Me- Did I say something wrong?
Me- You, uncomfortable...impossible *gets closer to her* If anyone is uncomfortable, it's me
Me- Nah, that's not it. I just want to spend some time with you, away from the others
Me- Hehe *slows down to fly beside Kim*
Me- *still out of sight of Windy and Rosey I pass by Kim, giving her a quick kiss as I do*
Doc 1- I know you hate waiting, but please stay here ok Charisa- I am surprised too
Doc 1- Wait here of course, keep watch on CR who hasn't woken up yet Charisa- *follows Dracon*
Charisa- I guess a trip to the dining hall is in order
Doc 1- Looks like I underestimated things...
Doc 1- Rest is the best thing for them at this point, just keep watch over them
Doc 1- Yes...unfortunately, it will be a while before their essence restores
Doc 1- They have taken quite a bit of damage, not only to their bodies, but their essence, their life force
Doc 1- If you are worried about them and Kohaku, he did nothing to them. I was watching them the whole time
Charisa- He wouldn't do that...
Charisa- What are you thinking Dracon?
Charisa- This has me worried...
Charisa- Same with CR...but other than that they seem to be unresponsive
Charisa- *checks over me*
Me- We'll have all the time to spend together later, we should catch up with the others now
Charisa- Should we check over these two ourselves?