon Traps x1 Eradicator Epidemic Virus x1 Solemn Judgment x2 Dark Bribe Evil,good,or both ( both as in your goood but being controlled by an evil spirit or person ): Good Other: Edo does not like to use his deck due to memorys of his father, but when in a duel all other problems set aside and he duels just as good if not better then his father
I knew her But i don't know what happened to her Mind explaining for me?
Still no fun Tell her "Well i leik yu and stuf but i have a hubby His name is Junior, i recued him from the pound =3"
Have you called anyone Child Services people like that?
0_0 What! Is she hurting you?
Wait...i thought we did My bad welcome sorry for the misinformation
Lolz Sadness in the air, we already have a marik xD
Sorta Gonna jump in if i can Never did this before so forgive me if i am no good OC Name: Edo Phoenix Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Bio: Born in Alexandria Into wealth, Edo was unlike his siblings. Having 4 brothers who were spoiled rotton. Edo on the other hand was quite and almost forgotten by his siblings. His parents adored him though and was the favriot. While sleeping Edo heard a noice in their humble mansion to see a group of people all in black with large swords on their back. The ruthless fiends maccicard his entire family as he hid in the shady corner, scarred. The police came and thought the worst. Beleiveing that Edo himself killed his family in exile and hate. He was held in a prison camp for 2 weeks before prompley escaping. and growing up on the streets, gambling and husteling his way to a small fortune. But edo sooned found out that his life was going to take a turn. Maybe in the right direction. Weapon: A small sord similar to that of a fensing sword. But sharper Trance powers: Unknown at the moment
......No I'm sorry, its not you...Its Lindsey Lohans Fingernails 0_0
Blazing Saddles - Exalent Movie, great director Mel Brooks is a genius Schindler's List - Very sad movie, showing somethign we will never forget LArger Then Life - Really Funny, had one of my favriot actors The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus - Good filming, compelling story Austin Powers 1 - Its just a good movie
Right right...And that is?
Its fine i know what ya' mean Anyway if you could do that whenever you can that would by great Take your time, I'm in no rush