Me- *looks down at the back of my left hand* You two are in for a little surprise
Me- It just seems to be something within me
Charisa- They always do, why even ask that... Me- Yeah Dracon...
Me- My nice training session ended to abruptly Charisa- Well no wasted your essence, almost killing yourself fool
Me- Of course I'm grumpy... Charisa- And they call me the hotheaded one...
Me- Good, I'm hungry, and no pouring water on my tail...I can turn that on you Charisa
Me- Don't make me burn you Dracon... Charisa- If you do that I will pour water on your tail
Me- We shall see about that
Charisa- You sly dragon you Me- *slightly awake from the talking* Get a room...
Me- Then prove yourselves
Charisa- Oh stop, you'll make me blush
Me- Test huh *smiles*
Charisa- I'm afraid I'm not even close...
Charisa- It would, possibly decades
Charisa- Yes, it may be hard to do, but it can be done
Charisa- Yes, that's it
Charisa- It's the three aspects of ones being, and the entities associated with that aspect. The dragon aspect of power, also body, the vampire...
Me- What...just ...happened?
Charisa- It's all or nothing with him...foolishness is not bravery... *she brings out some paper and draws 3 triangles, placing a dragon in one, a...
Charisa- Exactly, he keeps using the dragon's aspect of power, but he doesn't use it wisely