Going camping for the weekend Don't do anything to memorable while I'm gone Later!
Wait till he's sober then ask if he meant it If he says "Fuck No!" then your in the clear If he says "Well...Ummm...Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" then sorry your fucked
That will work REAL well since I'm a guy xD
You'd be suprised Misty
http://www.crescentprephs.com/ How do I avoid the Freshmen Hunt?
First RP so cut me a little slack STORY 3 Years After the events of G.U. "The World" made a new version R:3 During the creation of R:3 A Hacker "Tenshi Nakumuro" hacked his way into the incomplete testing server, His usernamme was "Zeneru". While wondering around the newly made city, awing at the spectacular graphics. He sees a player. He was dark with an orange hat, carrying blades with 3 edges "Tri-Edge!" Said Zeneru, He bulled out his Scythe and charged tri-edge. Zeneru was only a level 15. He had no chance. He swung his aiming directly for his head. Tri-edge took his blade and cut the head of the Scythe off. Zeneru was shocked, he tried to log out as to avoid getting PKed. But he Was unable to he turned around to see the blade swinging for his head, he screamed and fell to the ground. In real life Tenshi was on the ground, unconscious. In a coma. Since the creators didn't ever see Zeneru they did not expect anything and finished R:3. And released R:3 Without knowing of this threat RULES! 1: No Godmodding 2: No Powerplay 3: Must have some knowledge of the G.U. Series 4: Idc about cussing, but dont go too far as to get this closed (which means you can only use stuff like "shit Ass Bastered bitch but no further) 5:Have at least Decant Grammer like don't talk like "I wus leik gooin to bon me gerlfrind" K? 6: If wanting to contact someone besides in public PM them as you would E-mail someone in the game 7: No Controlling other peoples charecter 8: 3 character limit! 9: You may ask someone to join your party through VM or PM 10: Only 3 people per party 11: Make the names of places your going like in the show Example "Delta Hidden Shadow Cloth" Is acceptable "Delta Cloth maker totobird" is not 12: When starting in this you will be a noob which means LV 1 you can't start being A lv 40 -_- 13: I WILL be making a quest shop sometime soon, when using the quest shop follow the rules on it and always be detailed during it. 14: Each battle will give you 300 exp bosses 500 only 6 battles per Area (including boss) and only allowed to go to 2 areas per day (Not including citys) 15: PKing is allowed but you can be stopped by people stepping in or a PKK 16: PM me if you want to join but don;t know anything about .Hack 17: You must be permitted by me to become an Epitaph user and only 8 Epitaph user allowed. and you must choose and existing epitaph (Skaith, Magus, Tarvos .ect" 18: When fighting be detailed on who your fighting its level and what you do to attack it CLASSES * Adept Rogue * Blade Brandier * Macabre Dancer * Edge Punisher * Flick Reaper * Harvest Cleric * Lord Partizan * Shadow Warlock * Steam Gunner * Tribal Grappler * Twin Blade Duel Gunner is NOT permitted Character Sheet Username: (your kh-vids one) The World Username: RL Name: Class: Appearance: (make it fit your class) Age: (13+) Personality: Gender: Fighting Style: (healer/head on fighter/Strategist.ect) Quote Guilds None yet Current Characters Username: Aster Phoenix The World Username: Kenteku RL Name:Ziggy Palmer Class: Flick Reaper Appearance: Age: (13+) 14 Personality: Mysterious, Secretive, Arrogant. Gender: Male Fighting Style: Head on Quote: Destiny is on my side
What is this? I don't even...
Looks like a great movie Jesse Eisenberg Is a great actor and i will be seeing this movie :lolface:
Has anyone else played these games? In my opinion this is one of the best RPG Games I've seen for the Playstation 2 Wiki page - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.hack//G.U.. Opinions? Thoughts?
And thats why people don't walk near you
if we can learn to work and play, and get along with each other.
Yeah i am replaying the game I've beatin it before never beat the forst of pain got to level 50
Ya' know me and my sister made a parody of this song when it came out I think it went something like "We are the boys in motion! We give you our devotion! we dress in drag cuz' we're all **** and all out of hand lotion!"
[Playing .HACK//G.U And got fairly far Went to go train before the 2nd arena battle Gaspard the dumb **** disideds (hey go to this level its only 6 levels higher then you!" And i forgot my current party is weak as hell! I died, hadent saved in awhile and now i am so far ****ing back!] I'm going to shove my Broadsword up [Gaspards A$$]
You sick fuck!!!
What was her name Jenny? That whore!
If you can't rememebr them...their probably not important -_-
Well this sucks! I don't want shitty stickers I want awesome peice of artwork to hang up on my wall of amazing things!