this feels beyond niche, going by the feature listed and the general ambiguity of what they want to accomplish with this software
I'm so disappointed by episode 5's ending. Everything else was such solid build up, and the devs hyped up how intense they were being with your choices mattering and well it's just an even worse version of ME3's endng
Well honestly unliek the other Boom incarnations this Shadow is basically identical to the Shadow they had post-Colours. And he reminds me more of Vegeta, honestly. The difference is Sega get to decide the direction of the Sonic franchise, while Dragon Ball has an actual individual owner
but Sega ok'd it
5:01 this time it's canon
but I'll be too busy playing it :P
recently the admin of KH13 apologized for everything, so I've been giving that another shot. It's much more active, and there's a lot for KH...
I just really don't have much of a reason to visit this site anymore, it's so dead
The new Korra game came out it's alright (non-commentary version available)
I believe they call that poaching
yeah in my experience muffled voices are what happens when something gets recorded in stereo but thinks it's surround sound
or his nukes
looked neat
because people bought in tot he overhype
Smahs Bros was rushed, HW is jsut another DW, Child of Light was unfinished, Bravely Default has an awful second half positivity!
well bayonetta 2 is apparently really good
think of me as hatok then
I dunno
online will die down but... it's not like any previous Smash Bros needed online to last Though the lack fo singleplayer might do that anyways, since Smash Run is really jsut a novelty, and besides that you just multi-man classic and allstar in terms of fighting (and a meh version of target smash, an home run being the same as ever) this is THE most grindy smash bros, just to warn