that's what I'm figuring. basically a more interesting version of Roxas' intro unless Aqua has to do odd jobs in the Realm of Darkness
Alice in Wonderland is my favourite anime
give it to a friend?
pitoo apparently plays like Brawl Pit, so that might be a better fit for you than regular Pit
would you pay 60 if it were more of a remake than a remaster? Like new graphics, new content, new cutscenes, and such?
I do wonder if they'll bring it to PS4, maybe if they want to show off the Kingdom Shader, ala what they're doing with Type-0? But I hope I can get it on my PS3, I can't upgrade for a while yet. I hope they make KHDDDHD properly balanced, though it's pretty unlikely given the previous remasters
well it;s not like that ability has any other use
KH won't go digital, for whatever reason
Whenever the remake comes out the standard price tends to be 20 dollars for a single HD game, though DDD is still a bit new, so it could potentially be more than that, or if we're lucky, less I think the most I'd pay is 30 dollars, but I'm hoping 20 dollars
Well only KH2 has multiple difficulty trophies, and it's only two, so even if they don't stack it's not a big deal. BBS only hs a Critical Mode trophy for the final story ...I would have liked a speedrun trophy
I'm so glad they removed the bulk of the difficulty trophies, especially for Birth by Sleep (cna you imagine beating all four stories on all four difficulties?) But uh get Fantastic on all of the ice cream missions? goodbye platinum trophy
Nobuo Uematsu >>>>>>
wait a bit and get smash bros
Kingdom Hearts has too much specific terminology to fit with Destiny and that's saying something
Ie Tee Tee
to be fair, this entire game goes against what the Animus is supposed to be There shouldn't be alternate ways to complete a mission, or a ridiculous variety of custom clothes. So it's kinda weird
This was something they established in AC2, why is it being addressed now?
uh... how every post I made, I said it's not okay to be a dick to someone for any reason denying there are problems is ridiculous, but making more problems isn't really productive
I demand people treat others equally I don't want people dragging people they view as "more privileged" down to their perceived state of injustice, I want people working together towards reaching a new high standard and whether people like it or not, every year that passes things get better being racist isn't helping it though perpetuating fear, making excuses? that holds us back you're always throwing quotes around, so I wish I could remember the phrasing of the one I'm thinking of, but something about like fools never forgive fools always forget a wise person forgives but does not forget