yes but you're not allowed to say that if it's not mainstream
so apparently there are no display options, and the game crashes a lot
well it won't be pixar quality in terms of pure graphics, nothing is powerful enough for that yet in terms of aesthetically looking like Pixar? Sonic did that years ago if they wanted to make KH look like that, they would have
Eraqus, you sly dog
Xehanort brings out his keyblade armour only to be sucked into a jet turbine
they'd better put Edna Mode in there somewhere then
171 I actually find it hilarious that the only major character I missed was Xion such a great character
"He's my best friend!" "Aw it's okay..."
so few regrets
it's the FMVs FF13 has so many and they're probably all avi quality I wouldn't be surprised if they're bigger than 1080p, too
I think country town fits it perfectly it's supposed to be a sleepy little burg
interesting I think they improved on the original significantly
he uses the same voice as in Re:Coded, if that helps
Hey look, we can finally put to rest that weird idea that Haley can't do Sora's voice anymore, and acknowlegde that his voice in DDD was him trying to sound younger Well two things first off, English text barely takes up any space at all. Think about a text document, even with huge amounts of text they don't get very big On the data thing, it's because removing things can have a major impact on the rest of the data in unforseen ways, so it's far safer to just leave the unused data in, only going out of your way to remove it if it's a space issue (and even then that tends to be dealt with by replacing the existing files with dummy files)
we've got the real deal now thought it might be interesting to have a comparison
it just randomly sprouts after he beats Xehanort ...
looks like some bss songs got remade after all!
There has never been anything that says that another weapon is required to make a keyblade. It simply makes for a more striking visual to have an innocuous weapon transform into an elaborate key (though in the case of Roxas, it looks like the struggle bat itself was transformed into a digital keyblade, it's also worth noting he uses a stick to accomplish the same thing later on, so if anything the use of another weapon is simply to get the character in the correct mind set) But here's the thing, there's no transformation going on. Riku still has Soul Eater, again, he summons it in DDD. So even if another weapon is required to summon a keyblade, this would suggest that said weapon could be anything, and is merely replaced by the keyblade, not lost
I can't see Disney telling Square to censor their own properties What's more likely is that keeping that stuff in would make KH2 T rated, which they didn't want