How could you live thinking Scooby Doo was stupid:why?:! I grew up on that, Cow and Chicken, Baboon and Weezle, Dexters lab .ect
Edo notices that the two strangers were conducting a duel He dessided to put the peices back in the box and watch the duel "Hmm maybe something amusing will happen"
Yeah its on every now and then on Nicktoons I have it so it tapes every episode that comes on. And i always loved it It came out when i was young...
The Secret Show is bitchin! and ikr? I am glad they brought bakc invader zim though they should make more episodes
*head desk* xD i meant the audition lolzzzzz
Its alright if i didn't Honestly i didn't expect too It was my first and i honestly couldent think of an idea for either of them
I do too xD I wish they would make more Damn you Television!
I'll check them out ^_^ Anyways so did we make the cut?
Really good =D! I can't sing that good Dx I try then i sound like a disoriented mule
I didn't even know anyone else watched that show xD I only see it cuz' i have dishnetwork which gives me nicktoons network
I'll be using that next time >.>
Gonard for the win =D [IMG]
Hey whats up
Yeah sorry, my friend was holding the microphone WAY too far away
Manhunt: Ran for the exit to be ambushed by a guy with a nail gun FML
Okay xD.....
lolz So what do you think? I know the acting is metiocer but we didn't practise much and we didn't have a script
Here try this I converted it to MP3 Just hit free user dowload And btw vista sucks -_-
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DO you know a converter? My OS is Ubuntu