It didn't become it though, we don't know where Way to Dawn came from, but we DO know that Riku can still summon Soul Eater despite having Way to Dawn, he did it in DDD. The eye thing is associated with darkness, and that's the extent of it. Terra uses eye and hadn shaped darkness attacks. You're not understanding the quote, when he says it's an intermediary, he's talking about how it was what Riku used as a weapon before switching it for Way to Dawn. Soul Eater is just a sword presumably given by Maleficent, but we don't know where Way to Dawn or Soul Eater officially came from. But they are separate entities
I don't tihnk any songs from BBS were remastered
this is literally Megaman now
what do french people eat cheese
some more of my choice picks
... but there's absolutely no indication that it has any relation, but plenty that there isn't, so why assume that?
Even PlayStation loves the 3DS mroe than the Vita, there's not much of a chance that KH... or much of anything, honestly... will make it to that system
we know it's not a keyblade, they call it a sword, and Riku is able to call it even after getting Way to Dawn or look at it this way, when Riku gets possessed he gets the keyblade to people's hearts, this shocks Maleficent, and Riku/Ansem says "That's right, a keyblade" Why would he make the distinction, and why would Maleficent be shocked if the Soul Eater already WAS a keyblade? The whole point of Riku taking Sora's keyblade back was that he DIDN'T have a keyblade
Soul Eater isn't a keyblade Time flows differently in each world
Like, better than I could have hoped
It's because of stuff like this people believe obvious fake screens
maybe on PC
the FMVs are ridiculously uncompressed to ensure it looks high quality. like we're talking leaving it an avi levels fo non-compression combine that with 1080p or higher size, and we're talking about an unnecessarily huge file. That's what happened in FF13
after posting I realized a more likely scenario it probably has something to do with the special keyblade they're seeking in KH3
My guess is it's building to a reveal that Sora's keyblade and Xehanort's keyblade have been locked in an eternal conflict, or some such
the way Braig does that gesture implies to me that he's referring to someone in the room
so this whole time Sora was wrong when Xemnas said that Kingdom Hearts was created from hearts burning with anger He was telling the truth
honestly saw it coming the moment they started hyping up that all the classic villains would be in it that and when they started describing young Bruce Wayne as unpleasant
okay so wait at this point, the Organization is reappearing, and Braig is taking one of them with him. YMX sounds like he's about to say Saix... but could this be revealing another new Xehanort?
The length and depth of a game basically ahs no bearing on the space of a game at this point. The bulk of the space needed is going to come down to the quality of the textures, and the absurdly high res FMVs