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  1. SmashFan127
    Name: Travis Touchdown
    Description: A 27-year-old American beamswordsman from Santa Destroy, California, Travis specializes as a mercenary as well, even able to pro-wrestling moves with the mixture of his beam katana. Travis is also an otaku, and has a pet kitten named Jeane.
    Occupation: Otaku/Civilian/Mercenary
    Series Character is from: No More Heroes
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SmashFan127
  3. SmashFan127
  4. SmashFan127
  5. SmashFan127
    And I have added a page for Jack Cayman on the Wiki. Consider it a WIP, because I am not too familiar with wiki editing.
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 19, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SmashFan127
    The commentary from the game's announcers, were hilarious, the fighting was very intense with blood, the style of art was awesome, some characters are memorable, like Jack Cayman, or the Black Baron.

    It was worth it, despite being very violent.
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 18, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. SmashFan127

    Guess what...

    Several months ago, I got a game for the Wii.

    Today, I beat that game.

    And you know what the name of the game is?


    You know, the game with this badass...
    Thread by: SmashFan127, May 18, 2013, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. SmashFan127
    -Tokyo Streets-

    Janus thought about this. Who would have thought that vampires existed, if these people were not lying? But what was the consequence for losing? He'd hate to do it, but he was going to rely on his new employers. "Fine then. Let's see if you hold up to your word."

    "B-Boss, are you kidding?! We just got here!"

    Janus just eyed Dario. "You blokes looking for the coward's way out? Think about it: This is new stuff for us, even if it involves our usual activities. You'd better get used to it!"

    -Somewhere else on the streets-

    As the blue knight held Gramzanber in his right hand, he looked around for any sign of Philip. "It seems the target is hiding somewhere if he is not here..."
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 18, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SmashFan127
  10. SmashFan127
    "Kill?! There's gotta be a reaso-!"
    Janus simply punched Romero in the face, shutting him up as Dario grimaced. "And what is the reward?"
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. SmashFan127
    But I just got Virtual Box on my PC to emulate Windows 98. The reason I am doing this is to help with programming custom PlayStation 1 games.
    Thread by: SmashFan127, May 16, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. SmashFan127
    Updated the first post to include a cutout of Fake Crash in CTR: Crash Team Racing.
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 16, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. SmashFan127
    Basically, I'm taking characters from something that ISN'T Trigun/WA....stuff like that.
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SmashFan127
    Can't believe I am doing this, but....


    Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SmashFan127
  16. SmashFan127
  17. SmashFan127

    The Chaser turned to Phil, who asked what his name was. "It's Jack."

    -Tokyo Streets-

    Janus turned around. Two men, one bearded, and one blond, ran up carrying luggage bags.​
    "Took you blokes long enough. Here's the rundown: We came to Japan to find jobs, and not usual ones at that. We are going to have to defend ourselves at ALL TIMES. Got it?"
    The men nodded.​
    "Good. Dario, shut your fly! Be a man, Romero! Time to find some work!"
    (OOC: If anyone would like to interact with the gang on the streets, that would be fine.)​
    Post by: SmashFan127, May 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SmashFan127
  19. SmashFan127

    I still have to fix this, but....

    Dunno if any of you extract models from games, but I would like help on connecting two sides of the same model.
    Thread by: SmashFan127, May 14, 2013, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. SmashFan127