Charisa- Have you noticed that Legna always thinks of the best strategies, thats why
Legna- *the process completes and Legna opens his eyes* Charisa- *takes a last look at the triangles* Well, this is interesting indeed, but it...
Me- Lets let Legna finish first, Charisa is training him now remember, don't want to interrupt Charisa- *starts to take notice which triangle...
Charisa- *watches as golden energy flows from Legna into the drawn triangles*
Charisa- You are here to watch, you are too ansy to do this...I would have to sedate you first Me- Whoa...harsh Legna- *tunes everyone out as he...
Me- You got that right Charisa- *draws three triangles on the floor around Legna, a drawing of a dragon, a wolf and a vampire reside in them* We...
Me- Trying to learn something from them Joe? Charisa- Now then, there is a secret to unleashing untold power from these 3 attributes, and it all...
Charisa- The dragon, top of the three, wielder of strength. The Vampire, bottom left, wielder of knowledge. The Wolf, bottom right, wielder of...
Charisa- Anyway, we should get started Legna Legna- Of course
Charisa- That's the point...
Me- *stands there waiting, taking a quick peek into the future with a time portal*
Charisa- *sigh* And then Joe chimes in... Legna- Tell me about it, he's the worst when it comes to that sort of thing
Me- *finds myself taking a look as well*
Charisa- This should be good if you can learn about all aspects Legna- Yami won't stand a chance Charisa- Keep it down will ya... Legna- Sorry......
Charisa- Lets get going to the Training Room then Legna- Yes, of course
Me- *stretches out my wings a bit* Alright Kim, just be quick
Legna- I guess so, just try to stay out of the way, I don't want to hurt you if I misfire or something
Me- I told should really watch where you go
Me- Ummm...Kim, wouldn't you want to wait on this store till know
Charisa- I have no really depends how attuned into the aspects he is